王传宇, 郭新宇, 温维亮, 吴升, 顾生浩. 基于玉米根系图像的表型指标获取方法[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(8): 169-176. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.019
    引用本文: 王传宇, 郭新宇, 温维亮, 吴升, 顾生浩. 基于玉米根系图像的表型指标获取方法[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(8): 169-176. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.019
    Wang Chuanyu, Guo Xinyu, Wen Weiliang, Wu Sheng, Gu Shenghao. Phenotyping index acquisition method based on maize root images[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(8): 169-176. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.019
    Citation: Wang Chuanyu, Guo Xinyu, Wen Weiliang, Wu Sheng, Gu Shenghao. Phenotyping index acquisition method based on maize root images[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(8): 169-176. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.019


    Phenotyping index acquisition method based on maize root images

    • 摘要: 为了快速获取玉米根系表型指标,该研究提出一种基于图像的高通量解决方案。系统整合一套简易可靠的根系图像获取硬件和自动化根系图像处理算法,首先在固定背景下获取玉米根系图像,通过标定物检出、背景分割算法得到根系目标前景图像,识别根系起始点并剪除冗余部分得到根系感兴趣区域后计算颜色、形状、空间分布3大类29个表型指标。应用该系统获取135个玉米自交系材料吐丝期根系图像和表型数据,其中根系分支角度指标与人工测量值回归分析的决定系数为0.85,验证了系统的精度和准确性。采用非监督聚类方法对135个自交系材料根系表型指标分类,获得3种根系形态类型,通过剖面图分析了各指标在分类中的作用以及不同类型根系的主要表型差异。该方法能够快速获取多个玉米根系表型指标,满足了大规模种质资源鉴定和商业化育种对表型数据的需求。


      Abstract: Abstract: Due to roots are hidden underground and require considerable effort to characterize, research on plant roots lags behind that of the aboveground organs. This study presented an image-based high-throughput root phenotyping system, which integrated a reliable and simple image acquisition unit and an automatic image analysis software. The hardware platform utilized a blue background cloth to simplify root image content, the tripod was placed in front of the background cloth with a disk marker pasted on its top, root sample bundles with the wishbone of the tripod using a fishing line. A camera (Canon EOS 5D Mark III) with a 28 mm focal length lens faced the background cloth and was focused on the root crown, with aperture-priority model and other settings remain default. Coupled with the optimized image acquisition using the hardware platform, segmentation of the root images from the background required only the Support Vector Machine (SVM) based on the pixel classifying method with a 15-dimensional eigenvector. The contour of a disk marker was roughly spherical, a circularity scoring evaluation function was used to distinguish other compositions according to thresholding of 0.85. Along the stem of the root image, when the width increased up to 1.5 times, the assumed root original point was found. Contaminated data was generated during the sampling process due to root vulnerability nature; a redundant root pruning method was introduced by circular covering beyond 90% of the root area. The root angle of branching was defined as the sum of left and right angles which was calculated by circular covering beyond 90% root area with a 10 cm radius. The convex hull of the root was a polygon, binarization of the root image was the connected domain, the exclusive-or produced gaps within the root region defined as "inner gap" or between the convex and connected domain defined as "gap". Root uniformity assessment was achieved by evaluating the distance between the center of gravity and the center of the min-enclosure circle of root image pixels. To explain the color difference of roots, introduced 6 channels of Hue Saturation Value (HSV) and Lab color spaces, and a Dark Green Color Index (DGCI) accounted for green degree difference between root images. The software platform was designed to quickly analyze the images acquired using the hardware platform and was to create a simple-to-use and robust program that batch processed a list containing root crown images and output a data file with the measures for each sample in a form convenient for data analysis. A total of 29 phenotyping indices were extracted from each input image, which was stored in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) text file. Segmented images as well as processed images on which visual depictions of the extracted features were drawn on the intermediate image. Multithread image processing and final phenotyping indices results were visualizations in the computational processing display area. Finally, 29 phenotyping indices of 135 maize inbred lines were available, the preliminary statistical was conducted to describe extreme value distribution. Phenotyping indices measuring accuracy were improved by root angle of branching correlative analysis method between manual measurement and automatic method in this platform, the coefficient of determination between two methods hit 0.85. An unsupervised clustering (K-means) method classified 135 maize inbred lines into 3 classifications, by the aid of a profile chart and root classed results could conclude that phenotyping indices in morphological characters, color features, and spatial arrangement played an important role in the identification of different types. The platform demonstrated in this study that made the high-throughput maize root phenotyping come to be true, with the help of further researches such as selecting a high nitrogen-use efficiency plant according to root phenotyping indices could be done.


