章永年, 张任飞, 孙晔, 郑恩来, 孙国祥, 汪小旵. 局部按压对不同成熟度番茄机械损伤的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(11): 292-298. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.11.033
    引用本文: 章永年, 张任飞, 孙晔, 郑恩来, 孙国祥, 汪小旵. 局部按压对不同成熟度番茄机械损伤的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(11): 292-298. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.11.033
    Zhang Yongnian, Zhang Renfei, Sun Ye, Zheng Enlai, Sun Guoxiang, Wang Xiaochan. Effects of local compression on the mechanical damage of tomato with different maturity[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(11): 292-298. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.11.033
    Citation: Zhang Yongnian, Zhang Renfei, Sun Ye, Zheng Enlai, Sun Guoxiang, Wang Xiaochan. Effects of local compression on the mechanical damage of tomato with different maturity[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(11): 292-298. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.11.033


    Effects of local compression on the mechanical damage of tomato with different maturity

    • 摘要: 为了探究局部按压对白熟期、转色期、粉红期番茄机械损伤的影响规律,该研究采用水果硬度计对番茄进行按压,并用扫描电镜观察按压处番茄组织微观结构变化,以腐烂、褶皱、有压痕、无压痕4个损伤等级和损伤显象天数作为评价标准,通过按压试验,分析局部按压压强对各级损伤的影响规律,得到不同成熟度番茄各损伤等级的压强分布区间,建立番茄局部机械损伤评估分类模型。最后,通过三指电爪进行了抓取试验。结果表明:1)各成熟度番茄的损伤程度随按压压强和成熟度升高而增大;2)各成熟度番茄的显象天数随成熟度升高而减小,腐烂天数与按压压强相关性很小,褶皱天数随按压压强升高而减小;3)以中位数作为代表压强,一级损伤代表压强按成熟度由低到高依次为:366、355、337 kPa,比二级损伤代表压强265,245,225 kPa均提高了30%左右;出现三级损伤的代表压强按成熟度由低到高依次为:165,115,90 kPa;腐烂天数范围为3~7 d,相较于褶皱天数范围7~17 d提前了50%左右,抓取试验结果与评估分类模型吻合度均大于等于95%,验证了损伤评估分类模型的正确性。研究结果可为番茄多指采摘机械手的设计与开发提供参考。


      Abstract: Tomato is the most consumed vegetable in the world. The annual yield of tomato products has been over 50 million tons in China in recent years. Mechanical damage easily occurs on tomato during automatic picking, which affects the quality and edibility of tomato. Many tomatoes with little damage were discarded during harvest, which resulted in serious losses in the picking-selling system. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an evaluation model of tomato mechanical damage, while the effect of pressing pressure on mechanical damage of tomato should be explored to reduce the losses during harvest. Therefore, this study aims to explore the effect of local compression on mechanical damage of tomatoes at three maturity stages (Breakers, Turning and Pink). Three points of the tomato top were pressed by a hardness tester, where all tomatoes were placed under ambient temperature and pressure for 30 days. The damage phenomenon was observed, and the number was recorded on the first day. An electronic scanning microscope was then used to characterize the microstructure change of pressed points on the tomato. Four levels of mechanical damage were studied, including decay, rind wrinkle, indentation occurred, and no indentation. The evaluation indicators were also set as the day that the damage phenomenon was observed. A compression test was performed to clarify the influence of local pressure on the mechanical damage of each level. The area of pressure distribution was obtained at each damage level of tomato with each maturity, thereby establishing the local mechanical damage and classification model of tomato. Finally, a grabbing test was carried out in an articulated three-finger electric manipulator. The number of tomatoes was counted, whose damage level was consistent with that in the local mechanical damage assessment and classification model in the test. The results showed that there was a very high coincidence degree between the test data and the damage assessment and classification model, not less than 95 %. Experimental results indicated that: 1) The mechanical damage of tomato increased, as the compression pressure and maturity raised. 2) The days of observable damage decreased with the increase of maturity. There was little correlation between the days when tomatoes decayed with the compression pressure. The days when tomato rind wrinkled decreased with the increase of compression pressure. 3) A median level was used to represent the compression pressure. In the first level mechanical damage, the represented compression pressure from low to high was 366, 355, and 337 kPa, according to maturity, about 30% higher than that of the second level mechanical damage in a sequence of 265, 245, and 225 kPa. In the third level mechanical damage, the represented compression pressure was ranked in descending order of 165, 115, and 90 kPa according to maturity. Tomato decay occurred in the range of 3-7 days, about 50% ahead compared with the wrinkled days of the tomato rind in the range of 7-17 days. Consequently, the findings can provide a sound reference for the design of a multi-finger harvesting manipulator in modern tomato production.


