伍德伦, 饶元, 许磊, 束雅莉, 凌诺娟, 时玉龙. 农产品区块链信息可信评估差异化共享模型设计与实现[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(11): 309-317. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.11.034
    引用本文: 伍德伦, 饶元, 许磊, 束雅莉, 凌诺娟, 时玉龙. 农产品区块链信息可信评估差异化共享模型设计与实现[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(11): 309-317. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.11.034
    Wu Delun, Rao Yuan, Xu Lei, Shu Yali, Ling Nuojuan, Shi Yulong. Design and implementation of the trusted evaluation and differentiated sharing model for agricultural blockchain information[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(11): 309-317. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.11.034
    Citation: Wu Delun, Rao Yuan, Xu Lei, Shu Yali, Ling Nuojuan, Shi Yulong. Design and implementation of the trusted evaluation and differentiated sharing model for agricultural blockchain information[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(11): 309-317. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.11.034


    Design and implementation of the trusted evaluation and differentiated sharing model for agricultural blockchain information

    • 摘要: 针对现有的农产品区块链溯源系统中,数据差异化共享与追溯效率不高,难以保障上链数据可信性的问题。该研究通过分析农产品供应链各环节业务逻辑与数据组成,设计了农产品区块链信息可信评估差异化共享模型。提出了农产品区块链信息可信评估差异化共享架构,构建了农产品信息存储优化模块,基于区块链技术建立企业链、溯源链,将数据按隐私性分账本存储于企业链,全供应链公开数据存入星际文件系统(InterPlanetary File System,IPFS)后,返回的数据哈希值存储于溯源链,通过企业链账本维护策略实现了供应链数据的高效性共享与追溯;设计了基于层次分析法的企业信誉度评估机制,根据企业和消费者对链上数据可信度的评估结果对数据发布节点进行信誉积分奖惩,提升链上数据可信性;并通过智能合约实现了数据格式和内容的链前监管。基于Hyperledger Fabric平台研发农产品区块链信息可信评估差异化共享系统,在某茶叶供应链上进行应用与测试。测试结果表明,此模型与现有数据差异化共享模型相比,数据存储时间缩短16.7%,隐私数据查询时间缩短10.01%,公开数据查询时间缩短38.3%。该研究提出的方法能够实现农产品供应链数据差异化共享,提供高效可信溯源服务,为农产品可信溯源系统的设计提供参考。


      Abstract: A data storage system has been commonly designed for the quality and safety of agricultural products. The original source can be traced to improve the trust using the forward storage and reverse backtracking of data in the production process of agricultural products. A trust bridge between consumption and production can also be built to fully meet the needs of consumers. However, the centralized database has been commonly used to locally store the agricultural product data in the traditional system. This direct management system can make the production data easy to tamper with the potential security risks. The authentic and credible data cannot be guaranteed for the mutual trust between consumption and production, resulting in a trust crisis. Fortunately, the decentralized and tamper-proof Blockchain can provide strong support for the reliable traceability of agricultural products. The agreed code can be automatically executed to clearly record the entire process data on the chain, according to the business rules through the trust mechanism. A current traceability system can be used to combine the traceability of Blockchain and agricultural products. However, it is very necessary to balance public data sharing, and enterprise privacy and confidential data in the existing agricultural Blockchain traceability system. Encryption technology can be used to encrypt and decrypt data for security and confidentiality, however, which can reduce the efficiency of data storage and query. A reputation integral strategy can also be designed to evaluate the data authenticity between nodes on the chain. However, the scoring standard is still lacking in the existing reputation monitoring system. It is an urgent need to design the business logic in the actual production, processing and transportation for the standardization of uplink data. This study aims to clarify the business logic and data composition of each link in the agricultural product supply chain. A differentiated sharing model was also established for the information trust evaluation of the agricultural product Blockchain. An optimal module was then constructed for the information storage of agricultural products. A supply chain of enterprise and traceability was established using Blockchain technology. The production and process data was stored in the enterprise chain, according to the privacy ledger. Specifically, the returned hash value was stored in the traceability chain, after the public data of the whole supply chain was stored in the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS). A maintenance strategy of the enterprise chain ledger was then combined to realize the differentiated and multi-party sharing of supply chain data. An enterprise reputation evaluation was designed to reward and punish the nodes using analytic hierarchy, according to the authenticity of the data released by the enterprise Blockchain nodes, indicating the highly credible data on the chain. A smart contract system was established to monitor the data chain in advance. A differentiated sharing system was finally developed for the trusted evaluation of agricultural Blockchain information using a Hyperledger Fabric platform. The tea supply chain was then selected to verify the model. Consequently, the data storage time, the query time of private data, and the query time of public data of the improved model were shortened by 16.7%, 10.01%, and 38.3%, respectively. Anyway, the differential sharing of agricultural product supply chain data can be widely expected to offer efficient and reliable traceability services. The finding can also provide a strong reference for the design and development of a reliable traceability system for agricultural products.


