曲衍波, 展凌云, 平宗莉, 朱伟亚, 董晓珍, 张勇. 基于供需均衡的农村建设用地盘活利用潜力、类型与路径[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(8): 269-278. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.031
    引用本文: 曲衍波, 展凌云, 平宗莉, 朱伟亚, 董晓珍, 张勇. 基于供需均衡的农村建设用地盘活利用潜力、类型与路径[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(8): 269-278. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.031
    Qu Yanbo, Zhan Lingyun, Ping Zongli, Zhu Yawei, Dong Xiaozhen, Zhang Yong. Revitalization potential, type and path of rural construction land based on supply and demand balance[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(8): 269-278. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.031
    Citation: Qu Yanbo, Zhan Lingyun, Ping Zongli, Zhu Yawei, Dong Xiaozhen, Zhang Yong. Revitalization potential, type and path of rural construction land based on supply and demand balance[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(8): 269-278. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.031


    Revitalization potential, type and path of rural construction land based on supply and demand balance

    • 摘要: 乡村振兴和新型城镇化建设对建设用地双向需求,加快盘活和释放农村建设用地资源的潜在价值,对于缓解城乡发展用地供给不足和推动区域高质量发展具有重要现实意义。该研究以供需平衡理论为基础,测算山东省县域尺度下农村建设用地盘活利用潜力与城乡发展用地需求,识别农村建设用地盘活利用类型,提出农村建设用地盘活利用潜力分配与释放路径。研究表明:1)山东省农村建设用地盘活潜力约24.9万hm2,其中闲置建设用地规模占34.14%,其他闲散用地规模达16.4万hm2。2)农村建设用地盘活利用高潜力区集中在鲁中及鲁西南地区,城乡发展用地高需求区则分布在经济水平较高且非农产业发展较快的胶东半岛、鲁北平原及省会、中心城区附近,空间上存在一定的供需不均衡性。3)农村建设用地盘活利用类型包括乡村发展-优先盘活类、乡村发展-适度盘活类等7种,呈现出高潜力情境下供过于求和低潜力情景下供不应求的分化特征。4)新时期农村建设用地盘活利用潜力应优先用于乡村发展,适当支撑城镇建设,以就地盘活与异地调整相结合的区域联动和跨区统筹补给等方式作为农村建设用地盘活利用潜力释放的有效路径。


      Abstract: Abstract: Revitalization of rural construction land refers to that the inefficiently used and abandoned or idle rural construction land can be converted into arable land, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of intensive land use. The specific land includes the collapsed homestead land, idle public infrastructure land, the abandoned industrial and mining land, as well as other idle ones ranging from arable land, woodland, to grassland. An acute contradiction is ever-increasing between urban construction demand and insufficient land supply; due mainly to the rapid urbanization that has incurred the large influx of rural migrant laborers into cities, together with the rapid flow of technology and investment. Correspondingly, the high loss rate of population has occurred in some villages. The great migration has posed violent shocks on the spatial structure of rural communities, particularly in the presence of unbalanced homesteads and "hollow villages". Therefore, it is necessary to implement the rural revitalization and new effective urbanization, further to balance the supply and demand of urban/rural land use. However, the revitalized potential of rural land resources has become an important supplementary to urban construction land in the development of China's long-term dual economic system. Particularly, there is a diversified demand for rural land in recent years. The continued preferential policy towards cites has also led to the prominent contradiction between the unbalanced and insufficient development of urban and rural areas. This study aims to firstly measure the utilization potential of rural construction land at the county scale in Shandong Province of China, and then to identify the types of land utilization, finally to propose a distribution or release path of revitalization potential to rural construction land. The research showed that: 1) The potential invigoration of rural construction land in study areas was about 249,000 hectares. Among them, the idle construction land accounted for 34.14%, and the others accounted for 65.86%. 2) The rural areas with high potential for construction land utilization were concentrated in the central and southern Shandong, while the areas with high demand for urban and rural development land were located in the Jiaodong Peninsula, the northern Shandong Plain, provincial capitals and the area near the central cities, where the economic level was higher and the non-agricultural industries developed rapidly. There was more unbalance between supply and demand in space in these regions. 3) Seven types of rural construction land included the rural development-priority and development-moderate invigoration, indicating the spatial differentiation in oversupply under high-potentials, while in short supply under low-potentials. 4) The potential invigoration of rural construction should be given priority for rural development, whereas, the urban construction should be properly supported. It is also an effective way to combine the local invigoration with other areas through the regional linkage and cross-regional coordination supply. The finding can provide a practical reference and policy support for the planning and management of rural construction land, further promoting regional high-quality urban-rural development.


