
    Evaluation index system and empirical analysis of rural revitalization level

    • 摘要: 乡村振兴战略是新时代做好"三农"工作的总抓手,对乡村振兴水平进行评价是保证乡村振兴战略稳步推进和乡村振兴效果的前提。因此,建立一套科学合理的乡村振兴水平评价指标体系,对于乡村振兴水平的监测评价具有重要意义。该研究通过对文献中评价指标的统计分析,采用频数分析法并结合专家咨询以及实地调研等方式,围绕着"产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕"5个方面提出乡村振兴水平的评价指标体系。并对山东省肥城市安庄镇、王庄镇、桃园镇、汶阳镇、孙伯镇5个乡镇进行实证研究,乡村振兴水平评价的各评价指标权重根据层次分析法与德尔菲法进行确定,采用综合评价法建立了乡村振兴水平评价模型并计算其乡村振兴水平。安庄镇、王庄镇、桃园镇、汶阳镇以及孙伯镇的乡村振兴水平指数分别为0.850 7、0.848 8、0.844 2、0.811 2和0.781 0。总体来说,安庄镇、王庄镇、桃园镇、汶阳镇的乡村振兴水平较好,孙伯镇的乡村振兴有水平略低于以上4个乡镇。在乡村振兴战略实施的背景下,乡村振兴水平评价指标及评价模型的研究不仅对科学地度量乡村振兴的发展水平,也对乡村振兴水平进行监测预警及纠偏有着重要的意义,对于乡村振兴战略的顺利实施与稳步推进具有积极的促进作用。


      Abstract: Rural revitalization strategy is a hot topic in China. How to ensure the steady advancement of rural revitalization strategy and its effect of rural revitalization needs to evaluate the level of rural revitalization. Therefore, Construction of a scientific and reasonable evaluation index system for rural rejuvenation level is of great significance for the monitoring and evaluation of rural rejuvenation level. This study uses five aspects indexes of prosperity of industry, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance, and wealthy life to construct a evaluation index system of rural revitalization level based on statistical analysis of the evaluation indexes in the literature and frequency analysis, combined with expert consultation and field surveys, and the indexes are comprehensive grain production capacity; agricultural science and technology progress contribution rate; agricultural labor productivity; proportion of agricultural mechanization; level of agricultural informatization; village green coverage; waste treatment rate; rural sanitary toilet penetration rate; days of air quality compliance;percentage of expenditure on education, culture and entertainment of rural residents; average years of education of rural population; proportion of full-time teachers with bachelor degree or above in primary and secondary schools; village affairs open rate; rural gini coefficient; rural governance villager participation rate; income ratio of urban and rural residents; engel coefficient of rural residents; and per capita disposable income of rural residents. An empirical study is carried out with 5 towns (Anzhuang, Wangzhuang, Taoyuan, Wenyang and Sunbo) in Feicheng City, Shandong Province. The weight of each evaluation index for the evaluation of the rural revitalization level of each township is determined based on the analytic hierarchy process and Delphi method. A comprehensive evaluation method is used to establish an evaluation model of rural revitalization level and calculate the rural revival level index of each township. The rural revitalization index of Anzhuang Town, Wangzhuang Town, Taoyuan Town, Wenyang Town and Sunbo Town are 0.850 7, 0.848 8, 0.844 2, 0.811 2, 0.781 0 respectively. Anzhuang Town, Wangzhuang Town, Taoyuan Town, and Wenyang Town have a relatively high level of rural revitalization. The rural revitalization level of Sunbo Town is lower than the above 4 towns and needs to be improved. In the context of the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, the research on the evaluation indexes and models of rural revitalization level is not only important for scientifically measuring the level of rural revitalization, but also for monitoring and early warning and correcting the level of rural revitalization, and it would play a positive role to promote the implementation of strategy.


