程吉林, 徐兢, 汪靓, 蒋晓红, 高山. 兼顾排涝标准与水质净化要求的农业圩区最优水面率确定[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 47-54. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.03.006
    引用本文: 程吉林, 徐兢, 汪靓, 蒋晓红, 高山. 兼顾排涝标准与水质净化要求的农业圩区最优水面率确定[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 47-54. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.03.006
    Cheng Jilin, Xu Jing, Wang Liang, Jiang Xiaohong, Gao Shan. Determining the optimal water surface ratio in agricultural polder areas considering drainage standard and water quality requirements[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(3): 47-54. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.03.006
    Citation: Cheng Jilin, Xu Jing, Wang Liang, Jiang Xiaohong, Gao Shan. Determining the optimal water surface ratio in agricultural polder areas considering drainage standard and water quality requirements[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(3): 47-54. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.03.006


    Determining the optimal water surface ratio in agricultural polder areas considering drainage standard and water quality requirements

    • 摘要: 针对农业圩区的排涝以及水环境问题,该研究以江苏里下河地区为研究对象,以满足里下河圩区设计排涝标准与水质净化要求为目标,构建农业圩区坑塘-排水沟道湿地系统最优水面率数学模型。模型以工程系统总费用现值最小为目标函数,以泵站涝水外排能力与圩内水面率、水面率上下限、水环境容量与圩内坑塘与排水沟道系统的关系(主要包括圩内坑塘沟道湿地系统对总氮、总磷以及铬的化学需氧量的去除率)等为约束条件,以圩内坑塘(湖泊)水面率、排水沟道水面率、外排涝水泵站设计排涝流量为决策变量,采用遗传算法对模型进行求解。对江苏里下河地区阜宁县渠南灌区的圩区河湖与排水工程系统进行实例优化分析可知:当采用明沟排水系统,圩内总水面率为11.35%(其中坑塘、排水沟道系统水面率分别为8.15%、3.20%)、设计排涝模数为0.86 m3/(s·km2)时,工程建设费用现值最小;此时,圩区可达到20年一遇设计排涝标准、且圩外周边水体为V类时,圩内水体可达到IV类水标准。该方法可为同类地区在国土整治、防洪排涝规划、河湖水体净化等提供参考。


      Abstract: This study aims to optimize the current engineering system for drainage waterlogging and water environment in agricultural polder areas. The research object was taken as the Lixiahe polder area in Jiangsu Province, China. Therefore, a mathematical model was also proposed to determine the optimal water surface ratio in the ponds and drainage channels wetland system in study areas. The objective function was set as the present minimum of the total project cost. The constraint conditions mainly included the following relational expressions: 1) The relationship between the drainage capacity of the pumping station and the water surface ratio of ponds and drainage channels. 2) The optimal range of the maximum and minimum water surface ratio was determined in the study area, which was closely related to the local natural conditions, indigenous culture, and land planning. 3) The removal rates of TN, TP, and CODCr were selected to determine the relationships between water environmental capacity, ponds, and drainage channels wetland system in polder areas. The decision variables included the water surface ratio of ponds, the water surface ratio of drainage channels, and the design of drainage flow. An Intelligent -Genetic Algorithms (GAs) was utilized to solve the mathematical model, due to the nonlinear calculation rather than the general. After that, a case study was applied to the pond and drainage channel engineering system in the polder area of Funing County. The specific results were as follows: 1) The water surface ratio reached 11.35% under the open ditch drainage system in the planning areas, where the water surface ratio of ponds was 8.15%, particularly increased, compared with the current. 2) The water surface ratio of drainage channels reached 3.20%, which remained the current status. 3) The design drainage discharge was 41.01 m3/s, and the designed drainage modulus reached 0.86 m3/(s•km2). An optimization scheme was expected to fully meet the standard requirements of the regional 20-year flood drainage. At the same time, the water body quality inside the polder areas reached Class IV level, where the outside was Class V. Therefore, the adsorption and degradation of water to pollutants were enhanced to accelerate the removal rates of pollutants, with the increase of total water surface ratio. There were different proportions of water surface ratio between ponds and drainage channels, leading to the different removal rates of TN, TP, and CODCr, although the total water surface ratio was all the same in the polder areas. Correspondingly, the distribution of water surfaces dominated the interception and purification of pollutants by water bodies. This finding can also provide a strong reference for similar areas in flood control, drainage planning, reallocation of land, and river-lake water purification.


