郭雯雯, 黄生志, 赵静, 李紫妍, 黄强, 邓铭江. 渭河流域潜在蒸散发时空演变与驱动力量化分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(3): 81-89. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.03.010
    引用本文: 郭雯雯, 黄生志, 赵静, 李紫妍, 黄强, 邓铭江. 渭河流域潜在蒸散发时空演变与驱动力量化分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(3): 81-89. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.03.010
    Guo Wenwen, Huang Shengzhi, Zhao Jing, Li Ziyan, Huang Qiang, Deng Mingjiang. Spatio-temporal dynamics and driving forces of potential evapotranspiration in the Wei River Basin[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(3): 81-89. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.03.010
    Citation: Guo Wenwen, Huang Shengzhi, Zhao Jing, Li Ziyan, Huang Qiang, Deng Mingjiang. Spatio-temporal dynamics and driving forces of potential evapotranspiration in the Wei River Basin[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(3): 81-89. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.03.010


    Spatio-temporal dynamics and driving forces of potential evapotranspiration in the Wei River Basin

    • 摘要: 潜在蒸散发(ET0)是水文循环和能量循环的重要组成部分,揭示ET0的时空演变特征及其对气候变化的响应,有助于进一步了解变化环境下水循环演变机理。该研究利用渭河流域16个气象站1960-2019年的逐日气象资料,基于FAO-56 Penman-Monteith(FAO-56 PM)公式计算ET0,采用线性倾向估计、趋势检验和插值方法对其时空变化特征进行分析,并基于敏感性分析和贡献率定量识别影响ET0变化的主导因子。结果表明:1)年尺度上,渭河流域气压(0.04 kPa/10a)和平均气温(0.30 ℃/10a)呈显著上升趋势,风速(?0.05 m/(s·10a))和日照时数(?18.79 h/10a)呈显著下降趋势,相对湿度(?0.32%/10a)呈不显著下降趋势;2)年ET0以2.51 mm/10a的速率呈不显著上升趋势,除夏季外,其余季节ET0呈上升趋势,其中春季ET0呈显著上升趋势;空间上,年ET0自东北向西南递减,变化范围为763.49~954.32 mm;3)年ET0变化的主导因子为相对湿度与风速,贡献率分别为2.36和?2.32;季尺度上,春、秋季ET0变化的主导因子为相对湿度,夏季为日照时数,而冬季为风速。研究结果可为区域制定合理的作物需水灌溉政策及实现水资源高效利用提供依据。


      Abstract: Potential evapotranspiration (ET0) serves as an important part of the hydrological and energy cycle, particularly on the allocation and management of regional water resources, as well as hydrological processes. It is necessary to reveal the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of ET0 and its response to climate change, in order to further understand the evolution mechanism of the water cycle in changing environments. Taking the Wei River Basin (WRB) as the study case, an FAO-56 PM formula was used to extract the ET0 based on the daily meteorological data from 1960 to 2019 in 16 meteorological stations. The estimationof linear trend and interpolation was applied to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics. In addition, the sensitivity analysis and contribution rate were used to identify the dominant factors in ET0 variations. The results showed that: 1) On the annual scale, there was a significant upward trend in the pressure (0.04 kPa/10a) and average temperature (0.30 ℃/10a) of the WRB, whereas, a significant downward trend in the wind speed (-0.05 m/s/10a) and sunshine hours (-18.79 h/10a), and an insignificant downward trend in the relative humidity (-0.32%/10a). On the seasonal scale, the pressure and average temperature showed an upward trend in the four seasons, while there was a downward trend in the wind speed, the relative humidity in spring and autumn, and the sunshine hours except for spring. 2) The ET0 showed an insignificant increase at a rate of 2.51 mm/10a on the annual scale, accounting for 75%. Specifically, there was an upward trend in the annual ET0 of the Beiluo River and Jing River, whereas, a downward trend in that of the mainstream. On the seasonal scale, the ET0 showed an upward trend (except summer), where the ET0 in spring showed a significant upward trend. In addition, summer contributed the most to the annual ET0, accounting for 40.5%, while the winter ET0 contributed the least, only for 10.7%. Spatially, the annual ET0 decreased from the northeast to southwest with the range of 763.49-954.32 mm. The ET0 in the Beiluo River gradually decreased from south to north, whereas, the ET0 gradually increased in the Jing River from south to north, while in the mainstream from west to east. In the three seasons except for winter, the ET0 gradually increased from west to east. 3) On the annual scale, the ET0 of the whole WRB had a positive sensitivity coefficient to the average temperature (0.06), sunshine hours (0.21), and wind speed (0.16), while a negative sensitivity coefficient to the pressure (-0.19) and relative humidity (-0.81). The annual and seasonal ET0 of the WRB was the most sensitive to the relative humidity, followed by the sunshine hours and pressure, whereas, less sensitive to the wind speed and average temperature. The sensitivity analysis was combined with the relative change rate of factors to identify the dominant parameters affecting ET0 changes. On the annual scale, the dominant factors of ET0 variations were the relative humidity and wind speed, with contribution rates of 2.36 and -2.32 respectively. On the seasonal scale, the relative humidity dominated the variations of ET0 in spring and autumn, while the sunshine hours and wind speed dominatedin summer and winter. The findings can provide valuable information for the study of regional water balance in the Wei River Basin, thereby alleviating the contradiction between water supply and demand in the use and management of water resources.


