张宇雷, 倪琦, 刘晃, 张成林. 挪威大西洋鲑鱼工业化养殖现状及对中国的启示[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(8): 310-315. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.08.037
    引用本文: 张宇雷, 倪琦, 刘晃, 张成林. 挪威大西洋鲑鱼工业化养殖现状及对中国的启示[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(8): 310-315. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.08.037
    Zhang Yulei, Ni Qi, Liu Huang, Zhang Chenglin. Status quo of industrialized aquaculture of Atlantic salmon in Norway and its implications for China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(8): 310-315. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.08.037
    Citation: Zhang Yulei, Ni Qi, Liu Huang, Zhang Chenglin. Status quo of industrialized aquaculture of Atlantic salmon in Norway and its implications for China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(8): 310-315. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.08.037


    Status quo of industrialized aquaculture of Atlantic salmon in Norway and its implications for China

    • 摘要: 挪威大西洋鲑鱼养殖起步于20世纪60年代,通过建立养殖许可证、最大生物许可量、环境信号灯等制度和规则,经过将近60 a的发展,目前已跃居成为全球大西洋鲑鱼第一大主产国。统计结果显示,2018年挪威养殖大西洋鲑鱼出口量110万t,出口额82.3亿美元;总销售量中Salmar、Cermaq、Marine Harvest等十大养殖企业占比63.9%;全国海上养殖场数量共986个,繁育和养殖从业人员共7499人。挪威大西洋鲑鱼养殖是陆海接力工业化生产的典型代表。从亲本产卵到规格苗种培育阶段主要采用循环水方式在陆基工厂化养殖车间内完成,然后转运至海上养殖场利用深水网箱进行养成。随着近岸水质和气候环境的变化以及对生产作业和管理更高的要求,挪威大西洋鲑养殖业正经历着从开放式网箱养殖向封闭式网箱、从近岸养殖朝深远海养殖发展的阶段。中国海水鱼养殖产业存在产业组织化程度低、养殖品种多样化、主养模式与产业技术亟待升级等问题。借鉴挪威大西洋鲑鱼养殖产业发展中碰到的问题和采取的对策,提出中国海水鱼养殖业发展应提高行业准入门槛,加强过程监督和环境影响评估;尽快建立针对不同养殖品种的市场发展策略,加快渔业结构升级转型;引进水产苗种工业化繁育技术体系;拓展深远海,建立陆海统筹的养殖新模式等建议。


      Abstract: Atlantic salmon is one of aquaculture species with the largest production by value around the world according to the data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The production of Atlantic salmon began from 1960s in Norway. After about 60 years, current Norway has become a leading country in salmon farming worldwide, and held various regulation including farming license, the maximum allowed biomass (MAB), traffic lights. The paper aims to systematically review the important advancements in the production of Atlantic salmon in Norway, and make recommendations for future development of Chinese aquaculture industry. According to the statistics number published by FAO, Norway produced 123.4 million tons of slaughtered Atlantic salmon in 2017, accounting for about 54.9% of production volume in world total, and 61.635 billion NOK by value. 10 global companies, including Salmar, Cermaq, and Marine Harvest, have produced 63.9% of the Norwegian production of Atlantic salmon. According to the prediction from Norsk Industry Alliance, the Norwegian Atlantic salmon production will achieve over 200 billion NOK in 2030, and 300 billion NOK in 2050, by solving the problems of sea lice, escaped fish and recycle of fish feces. In 2017, there were 986 sea farming sites, and 7499 employees working on salmon farming in Norway. A typical procedure of land-ocean relay farming mode can be found in Norwegian salmon raising. During the first year, fish eggs are fertilized, and then the fishes can grow to 100 grams in land-based freshwater supported by a recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) facility. Subsequently, the fishes are transferred to sea farming sites, where they will be raised to about 4~5 kg per fish in the sea cage. In each sea site, there are normally 6~10 sea cages with the diameter of 50~200 m and the depth of 20~50 m, indicating the high-density culture of 25 kg/m3 when harvesting. Finally, one floating platform that people can live on can be set near the sea cages, to monitor the sea water quality and fish behavior in real time. Commercial working ship can also provide essential services to farmers, such as fish harvesting, fish transfer, and net cleaning. In order to protect the ecological environment of sea fields, the regulation that approved by Norwegian government requires: 1) the distance between sea sites must be larger than 1 km, 2) the distance between sea site and land-based raising facility must be larger than 3 km, and 3) the farming period cannot be longer than two years. With the deterioration of global warming and inshore water quality, it is demanding for more and more operation and management in salmon production. Norwegian salmon farming is now changing from open net cages to closed containment system, from inshore to offshore. In China, sea fish production began at 1980s for 40 years, and the technology and whole industry chain have been fast developed. The total production of sea fish has achieved 1400 kt with the total value of 65~70 billion Yuan in 2018. Compared with Norwegian production of Atlantic salmon, there are some big challenges for China's to achieve high efficiency of enterprise organization, much more variety of fish species and promising faming mode. In this broad overview of Norwegian Atlantic salmon industry, some recommendations can be made for the future aquaculture industry in China. Four suggestions are: 1) To improve access requirements of fish farming, and strengthen process supervision and environmental assessment; 2) to set different development strategy for different species; 3) to introduce advanced system of fish fry production; 4) to accelerate the research on offshore farming facility and land-sea faming mode.


