朱秀芳, 刘莹, 徐昆. 基于雨养指示线的灌溉概率指数计算与验证[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(2): 50-57. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.02.006
    引用本文: 朱秀芳, 刘莹, 徐昆. 基于雨养指示线的灌溉概率指数计算与验证[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(2): 50-57. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.02.006
    Zhu Xiufang, Liu Ying, Xu Kun. Calculation and verification of the irrigation probability index using rain-fed indicator line[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(2): 50-57. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.02.006
    Citation: Zhu Xiufang, Liu Ying, Xu Kun. Calculation and verification of the irrigation probability index using rain-fed indicator line[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(2): 50-57. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.02.006


    Calculation and verification of the irrigation probability index using rain-fed indicator line

    • 摘要: 发展物理意义明确、指示意义强的灌溉特征参量有助于提高灌溉耕地制图精度。基于灌溉可以减缓或者抑制气象干旱向农业干旱演变的原理,该研究提出了雨养指示线的概念,并基于此发展了灌溉概率指数。选择有良好灌溉数据基础的美国内布拉斯加州为研究区,利用降水、实际蒸散发和潜在蒸散发数据计算的气象干旱指数和农业干旱指数来表征研究区的气象干旱情况和农业干旱情况。基于气象干旱情况一致时,耕地的农业干旱情况主要与灌溉因素有关的前提,将研究区内耕地像元的气象干旱指数作为横坐标、农业干旱指数作为纵坐标构成二维特征空间,提取特征空间中所有耕地像元散点的上包络线作为雨养指示线,每个耕地像元沿纵坐标方向到雨养指示线的距离作为灌溉概率指数。分析了灌溉概率指数与真实灌溉面积、活跃灌溉水井数量、灌溉设施作用面积、河流分布之间的关系。结果显示,内布拉斯加州灌溉概率指数整体上呈现东部高、西部低的趋势。县级灌溉概率指数总和与真实灌溉面积的相关系数最高,为0.62,与灌溉设施作用面积的相关系数次之,为0.55,与活跃灌溉水井数量的相关系数最低,为0.51。但三个相关系数均通过了0.05显著水平的测试,说明灌溉概率指数可以有效地表征耕地受灌溉的可能性大小。相比偏湿润区,灌溉概率指数在气候适宜区和偏干旱区对灌溉的表征能力更好。该研究可为灌溉耕地制图提供能够直接表征耕地受灌溉可能性大小的可选特征参量。


      Abstract: Abstract: The information of cultivated land irrigation area, distribution, irrigation amount and irrigation time is of great significance to food security, economic development and water resources management. Among them, irrigation area and irrigation distribution are the most basic irrigation information, which can be obtained through irrigation farmland mapping. Most current researches determine the irrigation indirectly by the parameters reflecting vegetation growth or soil moisture, and the physical mechanism is unclear. There is a high demand to develop irrigation characteristic parameters with clear physical meaning and strong indicative significance to further improve the accuracy of irrigation farmland mapping. Based on the principle that irrigation can slow down or inhibit the evolution of meteorological drought to agricultural drought, this study proposed the concept of rain-fed indicator line and develop the irrigation probability index. Nebraska, which has a good irrigation data base, was selected as the test area. At first, it was assumed that in areas with the same meteorological drought intensity, the severity of agricultural drought was closely related to irrigation. We used precipitation, actual evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration to calculate Crop Water Deficit Index (CWDI) and Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI). Then, the CWDI was used to characterize the meteorological drought, whereas, the CWSI was to characterize the agricultural drought in the study area. Taking the CWDI of farmland pixel as the x-axis and CWSI as the y-axis, the two-dimensional scatter map of farmland pixel was made. The upper envelope of scattered points was extracted as the rain-fed indicator line, where the distance from each farmland pixel to the rain-fed indicator line along the vertical coordinate was defined as the Irrigation Probability Index (IPI). The relationships were then determined between the IPI and real irrigation area, the number of active irrigation wells, the area of irrigation facilities, and the distribution of rivers. The results show that the IPI of Nebraska was higher in the east and lower in the west, which is consistent with the distribution pattern of temperature, precipitation and agricultural activities in the state. There was the highest correlation coefficient (0.62) between the sum of county IPI and the real irrigation area, followed by the area of irrigation facilities (0.55), and the lowest with the number of active irrigation wells (0.51). Three correlation coefficients all passed over the test of 0.05 significance level, indicating that the IPI can effectively characterize the possibility of farmland to be irrigated. However, there was different adaptability of IPI in three climate regions (humid, climate suitable, and arid region). Specifically, the IPI can better characterize the possibility of farmland to be irrigated in the climate suitable area and the arid area, compared with the humid area. Particularly, the sum of county IPI in climate suitable and arid areas presented a significant positive correlation with the real irrigation area, the number of active irrigation wells, and the area of irrigation facilities. The average IPI decreased with the increase of the distance to the river. There was no significant correlation between the sum of county IPI and the number of active irrigation wells in the humid area, where the average IPI increased with the increase of distance to the river. The newly-developed IPI in this study can be widely expected to better represent the possibility of farmland to be irrigated, further serving as a physical parameter for the irrigation farmland mapping.


