迟碧璇, 史海滨, 许迪, 焦平金. 控制暗管排水下土壤剖面水盐分布与变化特征[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(4): 148-158. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.4.018
    引用本文: 迟碧璇, 史海滨, 许迪, 焦平金. 控制暗管排水下土壤剖面水盐分布与变化特征[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(4): 148-158. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.4.018
    Chi Bixuan, Shi Haibin, Xu Di, Jiao Pingjin. Distribution and variation of water and salt in soil profile under controlling subsurface drainage[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(4): 148-158. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.4.018
    Citation: Chi Bixuan, Shi Haibin, Xu Di, Jiao Pingjin. Distribution and variation of water and salt in soil profile under controlling subsurface drainage[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(4): 148-158. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.4.018


    Distribution and variation of water and salt in soil profile under controlling subsurface drainage

    • 摘要: 控制暗管排水可改变土壤水盐运移从而影响灌区盐渍化程度和土壤水分状况。为探讨土壤水盐分布与变化及其受控制排水与间距的影响,以河套灌区义长试验站暗管排水试区为对象,选取玉米生长期内典型灌溉周期开展研究。分析了控制排水及其间距变化下土壤水盐剖面静态分布与动态变化及灌水前后土壤水盐变异特性。结果表明:与自由排水比,控制排水提高了土壤剖面8.27%的相对含水率,增大了灌水期的含水率增幅,减少了间歇期的含水率降幅;控制排水还提高了土壤剖面盐分的分布均匀性,灌后的水平与垂向变异系数分别降低了45.88%和32.55%;同时,控制排水降低了土壤剖面36.73%的盐分含量,增大了灌水期29.17%的剖面脱盐区域,减少了间歇期14.29%的剖面积盐区域。控制排水基础上减少间距降低了灌水期的含水率增幅并增加了间歇期的含水率降幅,提高了灌前土壤盐分的水平分布均匀性却降低了灌后土壤盐分的水平分布均匀性。控制排水较高的盐分分布均匀性和脱盐效率及保墒效应有助于控制土壤次生盐渍化和提高农业用水效率。


      Abstract: Abstract: Soil salinization and drought are important factors restricting the sustainable development of agriculture in irrigation areas. Unreasonable irrigation and salinity leaching can enhance groundwater level and soil salinity accumulation. The free subsurface drainage can drain excess soil moisture from the field and speed up the leaching rate of soil salinity, subsequently leading to the lowering of the groundwater level and soil salt accumulation. However, the free subsurface drainage may cause excessive drainage and the drought stress of crops during the irrigation intermission. By raising the height of drainage outlet of subsurface pipe, controlled drainage methods can reduce field drainage volume and improve water use efficiency. Therefore, controlled drainage would change the movement of soil water and salt, which will affect soil salinity and regulate the soil water condition. To assess the distribution and variation of soil water and salt affected by controlled drainage and drain spacing, three drainage treatments were designed in this study including the free drainage (FD), controlled drainage (CD) and reducing subsurface pipe spacing of the CD (CD1/2). For the FD treatment, the spacing of subsurface pipe was 50 m and the depth of subsurface pipe was 1.6 m. The CD treatment raised drainage outlet height of FD by 0.4 m. On the basis of CD treatment, the treatment of CD1/2 decreased the spacing of subsurface drain to 25 m. The static and dynamic spatial distribution of soil water content and salinity were analyzed and the variation characteristics of soil water and salinity before and after the irrigation during the typical irrigation period were evaluated. The experiment was conducted during the growth period of maize at the Yichang test station in the Hetao Irrigation District of China. The results showed that compared with the free drainage, the controlled drainage increased the soil relative water content by 8.27%, enhanced the soil water increase rate during the irrigation stage, and reduced the soil water decrease rate during the intermittent stage. The controlled drainage also improved the distribution uniformity of salt in soil profile, and it decreased the horizontal and vertical variation coefficient by 45.88% and 32.55%. At the same time, the controlled drainage reduced the soil salinity by 36.73% in soil profile, enhanced the desalination area by 29.17% during the irrigation stage and reduced the salt accumulation area by 14.29% during the intermittent stage. After reducing the drain spacing of control drainage, the soil water increase rate was reduced during the irrigation stage, and the soil water decrease rate was increased during the intermittent stage, meanwhile the horizontal distribution uniformity of soil salinity before irrigation was improved while the horizontal distribution uniformity of soil salinity after irrigation was decreased. The controlled drainage enhanced desalination rate, salinity distribution uniformity, and soil water retention. Thus, it has the potential to alleviate soil secondary salinization and improve agricultural water use efficiency.


