
    Design and experiments of pneumatic roller type precision seed-metering device for rapeseed plug seedlings

    • 摘要: 为满足油菜穴盘育苗移栽作业要求,解决油菜机械化种植茬口紧张难题,该研究设计了一种气吸滚筒式穴盘育苗精密排种器,利用光电传感器和正压投种机构实现同步整排投种。阐述了排种器基本结构与工作原理,对关键部件结构进行设计,应用Fluent软件模拟分析了3种不同正压进气孔间距条件下滚筒内壁和吸种孔与正压气室的流场特征;采用二次旋转正交组合试验方法,对排种器作业性能的主要影响因素(吸种负压、投种正压和吸种孔直径)与播种指标(单粒合格指数、漏播指数和重播指数)的关系进行研究,分析了各因素及其交互作用对各指标的影响规律,并采用多目标优化方法进行参数优化;在优化参数条件下,设定排种器生产率分别为600、700和800盘/h时,对3个品种油菜种子和1个蔬菜种子(茄子)进行排种性能试验。结果表明:当正压进气孔间距为144 mm时,整个正压气室无回流情况,各吸种孔处气流速度相对均匀;影响单粒合格指数的因素主次顺序为投种正压、吸种孔直径和吸种负压,最优参数组合为吸种负压3.73 kPa,投种正压0.23 MPa,吸种孔直径1.28 mm,此时单粒合格指数、漏播指数和重播指数分别为95.13%、2.80%和2.07%。生产率为600~800盘/h时,油菜种子的单粒合格指数均高于93%,漏播指数和重播指数均小于5%;茄子的单粒合格指数高于90%,漏播指数和重播指数均低于5%。该排种器的排种性能适应性较好且精准高效,能够满足油菜及部分蔬菜穴盘育苗播种作业要求。研究结果可为油菜等穴盘育苗播种机研发提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: Mechanized transplanting can contribute to increasing the crop yield with high efficiency in the Yangtze River Basin of Southeast China. In this study, a novel pneumatic seed-metering device was designed to precisely control the plug seedlings and mechanized transplanting with potted trays in rapeseed production. The specific structure of the seed-metering device with a pneumatic roller planter was optimized to obtain the suitable operating parameters for better rapeseed growth and yield. The performance of the seed-metering device was investigated under laboratory and field conditions for rapeseed planting. A new integrated optimization technique on the Fluent software was used to simulate the internal flow field under three types of distance between the holes of the air inlet, where the inner wall of the roller and the seed suction hole contacted with the positive pressure chamber. A systematic investigation was made on the key components in experiments to determine the optimal ranges of the principal factors affecting the seeding performance. A field test was conducted to evaluate the adaptability and precision of the seed-metering device for rapeseed plug seedlings. An orthogonal combination test was carried out to analyze the relationship between three main influencing factors(negative pressure, positive pressure and diameter of seed suction hole) and seed performance (single seed qualified index, miss seeding index, and multiple seed index). A response surface method was selected to obtain that the primary and secondary factors affecting the single qualification index were a positive pressure, the diameter of seed suction hole, and the negative pressure. The influence of the other two parameters on the single seed qualified index presented a trend of first rising and then falling when one of the parameters was fixed. The results showed that there was no backflow in the positive pressure chamber, where the spacing of the air inlet was 144 mm, and the airflow velocity was relatively uniform at each hole of the seed suction hole. The optimization of multiple objective variables was selected to obtain the optimal parameters in the Design-Expert software. Three primary influence factors were achieved, including the negative pressure(3.73 kPa), positive pressure(0.23 MPa), and diameter of the suction hole(1.28 mm). In this case, the single seed qualified index reached 95.13%, the seed missing index was 2.80%, and the multiple seeding index was 2.07%. Taking three varieties of rapeseed and an alien vegetable seed(eggplant) as the examples, the adaptability and metering performance of pneumatic seed-metering device were evaluated, when the productivities were 600, 700, or 800 trays/h, respectively, where the negative pressure, positive pressure and diameter of seed suction hole were set as 3.60 kPa, 0.23 MPa, and 1.20 mm, respectively. In rapeseeds, the single seed qualified index was higher than 93%, while the seed missing index, and multiple seeding index were less than 5%. In vegetable seeds, the single seed qualified index was higher than 90%, and the seed missing index and multiple seeding index were both less than 5%. It infers that the seed metering performance of the pneumatic seed-metering device was accurate, efficient and adaptable for rapeseeds and other vegetable potted tray raising seedlings. The findings can serve as a promising reference for the development of rapeseed tray raising seedling, and mechanized transplanting in most vegetables.


