苏康传, 杨庆媛, 张忠训, 毕国华. 中国耕地差异化休耕模式及技术措施探讨[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(9): 283-291. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.032
    引用本文: 苏康传, 杨庆媛, 张忠训, 毕国华. 中国耕地差异化休耕模式及技术措施探讨[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(9): 283-291. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.032
    Su Kangchuan, Yang Qingyuan, Zhang Zhongxun, Bi Guohua. Investigation of differential fallow patterns and technical measures for cultivated land in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(9): 283-291. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.032
    Citation: Su Kangchuan, Yang Qingyuan, Zhang Zhongxun, Bi Guohua. Investigation of differential fallow patterns and technical measures for cultivated land in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(9): 283-291. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.032


    Investigation of differential fallow patterns and technical measures for cultivated land in China

    • 摘要: 耕地休耕模式是实行耕地休耕制度的重要组成部分,探索差异化的休耕模式对中国全面实施耕地休耕制度具有重要意义。该研究运用文献研究法、归纳总结法、系统分析法及案例分析法等,结合中国耕地休耕主要试点区实地调研资料及数据,总结、提炼差异化耕地休耕模式。结果表明:中国耕地休耕模式设计应充分考虑制度主体、制度客体及制度环境等因素的影响,从模式内涵、模式适用区域、典型案例区及主要休耕技术措施等进行设计。中国耕地差异化休耕模式主要有地下水漏斗区节水保水型休耕模式、土地污染区清洁去污型休耕模式、生态严重退化区生态修复型休耕模式、耕作过度集约化区耕地地力保护型休耕模式及耕地撂荒严重区的"流转+休耕"模式。差异化休耕模式涉及的主要技术措施包括休耕时长安排、培肥技术、休耕地翻耕技术及休耕试验示范技术等。当前中国休耕时长安排主要有季节性休耕、长期休耕及短期休耕3类;休耕培肥技术主要有少耕肥豆轮作、免耕过腹还田、免耕净种绿肥、免耕肥草间套种、秸秆还田、增施有机肥(腐熟农家肥)及上述多种方式混合形成的技术措施;休耕地翻耕技术主要有深松浅翻、深翻晒垡、旋耕保墒等;休耕试验示范技术主要包括休耕绿肥品种筛选试验、休耕时长试验、土壤指标测定试验、休耕对比示范等,并以甘肃省环县为案例对休耕模式技术措施进行分析,可为中国全面开展耕地休耕提供案例参考和技术支撑。


      Abstract: Abstract: Cultivated land fallow pattern is an important part for the implementation of the arable land fallow system. Therefore, it is necessary to explore different fallow patterns for the fully utilization of farmlands in China. This paper aims to refine the differentiated fallow pattern of cultivated land using literature analysis and case studies, together with field data collected from the main pilot areas of cultivated land fallow in China. Results showed that: 1) the pattern design of cultivated land fallow depends on three factors, including system subject, system object and system environment, in the specific land fallow system. The guideline of pattern design can be based on the principle of available local conditions, food security, the trinity of social, economic and ecological benefits, and the main standard of "rest, maintain and utilization" for fallow land. In pattern design of differentiated cultivated land fallow, the main contents include the pattern definitions, pattern categories, applicable areas, case areas of pattern, and typical fallow technical measures. 2) Five fallow patterns of cultivated land in China mainly are: fallow pattern of water-saving and retention in the groundwater funnel area, fallow pattern of clean decontamination in the land pollution area, fallow pattern types of ecological restoration in the ecologically degraded area, productivity conservation of cultivated land in highly intensive cultivation area, and the pattern of "transfer + fallow" in the seriously abandoned area of cultivated land. 3) Technical measures of fallow patterns are related to fallow time, fallow cultivation and fertilization, fallow tillage, fallow experiment and demonstration fields. The fallow time of pattern design can be divided long-term, short-term and seasonal fallow. The fallow fertilization of patterns consists of no-till net green manure, less tillage with green manure and bean rotation, no-tillage green manure mixed with grass, no tillage manure returned to the field, straw returning, and organic fertilizer (fertilized farmyard manure), and mixing with the above various ways. The fallow tillage mainly includes crushing and returning green manure to the field, fallow shallowing, deep turning and drying, and rotary tillage, and other related technical systems. The fallow patterns of experiment and demonstration fields include a variety of screening test, fallow time test, determination test of soil index, and comparison test between fallow and uncultivated farmland. 4) The typical fallow experimental demonstration fields in Huanxian county, Gansu Province, can be expected to popularize in different fallow areas of China.


