曲衍波, 董晓珍, 平宗莉, 关梅. 人地协调视角下农村居民点利用质量评价与提升策略[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(18): 252-262. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.18.029
    引用本文: 曲衍波, 董晓珍, 平宗莉, 关梅. 人地协调视角下农村居民点利用质量评价与提升策略[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(18): 252-262. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.18.029
    Qu Yanbo, Dong Xiaozhen, Ping Zongli, Guan Mei. Quality evaluation and improvement strategies of rural residential areas utilization from the perspective of human and land coordination[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(18): 252-262. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.18.029
    Citation: Qu Yanbo, Dong Xiaozhen, Ping Zongli, Guan Mei. Quality evaluation and improvement strategies of rural residential areas utilization from the perspective of human and land coordination[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(18): 252-262. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.18.029


    Quality evaluation and improvement strategies of rural residential areas utilization from the perspective of human and land coordination

    • 摘要: 农村居民点高质量利用是乡村振兴的一种具体表现,综合开展农村居民点质量评价、全面改善质量障碍要素是科学编制村庄规划和优化农村要素配置的基础。该研究以北京市平谷区为例,从土地集约利用和人居环境品质相互协调的视角界定农村居民点利用质量内涵并构建评价体系,综合运用熵权-TOPSIS法、变异系数修正的弹性系数法和障碍度诊断模型,对农村居民点利用质量进行评价并提出相应的提升策略。结果表明:1)平谷区农村居民点土地集约利用水平中等偏高,人居环境品质和农村居民点利用综合质量则中等偏低。2)平谷区农村居民点类型表现为中等质量主导、高质量次之、低质量偏少,对应着从脱钩F弱型、脱钩T弱型、正向挂钩F强型、负向挂钩F弱型、正向挂钩T强型、负向挂钩T弱型、正向挂钩T-F同强型、负向挂钩T-F同弱型的村庄数量依次降低。3)平谷区农村居民点高质量利用的障碍要素主要体现在规模强度、空间布局、生活环境和生产环境4个维度,从高质量到低质量利用类型,障碍因素数量增多、作用程度逐渐增大。4)平谷区应充分发挥生态环境优势,在"整体化、集约化、人本化和善治化"战略导向下,按照"高质量利用类适当优化、中等质量利用类同步调控、低质量利用类系统整治"策略,分类有序地推进农村居民点质量提升。


      Abstract: Abstract: High-quality utilization of rural residential areas has been a concrete manifestation of rural revitalization. It is highly necessary to comprehensively evaluate the quality of rural residential areas, thereby optimizing the allocation of rural factors for village planning. Taking the Pinggu District of Beijing as an example, the utilization quality of rural residential areas was evaluated from the perspective of coordinated land intensive use and human settlements for the harmonious development of rural production and living spaces. In this study, entropy right-TOPSIS was also selected to evaluate the utilization quality of rural residential areas. According to the utilization types of rural residential areas recognized by an elastic coefficient method modified by the coefficient of variation, the obstacle factors of each type were determined using the barrier diagnosis model. Finally, a promotion strategy was also proposed during this time. The research showed that: 1) The level of land-intensive use was above the average of regional standard in rural residential areas, whereas, the quality of human settlement environment and the comprehensive quality was moderately low with a varying spatial distribution. 2) The types of rural residential areas were characterized by dominant medium-quality, secondary high-quality, and less low-quality, corresponding to the decrease in the number of villages from the decoupling F weak, decoupling T weak, positive hook F strong, negative hook F weak, positive hook T strong, negative hook T weak, positive hook T-F equally strong, and negative hook T-F equally weak type. As such, the maladjusted development was the main obstacle to the high-quality utilization of rural residential areas. 3) The main obstacles were represented by the scale intensity, spatial layout, life environment, and production environment. Moreover, the number of obstacles gradually increased from high- to low-quality type. Specifically, the traffic, terrain, distance from urban areas, and industrial development were also the important influencing factors on the high-quality utilization of rural residential areas. In addition, the environmental development plan needed to be further improved using infrastructure construction. 4) The "integration, intensification, humanization and good governance" was required to be taken as the strategic direction for the systemic rectification in the whole region. Consequently, different measures should be adopted to promote the utilization quality of rural residential areas in an orderly manner. More importantly, it can also be highly demanding to fully maintain the ecological environment in rural residential areas with different utilization qualities. Among them, the rural residential areas with high-quality utilization should carry out appropriate optimized activities, while the medium-quality for synchronous promotion, and those of low-quality for systematic consolidation.


