宋成宝, 柳平增, 刘兴华, 于玉婷. 基于HSIC的日光温室温度传感器优化配置策略[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(8): 200-208. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.08.023
    引用本文: 宋成宝, 柳平增, 刘兴华, 于玉婷. 基于HSIC的日光温室温度传感器优化配置策略[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(8): 200-208. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.08.023
    Song Chengbao, Liu Pingzeng, Liu Xinghua, Yu Yuting. Optimal configuration strategy for temperature sensors in solar greenhouse based on HSIC[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(8): 200-208. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.08.023
    Citation: Song Chengbao, Liu Pingzeng, Liu Xinghua, Yu Yuting. Optimal configuration strategy for temperature sensors in solar greenhouse based on HSIC[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(8): 200-208. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.08.023


    Optimal configuration strategy for temperature sensors in solar greenhouse based on HSIC

    • 摘要: 在经济成本和管理便捷性约束下,为有效监测日光温室内非均匀分布的温度信息,需要对数量有限的传感器进行优化配置,从而降低配置冗余,并增强温度信息丰度。该研究以山东地区冬季日光温室为研究对象,开展了基于希尔伯特-施密特独立性准则(Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion,HSIC)的传感器配置策略设计及验证工作。首先,在温室内均匀布置了22个温度传感器,采集了冬季寒冷时期28 d共7 880×22组数据,明确了温室温度场空间分布的不均匀性及多传感器配置的基本原则和方法。然后,利用HSIC准则分析了传感器之间的相对独立性,依据信息最大化原则提出了传感器配置优先级排序算法,并根据信息增益率及配置冗余度约束提出了传感器数量选择依据,从而建立了日光温室传感器优化配置策略。最后,策略验证结果表明:相比于22个传感器的温度数据,南北垂直方向上选择S6、S9、S3传感器时,平均温度的RMSE、MAPE和信息增益率分别为0.24 ℃、1.21%、6.70%;东西水平方向上选择H6、H5、H2传感器时,平均温度的RMSE、MAPE和信息增益率分别为0.33 ℃、0.70%、9.47%。上述2组传感器能够有效兼顾准确获取温度整体趋势信息和增强温度信息丰度的双重目标,试验结果证实了配置策略的有效性和可行性。所提的传感器优化配置策略可以为日光温室环境监测与调控提供理论参考和数据支持。


      Abstract: Abstract: Greenhouse has been one of the most widely passive solar energy applications for vegetable production in North China. Among them, the internal temperature is one of the most concerned environmental parameters in a greenhouse for crop growth. However, there is a non-uniform temporal and spatial distribution of temperature in the greenhouse. It is necessary to optimize the configuration with a limited number of temperature sensors for cost-saving and efficient management. In this study, an optimal configuration strategy was proposed for the temperature sensors in the greenhouse using the Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC). The temperature was measured to reduce the redundancy of temperature sensors for the rich information. A Chinese solar greenhouse was taken as the research object, which located in Taian, Shandong Province, China. Specifically, the length, the width, the north wall, and the ridge height were 70, 10, 3.5, and 5 m, respectively. The testing period was four weeks during the coldest season from Dec. 9, 2020, to Jan. 6, 2021. Firstly, 22 temperature sensors were divided into two groups to monitor the temperature distribution in north-south vertical and east-west horizontal directions. A total of 7880 × 22 samples were collected in four weeks at a sampling interval of 5 min. A systematic analysis was made to clarify the non-uniformity of temperature spatial distribution in the greenhouse in the necessity of multi-sensors configuration, according to the monitoring data. Secondly, the different sensors were quantitatively evaluated for relative independence using HSIC. The sorting priority of sensor configuration was then proposed to maximize the comprehensive independent coefficients of sensors. Meanwhile, the sensor quantity was also selected to consider the constraints of sensor redundancy and information gain rate. Thirdly, the sorting and selection constituted the configuration strategy for the temperature sensors. As such, the sorting of sensors along the north-south vertical direction was ranked as the S6, S9, S3, S8, S2, S4, S13, S12, S1, S7, S14, S10, S11, and S5, according to the configuration strategy. With the increase of selected sensors according to sensors selection sequence, both the Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) of average temperature values between the selected and all sensors and the information gain rates of the nth temperature sensor all decreased rapidly. When the number of selected sensors according to sensors selection sequence was 3, the RMSE of average temperature values between the selected and all sensors was 0.26 ℃ and the information gain rates of the third sensor is 4.51%. At the same time, the sorting of sensors along the east-west horizontal direction was H6, H5, H2, H3, H8, H1, H4, and H7. Similarly, with the increase of selected sensors, the RMSE of average temperature values and the information gain rates also decreased rapidly. When the number of selected sensors according to sensors selection sequence was 3, the RMSE of average temperature values between the selected and all sensors was 0.30 ℃ and the information gain rates of the third sensor is 7.31%. The results showed that the RMSE of average temperature and information gain rate were less than the thresholds (0.5 ℃ and 10%), respectively, fully meeting the monitoring requirements of the greenhouse temperature field, when the sensor combination was selected (S6, S9, and S3 sensors in the north-south vertical direction, and H6, H5, and H2 in the east-west horizontal direction). Finally, the temperature data for one week from Jan.10 to Jan. 17, 2021, was sampled to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The validation showed that the RMSE and information gain rate were 0.24 ℃, and 6.70%, respectively, along the north-south vertical direction, and 0.33 ℃, and 9.47%, respectively, along the east-west horizontal direction, all of which were meeting the threshold requirements. Consequently, the overall trend and information abundance of the greenhouse temperature field were optimized with the three sensors S6, S9, and S3 in the north-south vertical direction, while H6, H5, and H2 in the east-west horizontal direction, respectively, indicating better adaptability and effectiveness of the strategy. The optimal configuration strategy of temperature sensors can greatly contribute to accurately monitoring the overall trend of temperature for the higher abundance of temperature information with a limited number of sensors. The finding can provide a useful theoretical reference and technical support for the environmental monitoring and control of solar greenhouses.


