
    Site selection of land consolidation along the transportation using integrated occupation and reclamation of cultivated land

    • 摘要: 推进交通项目沿线占补一体化,开展交通沿线占补一体化土地综合整治项目选址研究可以有效协调交通等线性工程建设与耕地保护空间的关系。该研究基于交通沿线占补一体化的内涵和总体构想,以广西壮族自治区崇爱高速公路为例,根据"明确整治范围-确定评价单元-评测整治潜力-遴选目标地块 "的选址思路,综合应用图层叠置法、距离法、多指标综合评价法、组合赋权法和四象限法等,确定了交通项目沿线区域土地综合整治项目的选址,最终确定了新增耕地地块84个,总面积190.69 hm2,耕地质量提升地块79个,总面积261.33 hm2 。通过对比交通项目占用耕地地块和本方案遴选地块在数量、质量和产能上的变化,方案能很好落实占补平衡目标,基于占补一体化的交通沿线土地综合整治项目选址研究可以有序指导交通沿线土地综合整治项目建设。该研究选址结果充分体现了交通等线性工程占补平衡的实际需求,可为交通等线性工程基于占补一体化的土地综合整治项目选址和差异化设计提供借鉴和参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: A balance between the occupation and replenishment of arable land can be urgent in the rapid economic growth. It is very necessary to promote the integrated construction of occupation and reclamation of cultivated land, due to the large area of arable land occupied by transportation in China in recent years. However, most previous studies of land consolidation have focused mainly on the suitability evaluation of temporary land and land reclamation design, without considering the overall plan of the land use along the transportation. The purpose of this study is to determine the site selection of land consolidation projects along the transportation using the integrated occupation and replenishment of cultivated land. Specifically, the determination framework contained four steps. Firstly, the regional scopes of land consolidation along the transportation were identified using the figure layering and the distance operation, according to the trend of the transportation. Secondly, the evaluation units of the land comprehensive potential were determined, according to the regional land use and village planning. Thirdly, the potentials of the evaluation units were measured by the combined weights and multi-index comprehensive evaluation from four aspects (the soil factors/the quality factors, the topographic factors, the farming conditions, and the planning conditions), in order to increase and improve the quality of cultivated land. Fourthly, the plots of land consolidation were then selected by the four-quadrant method, according to the potential and connectivity of the evaluation units. A case study was selected as the site selection of land consolidation projects along the Chongzuo-Aidian Expressway in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southwest China. The results showed that: 1) Three levels were classified for the new cultivated land potential, including the high, middle, and low. Specifically, the area of high potential covered 57.57 hm2, mainly concentrated in the village of Anma, Siming, Zhili, and Mingjiang. The areas of medium and low potential were 134.60 and 180.97 hm2, respectively. 2) Three levels were also divided for the quality improvement potential of cultivated land. The areas of high, medium, and low potential covered 403.53, 438.77, and 486.40 hm2, respectively. 3) The plots of regional land comprehensive were determined using the technical framework, including the 84 plots for the new cultivated land project, and the 79 plots for the land consolidation project. 4) There were much larger areas with great potential for higher quality cultivated land, but limited areas with the potential for new cultivated land. Therefore, it was suggested that the replenishment of newly cultivated land needed to be diversified in the study area during this time, but not limited to the unused land. Thus, it can be widely expected to support the appropriate increase in the cultivated land improvement projects along the transportation. Consequently, the actual demands were fully achieved to balance the occupation and replenishment of cultivated land along the Chongzuo-Aidian Expressway. In conclusion, the finding can provide strong technical support and practical references for the land comprehensive using integrated occupation and replenishment along the transportation.


