王在满, 裴娟, 何杰, 张明华, 杨文武, 罗锡文. 水稻精量穴直播机播量监测系统研制[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(10): 9-16. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.10.002
    引用本文: 王在满, 裴娟, 何杰, 张明华, 杨文武, 罗锡文. 水稻精量穴直播机播量监测系统研制[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(10): 9-16. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.10.002
    Wang Zaiman, Pei Juan, He Jie, Zhang Minghua, Yang Wenwu, Luo Xiwen. Development of the sowing rate monitoring system for precision rice hill-drop drilling machine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(10): 9-16. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.10.002
    Citation: Wang Zaiman, Pei Juan, He Jie, Zhang Minghua, Yang Wenwu, Luo Xiwen. Development of the sowing rate monitoring system for precision rice hill-drop drilling machine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(10): 9-16. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.10.002


    Development of the sowing rate monitoring system for precision rice hill-drop drilling machine

    • 摘要: 播种量是水稻精量穴直播机的关键技术参数。为了实时监测水稻精量穴直播机的播种量,提高播种作业性能,该文以环形布置安装于排种管的面源式光电传感器为主要监测元件,设计了水稻精量穴直播机播量监测系统。根据型孔式排种器结构与工作原理,确定了面源式光电传感器和旋转编码器的安装方式。采用高速摄像技术建立了水稻种子流通过监测区时种子数量与脉冲宽度之间的数学模型;通过时间分割节点得到穴粒数监测时间窗口,根据监测时间窗口内的脉冲宽度信息得到每穴播种粒数。选用南粳46和象牙香占2种具有代表性的水稻品种,对水稻精量穴直播机播量监测系统进行试验,将人工统计数据与监测系统统计数据进行对比分析,台架试验结果表明:对于南粳46(短粒型品种),平均穴粒数监测误差不超过7.99%,穴数监测误差不超过6.07%;对于象牙香占(长粒型品种),平均穴粒数监测误差不超过24.07%,穴数监测误差不超过5.66%。该系统基本满足不同工作转速下不同粒型的水稻播种量实时监测要求,可为后期实现水稻精量穴直播机大田作业参数监测提供了参考。


      Abstract: Precision seeding technology is one of the important technologies to realize cost saving and efficiency increasing in large-scale production. Precision direct seeding of rice has gradually become the main research direction of rice light and simplified planting. The real-time sowing monitoring system has an important contribution to improve the sowing quality of direct seeding machine, and can provide important support for the research and development of sowing rate real-time adjustment, real-time reseeding and the seeding evaluation quality system of rice precision direct seeding machine. At present, the methods of seeding monitoring are photoelectric-based, image-based and capacitance-based. However, image processing technology requires special equipment with high cost, and cameras are easy to be interfered by external light. For the capacitance-based method, when multiple small seeds fall simultaneously, the monitoring performance is not accurate enough. In order to monitor the sowing rate of precision rice hill-drop drilling machine in real time, in this paper, the surface-type photoelectric sensor installed in the seeding tube is used as the main monitoring element to design the monitoring system of precision rice hill-drop drilling machine. According to the structure and working principle of seed metering device, the installation modes of photoelectric sensor and rotary encoder are determined. In this system, the seeds flow in the seeding tube is taken as the research object. When the rice seeds pass through the photoelectric sensor monitoring area, it will cause the change of infrared beam intensity, which will lead to the change of photoresist voltage. The pulse signal from the photoelectric sensor is used as the time sequence to capture the interruption source, and then the monitored time sequence of rice seeds flow is obtained. The time division node is obtained by the synchronous monitoring of the seed metering time series and the rotation speed of the seed metering device. Based on the two adjacent time dividing nodes, the detecting time window of the seeds number per hill is obtained, each time window corresponds to one hill. The pulse width time of the rice seeds output in the monitoring time window is analyzed to get the seeds number per hill. Compared and analyzed the manual statistical data with the monitoring system statistical data, the test results show that the rotation speed of the seed metering device has a great influence on the monitoring accuracy of the average seeds number per hill, the variation coefficient of the monitored value of the average seeds number per hill grows up with the increase of the rotation speed of the seed metering device. When the rotation speed of seed metering device is 25-65 r/min, the relative error of seeds number per hill is less than 7.99% for Nanjing 46 (short grain variety), the monitoring errors of the number of hills is less than 6.07%; the relative errors of seeds number per hill is less than 24.07% for Xiangyaxiangzhan (long grain variety), the monitoring errors of the number of hills is less than 5.66%. The test results show that sowing rate monitoring system is applicable to different varieties of seed and has good detection accuracy, which can provide reference for improving the operation quality of precision rice direct seeder.


