胡晓辉, 高子星, 马永博, 薛建康, 谢志龙, 李雪, 张林阳, 王君正, 马雪强, 屈锋, 张佼. 基于产量品质及水肥利用率的袋培辣椒水肥耦合方案[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(17): 81-89. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.010
    引用本文: 胡晓辉, 高子星, 马永博, 薛建康, 谢志龙, 李雪, 张林阳, 王君正, 马雪强, 屈锋, 张佼. 基于产量品质及水肥利用率的袋培辣椒水肥耦合方案[J]. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(17): 81-89. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.010
    Hu Xiaohui, Gao Zixing, Ma Yongbo, Xue Jiankang, Xie Zhilong, Li Xue, Zhang Linyang, Wang Junzheng, Ma Xueqiang, Qu Feng, Zhang Jiao. Coupling scheme of water and fertilizer based on yield, quality, use efficiency of water and fertilizer in bag pepper growing[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(17): 81-89. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.010
    Citation: Hu Xiaohui, Gao Zixing, Ma Yongbo, Xue Jiankang, Xie Zhilong, Li Xue, Zhang Linyang, Wang Junzheng, Ma Xueqiang, Qu Feng, Zhang Jiao. Coupling scheme of water and fertilizer based on yield, quality, use efficiency of water and fertilizer in bag pepper growing[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(17): 81-89. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.010


    Coupling scheme of water and fertilizer based on yield, quality, use efficiency of water and fertilizer in bag pepper growing

    • 摘要: 为探究水肥耦合对袋培辣椒产量、果实品质、水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency,WUE)和肥料利用率(Fertilizer Use Efficiency,FUE)的影响,构建袋培辣椒水肥精准化管理模式,该研究以‘博陇(37-94)Bolon RZ F1’辣椒为对象,设3种灌溉水平(基质相对含水量70%~75%(W1)、55%~60%(W2)和40%~45%(W3))、3个营养液浓度水平(设置150%(F1)、100%(F2)、80%(F3)标准山崎辣椒营养液浓度)和2个营养液供应量(正常供应、减量供应(每次辣椒采收前6 d营养液减量40%供应))三因素耦合,共18个处理,分析各因子及其耦合效应,建立综合评价辣椒产量、WUE、FUE及果实综合品质的多目标优化模型,并利用遗传算法多目标优化法对该模型进行寻优。结果表明:灌溉量和营养液浓度单因子及其耦合效应均对辣椒产量、WUE和FUE有显著性影响,产量、WUE和FUE均随灌溉量和营养液浓度的增加先增加后降低;利用Topsis法对各处理的果实品质进行综合评价,营养液减量供应可在维持产量和WUE较高的基础上,显著提高辣椒果实综合品质和FUE;营养液减量供应下W2F2处理的辣椒产量、WUE和FUE最高,营养液减量供应下W2F1处理果实综合品质最好。遗传算法多目标优化法寻优表明营养液减量供应结合W2F2处理效果最佳。该试验条件下,高产优质的袋培辣椒水肥耦合方案为:通过灌溉将基质相对含水量控制在55%~60%,施用100%浓度的标准山崎辣椒营养液,且每次辣椒采收前6 d营养液减量40%供应。该模式下的辣椒产量达到87 930.52 kg/hm2,果实品质综合评价贴合度达到0.742,WUE和FUE分别达到41.14 kg/m3和38.83%,此结果可为辣椒高产优质且水肥科学管理提供指导依据。


      Abstract: This study aims to establish a precise management model of water and fertilizer, in order to clarify the coupling effect of water and fertilizer on yield, fruit quality, water use efficiency (WUE) and fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) for pepper planting in bag. Taking "Bolong (37-94) Bolon RZ F1" pepper as the test material, 18 coupling treatments were conducted, with three levels of irrigation (control the relative water content of substrate in 70%-75% (W1), 55%-60% (W2), and 40%-45% (W3)), three levels concentration of nutrient solution (set up 150% (F1: each plant supplies N-P2O5-K2O, 8.42-3.96-13.93 g), 100% (F2: each plant supplies N-P2O5-K2O, 7.41-3.48-12.26 g), 80% (F3: each plant supplies N-P2O5-K2O, 6.36-2.99-10.53 g) Yamazaki pepper nutrient solution formula), and two supply amounts of nutrient solution (regular supply; reduce supply, where six days before each harvest reduced 40% nutrient solution supply). Randomized block design was used in the whole experiment, which was repeated for three times, where each block was 7 m×1.2 m with 24 plants. Pepper seedlings with five leaves were transplanted into the matrix bag, with 60 cm row spacing and 30 cm plant spacing, on March 20, 2019, and uprooted on July 28, 2019. A handheld matrix moisture meter (HH150, Delta-T Devices LTD, UK) was used to determine the relative moisture content of matrix. The irrigation was carried out according to the measured data at 8:00 am every day, whereas, the frequency of nutrient solution supply was once every two days, as well as the water and fertilizer integrated drip irrigation system was used for water and fertilizer management. A multi-objective model of yield, comprehensive fruit quality, WUE and FUE was established, according to the obtained data of the factors and the coupling effects, and then to be optimized using the genetic algorithm. The results showed that the single factor of irrigation, nutrient solution concentration, and their coupling effect can pose a significant influence on the yield, WUE and FUE of pepper. Specifically, the yield, WUE and FUE all increased first, and then decreased with the increase of irrigation and nutrient solution concentration. A Topsis method was used for the comprehensive evaluation of fruit quality. The reduction of nutrient supply amount before pepper fruit harvest can maintain the higher yield and WUE, while significantly improve the quality of pepper fruit and FUE. The combined W2F2 treatment under a reduced supply of nutrient solution can achieved the largest yield, WUE and FUE, whereas, the W2F1 treatment under a reduced supply of nutrient solution has showed the optimal comprehensive evaluation of fruit quality. The optimal coupling scheme of water and fertilizer was obtained using the genetic algorithm multi-objective optimization method, where the combined W2F2 treatment under a reduction supply of nutrient solution was the best management model. The specific coupling scheme of water and fertilizer can achieved high yield and quality of pepper in bag: Irrigation according to the relative moisture content of substrate 55%-60%, applying 100% Yamazaki pepper nutrient solution formula, and six days before each harvest reduced 40% nutrient solution supply. The pepper yield can reach 87 930.52 kg/hm2, where the fitness of fruit quality comprehensive evaluation reached 0.749, the WUE and FUE were 41.14 kg/m3 and 38.83%, respectively. The findings can provide an insightful guidance for high yield and quality of pepper production, and further for the scientific management of water and fertilizer in pepper farming.


