李正鹏, 宋明丹, 李飞, 詹舒婷, 韩梅. 青藏高原小麦秸秆和箭筈豌豆混合腐解规律和养分释放特征[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(11): 104-111. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.11.012
    引用本文: 李正鹏, 宋明丹, 李飞, 詹舒婷, 韩梅. 青藏高原小麦秸秆和箭筈豌豆混合腐解规律和养分释放特征[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(11): 104-111. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.11.012
    Li Zhengpeng, Song Mingdan, Li Fei, Zhan Shuting, Han Mei. Decomposition and nutrient release characteristics of co-incorporated wheat straw and common vetch in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(11): 104-111. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.11.012
    Citation: Li Zhengpeng, Song Mingdan, Li Fei, Zhan Shuting, Han Mei. Decomposition and nutrient release characteristics of co-incorporated wheat straw and common vetch in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(11): 104-111. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.11.012


    Decomposition and nutrient release characteristics of co-incorporated wheat straw and common vetch in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

    • 摘要: 掌握麦秆、绿肥混合腐解和养分释放规律,对于青藏高原东部农区的地力培育和减肥增效具有重要意义。该研究在田间设置麦秆、箭筈豌豆、低量和高量麦秆与箭筈豌豆混合4个处理,研究有机物料的腐解和养分释放规律。结果表明,各处理下有机物料的腐解呈现前期快后期慢的变化规律,至腐解结束,麦秆、箭筈豌豆、低量和高量麦秆与绿肥混合处理的累积腐解率分别为51.5%、82.2%、78.6%和75.2%,氮素释放率分别为21.3%、81.5%、79.3%和79.0%,磷素释放率分别为60.1%、76.2%、74.2%和82.2%。物料中氮素和钾素释放主要集中在填埋后0~33 d,占总释放量的70%~83%和95%以上。箭筈豌豆磷素释放主要集中于0~33 d,麦秆主要在0~97 d。双库指数衰减模型可以很好地表征物料腐解过程的干物质量、氮素和磷素的残留过程,方程的决定系数大于0.93。物料混合显著提高了氮素的易分解比例(P<0.01),延长了易分解氮素的平均周转周期,低量和高量麦秆与箭筈豌豆混合的氮素易分解比例分别比预测值提高了14%和25%,周转天数延长了5和6 d。高量麦秆与绿肥混合使磷素的易分解比例提高了21%。物料混合显著改善了氮素和磷素的释放特征,其中高量麦秆和绿肥混合提高了氮素和磷素的可利用率,延长了氮素释放周期,更有利于后茬作物的吸收利用。研究结果可为青藏高原东部农区秸秆还田的实施提供理论和技术指导。


      Abstract: A mixture of wheat straw and common vetch is widely used for synthetic fertilizers returning to the cropland of the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China. Their decomposition and nutrient release characteristics are essential to improve soil fertility, while reducing chemical fertilizer application. In this study, a field experiment was performed on the wheat straw (S), common vetch (J) and mixtures in soil by litter bags. Four treatments were set as the wheat straw (S), common vetch (J), the mixture of low ratio of S to J (SH1J), and the mixture of high ratio of S to J (SH2J). The results showed that the decomposition rates were relatively fast at the beginning, and then slowed down gradually. The 0-33 d after incorporation into the soil was the rapid decay stage with the highest decay rate for J (83.8-208.5 mg/d), whereas, the 34-97 d was the slow decay stage with the highest decay rate for S, while the 97-333 d was the steady decay stage with no significant differences for the decay rate among treatments. At the end of decomposition, the decomposition rates of S, J, SH1J, and SH2J were 51.5%, 82.2%, 78.6%, and 75.2%, respectively, indicating that the wheat straw decayed the slowest, while the common vetch decayed the fastest, and the mixtures fell in between. Nitrogen (N) release in the 0-33 d accounted for 70%-83% in the whole decay stages, indicating that N in organic materials released mainly in the first month. At the end of decomposition, the cumulative N release ratios of S, J, SH1J, and SH2J were 21.3%, 81.5%, 79.3%, and 79.0%, respectively. Phosphorus (P) release of common vetch in the 0-33 d and wheat straw in the 0-97 d accounted for 90% and 88% of the total P release, indicating that P in J and S released mainly during 0-33 d and 0-97 d, respectively. At the end of decomposition, the cumulative P release ratios of S, J, SH1J and SH2J were 60.1%, 76.2%, 74.2%, and 82.2%, respectively. As such, the potassium release ratio in the 0-33 d was accounted for more than 95% of the total release ratio. A bi-pool exponential decay model was selected to characterize the decomposition of dry matter, where the N and P had a determination coefficient of above 0.93. The mixture of wheat straw and common vetch increased the labile fraction of N pools, to significantly prolong the average turnover time of labile N. Specifically, the labile fraction of N pool and average turnover time of S were 19.4% and 23 d, while those of CV were 78.8% and 18 d, respectively. The mixture of S and J improved the labile fraction of N pools (14% by SH1J and 25% by SH2J), but prolonged the turnover time (5 d by SH1J and 6 d by SH2J). The mixture of high ratio of S to J also significantly improved the labile fraction of the P pool, 21% higher than the predicted values. Additionally, the K released quickly for both wheat straw and common vetch. The 0-33 d after incorporation into the soil was the rapid decay and nutrient release stage, where the wheat straw decayed and released nutrients the slowest. The mixtures significantly enhanced the labile fraction of N and P pool, thereby prolonging the average turnover time of N, particularly beneficial to nutrient uptake by succession crops. Consequently, the finding can provide promising theoretical and technical support for crop residue incorporation in the cropland of the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China.


