朱国俊, 李天舒, 冯建军, 闫思娜, 李康, 罗兴锜. 含气率对小流量下混流式混输泵轴系振动的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 22-29. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.03.003
    引用本文: 朱国俊, 李天舒, 冯建军, 闫思娜, 李康, 罗兴锜. 含气率对小流量下混流式混输泵轴系振动的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 22-29. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.03.003
    Zhu Guojun, Li Tianshu, Feng Jianjun, Yan Sina, Li Kang, Luo Xingqi. Influence of gas volume fraction on the shafting vibration of multiphase pump at the condition of low discharge[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(3): 22-29. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.03.003
    Citation: Zhu Guojun, Li Tianshu, Feng Jianjun, Yan Sina, Li Kang, Luo Xingqi. Influence of gas volume fraction on the shafting vibration of multiphase pump at the condition of low discharge[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(3): 22-29. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.03.003


    Influence of gas volume fraction on the shafting vibration of multiphase pump at the condition of low discharge

    • 摘要: 振动是反映混输泵运行稳定性的关键指标,液体含气率对混输泵的振动强度有重要影响。为探究小流量工况下含气率变化对混输泵轴系振动的影响规律,该研究以某3级混流式气液混输泵为研究对象,采用建立的多通道振动测试系统采集小流量工况下混输泵输送不同含气率的水时主轴和轴承座的振动信号,然后分析水中含气率对主轴和轴承座振动特性的影响规律。结果表明:针对该研究的混流式混输泵,主轴径向振动幅值随含气率的增加呈现明显的非线性变化规律,含气率增加导致的主轴径向振动增幅可达纯水工况下的3.2倍;含气率的增加主要影响轴承座的轴向振动而径向振动受影响较小,不同含气率下轴承座的轴向振动幅值均高于径向振动;在8%~14%含气率范围内,混输泵内部出现气液两相流型过渡转换,从而导致主轴振动特性变化;含气率的增加对叶轮出口与导叶进口间的动静干涉作用具有一定的强化效应;0~20%含气率范围内,主轴径向振动的概率密度极值随着含气率的增加而降低,当含气率超过20%以后,主轴径向振动的概率密度极值随着含气率的增加而提高,两者趋势相反,该结论可为混流式混输泵内含气率的判定提供依据。


      Abstract: Biomass energy (such as biogas) has been one of the most important ways to reduce greenhouse gas emission during the economic transformation of China. It is necessary to carefully treat the transporting of biogas mixture, due to its high risk in rural areas, where there are extensive biogas projects. Particularly, a gas-liquid multiphase pump can be required higher stability during transportation. The condition of low discharge can be attributed to the unstable region of the pumps. In this case, the vibration of the pump can be aggravated to sharply deteriorate the stability of the pump. In severe cases, it may even cause damage to the components of the multiphase pumps. Therefore, it is highly urgent to clarify the influence of various factors on the vibration in the multiphase pumps under low discharge. Among them, a Gas Volume Fraction (GVF) is an important parameter in the operation of gas-liquid multiphase pumps. Taking a three-stage mixed-flow multiphase pump as the research object, this study aims to establish a multi-channel vibration test system, further to collect the vibration signals of the shaft and bearing, when transporting the liquid with different GVF at low discharge. The vibration signal processing was conducted to determine the influence of the GVF on the vibration of the shaft and bearing house. The results showed that the peak-to-peak value for the radial vibration of the shaft first increased and then decreased, with the increase of the GVF, indicating an outstanding nonlinear behavior. The radial vibration amplitude of the shaft caused by the increase of GVF reached 3.2 times that at pure water conditions. Besides, the increasing GVF mainly dominated the axial vibration of the bearing house, indicating a small effect on the radial vibration. The axial vibration amplitude of the bearing house was greater than the radial vibration at all working conditions. The amplitude frequency of the shaft radial vibration was attributed to the transition conversion of the gas-liquid two-phase flow pattern in the multiphase pump. Once the GVF increased from low to high, the two-phase flow pattern was changed from the bubble flow to the gas pocket flow in the multiphase pump. The local congestion in the pump inlet tee was induced the significant low-frequency components in the frequency spectrum for radial vibration of the shaft. The increasing GVF also presented a certain strengthening effect on the rotor-stator interaction between the impeller outlet and the guide vane inlet. In the range of (0-20%) GVF, the peak value of the Probability Density Function (PDF) for the radial vibration of the shaft decreased, with the increasing of the GVF. Once the GVF exceeded 20%, the peak value of the PDF increased in the radial vibration of the shaft, as the GVF increased, indicating two opposite trends. The finding can also provide a strong reference to evaluate the GVF in the mixed-flow pumps.


