程相林, 向阳, 颜小飞, 程强. 苹果树枝条含水率无损测量传感器研制[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(13): 30-37. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.13.004
    引用本文: 程相林, 向阳, 颜小飞, 程强. 苹果树枝条含水率无损测量传感器研制[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(13): 30-37. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.13.004
    Cheng Xianglin, Xiang Yang, Yan Xiaofei, Cheng Qiang. Development of the nondestructive sensor for measuring the moisture content of apple branches[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(13): 30-37. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.13.004
    Citation: Cheng Xianglin, Xiang Yang, Yan Xiaofei, Cheng Qiang. Development of the nondestructive sensor for measuring the moisture content of apple branches[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(13): 30-37. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.13.004


    Development of the nondestructive sensor for measuring the moisture content of apple branches

    • 摘要: 茎部含水率是评价果树干旱胁迫响应和指导灌溉的重要参数。该研究针对目前果树茎部细小枝条含水率活体原位无损测量传感器缺乏的现状,设计了一种基于频域介电法的改进型平行板电极传感器。为检验该传感器的性能参数,以苹果树为观测对象,首先开展了高频结构仿真分析、逐步移除小木条、直径影响校正、性能测试、传感器标定等实验室环境下的理论分析与试验验证,然后在温室苹果树上开展活体原位无损监测试验和干旱胁迫试验。结果表明:该传感器的最大观测枝条直径约为10 mm,直径变化引起的传感器误差为4.23 mV/mm,传感器输出与电容值之间具有良好的线性关系(R2=0.985),当负载稳定时,传感器的误差在0.5~0.8 mV之间,重复性测试结果显示传感器输出的最大差值不超过8 mV,传感器标定曲线的决定系数为0.998;温室环境下盆栽苹果树枝条含水率监测试验结果表明:该传感器可以检测到直径5~8 mm范围内枝条的含水率变化;干旱胁迫辨识试验结果表明:该传感器可以观测到苹果树在灌溉之前经历的干旱胁迫过程。研究结果可为诊断植物干旱胁迫、果树抽条和指导节水灌溉提供重要依据与技术支撑。


      Abstract: The stem water content of plants can be one of the most important parameters to assess the crop response to the drought stress in arid and semi-arid areas, particularly during irrigation scheduling. But, only a few sensors can be selected to in-situ and non-invasively measure the stem water content of the thinner plant branches. In this study, a parallel-plate probe sensor was optimized and designed to in-situ and non-invasively determine the branch water content, when operating at the frequency domain (FD) of 100 MHz. A long strip (40 mm length, 5 mm width, and 0.05 mm thickness) was improved for the parallel-plate probe sensor to better fit the apple tree stem. Simulation and experimental measurements were conducted to assess the electric field distribution and the effective depth of the parallel-plate probe sensor. The capacitance, the sensitivity to the stem diameter, and the accuracy of the sensor were determined in the performance test for the branch water content of three apple trees in a greenhouse environment. A High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) was selected for the simulation analysis and the step removal wood chips test. The results showed that the effective depth of measurement was 10 mm, indicating the better performance of the parallel-plate probe sensor for the branch water content, according to the previous research (The zones of main water storage between the periderm and the xylem for the 20 mm apple tree stem should be less than that for the 30 mm apple tree stem). The sensitivity test showed that the parallel-plate probe sensor (4.23 mV/mm, and R2= 0.892) was less susceptible to the stem diameter variation. Specifically, the slope of the sensor indicated that the 1 mm variation of stem diameter resulted in the 4.23 mV measurement error by the sensor. The performance test showed that the parallel-plate probe sensor behaved the excellent stability and repeatability. There was also an excellent linear relationship between the sensor output and capacitance value (R2=0.985). The output fluctuation values of the parallel plate electrode sensor with/without the fixed load were about 0.8, and 0.5 mV, respectively. The maximum difference was 8 mV for the sensor output at the largest difference of 0.431 cm3/cm3 in the repeatability experiment. The output of the parallel-plate probe sensor in three repeated experiments was not more than 5 mV under the water content of the same branches. The temperature coefficient of the parallel-plate probe sensor was 3 mV/℃, indicating the output error of the sensor was about 3 mV for every 1 ℃ change in the external temperature. A linear equation was also obtained between the sensor output and branch water content, indicating the better performance of the sensor for the measurement requirements. The water dynamics demonstrated that the improved sensor can be expected to detect the variation in the branch water content of the potted apple tree in the greenhouse, particularly for a daily dehydration-rehydration cycle. There was no fluctuation with the full irrigation in the averaged branch water content from midnight to predawn. In the water deficit identification experiment, there was no rehydration process of AT-2 before the midnight of Sept 15th, where the branch water content increased from 0.422 to 0.495 cm3/cm3 after irrigation near the midnight of Sept 16th. Both AT-1 and AT-2 may experience a water deficit before the irrigation, according to the maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS). Consequently, the improved sensor can be used to in-situ and non-invasively detect the water content of the apple branch with the branch’s diameter of 5-8 mm. The water deficit of apple trees can also provide great support to guide the irrigation in the field.


