苗荣慧, 杨华, 武锦龙, 刘昊宇. 基于图像分块及重构的菠菜重叠叶片与杂草识别[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(4): 178-184. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.021
    引用本文: 苗荣慧, 杨华, 武锦龙, 刘昊宇. 基于图像分块及重构的菠菜重叠叶片与杂草识别[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(4): 178-184. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.021
    Miao Ronghui, Yang Hua, Wu Jinlong, Liu Haoyu. Weed identification of overlapping spinach leaves based on image sub-block and reconstruction[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(4): 178-184. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.021
    Citation: Miao Ronghui, Yang Hua, Wu Jinlong, Liu Haoyu. Weed identification of overlapping spinach leaves based on image sub-block and reconstruction[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(4): 178-184. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.021


    Weed identification of overlapping spinach leaves based on image sub-block and reconstruction

    • 摘要: 针对重叠叶片在识别过程中存在识别率低、形状特征失效等问题,本研究提出一种基于图像分块及重构的方法,实现菠菜重叠叶片杂草识别。采用超绿模型将菠菜RGB图像进行灰度化得到绿色植被前景图像。针对重叠叶片形状特征失效问题,采用图像分块方式得到不同大小的图像块,并提取图像块中作物和杂草的颜色特征、局部二值模式(local binary pattern,LBP)纹理特征、分形盒维数共78维特征,构造支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)分类器完成图像块的分类识别。本研究提出图像块边缘扩充和投票窗口机制得到重构图实现图像块分类结果可视化。试验结果表明,本研究提出的方法平均识别率达到83.78%,高于K最近邻法(K-Nearest neighbor,KNN)、决策树法等,可以实现重叠叶片的杂草识别,从而为智能除草机的研制提供理论依据。


      Abstract: Abstract: It is of great significance to explore a weed identification method for overlapping leaves to realize precision pesticide spraying, and improve crop yield and reduce environmental pollution. In view of the problems of low recognition rate and invalid shape features for overlapping leaves, a method based on image sub-block and reconstruction was proposed to realize weed identification for spinach. In this paper, the experimental images were taken from the agricultural field of Shanxi agricultural university in October to November 2018, and the growth cycle of the spinach was 21-36 d. A total of 55 images with overlapping areas of spinach and weed were collected, and the image resolution was 4 608×3 456. Firstly, since the experimental images included soil and green vegetation, with the great color differences between the two, the green vegetation should be extracted from the soil background. Two ultra-green models of and were selected to achieve RGB (red, green, blue) images gray-scale of spinach, which were both effective methods to distinguish green vegetation from the background. Then, the iterative threshold segmentation was selected to obtain the green vegetation foreground image, and the holes were filled with the morphology method. Aiming at the failure of shape features for overlapping leaves, fully used the local information advantages of crops and weeds and significantly improved the accuracy of weed recognition, this paper segmented the image into different sizes of sub-blocks, and extracted the features from each sub-block separately, to achieve the purpose of weed recognition. In order to enhance the robustness of image blocks, the divided blocks should be of the same size and have overlapping regions, and then we explored the optimal sub-block size acquisition method to balance the contradiction between recognition time and accuracy. After segmentation, each sub-block image was labeled manually, and the labels had three categories: the black background was labeled as 0, the spinach was labeled as 1, and the weed leaf was labeled as 2. Considering the differences of texture and color features between crops and weeds, 9-dimensional color features of H (hue), S (saturation) and V (value) components based on HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space was obtained; 59-dimensional texture features based on local binary patterns (LBP) algorithm was extracted from each sub-block; 10-dimensional vein features based on fractal box dimensions method was extracted. Thus, a total of 78-dimensional feature vectors was obtained, which can provide favorable experimental data for training and testing the recognition model. After screening, 15 images with prominent overlapping leaves were selected, and each image was expanded into 225 image blocks, so the feature vectors were 3 375×78, then the data used for recognition were 2 026×78 after removing the background image blocks. Finally, a support vector machine (SVM) classifier was constructed for classification and recognition. Cross-validation (CV) was used to evaluate the performance of the classifier, namely the sub-image blocks generated by one image were used as verification sets, and the remaining sub-image blocks were used as training sets. In order to realize the visualization of image sub-blocks, this paper reconstructed the results by image sub-block edge expansion method and voting window mechanism, since the overlap rate of the original image sub-block is 50%, the original N×N image sub-blocks with overlapping regions can be constructed into the (N+1)×(N+1) image without overlapping regions. The experimental results show that the average recognition rate of the proposed method was 83.78%, which is higher than K-Nearest neighbor (KNN), decision tree, naive Bayesian model and ensemble learning algorithm of Adaboost. This study can realize weed identification with overlapping leaves, thus providing a theoretical basis for the development of intelligent lawnmower.


