
    Development and application of crop stalk burning monitoring system in Northeast China based on Android client

    • 摘要: 秸秆焚烧会产生大量有毒有害物质,严重影响大气质量,且易引发火灾。随着国内农村生产生活方式的改变,秸秆逐渐转变为农业废弃物,露天焚烧情况变得越来越严重,快速、高效、秸秆焚烧点监测迫在眉睫。该研究基于安卓(Android)操作系统,结合中等分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,MODIS)遥感数据,利用Python语言、ArcGIS Server、MySQL技术构建了一个客户端与服务端(Client/Server,C/S)分离的秸秆焚烧火点监测系统,以实现秸秆焚烧点的快速查询、定位以及数据可视化。应用该系统的案例分析表明,2010-2020年间东北地区秸秆集中焚烧的时间有由秋季向春季转移的变化趋势,逐渐形成春季集中焚烧-夏季耕作-秋季零星焚烧-冬季覆盖的规律;焚烧点主要集中在三江平原和松嫩平原,重心在哈尔滨市和绥化市的交界处。综上,该系统可以为秸秆焚烧点监测提供快捷方便的技术手段,方便农业和环境部门协同监控保护性耕作的实施情况,促进东北地区保护性耕作的实施与农业环境保护。


      Abstract: Abstract: Stalk burning can produce a large amount of toxic and harmful substances, leading to serious pollution of the atmospheric environment, even fires. Once the stalk is gradually transformed into agricultural waste, the open burning of the stalk is ever increasing with the change in rural production and lifestyle. Therefore, it is a high demand for the fast, efficient, and low-cost monitoring of stalk burning. Remote sensing can be used to monitor the stalk burning for higher efficiency and time-saving, according to the characteristics of large-scale and rapid acquisition of ground data. At the same time, the open source and free features of the Android system can greatly contribute to agricultural informatization. In this research, a stalk-burning fire points monitoring system was proposed with the separated front and back ends using the Android operating system. A Client/Server (C/S) architecture was also built to combine the MODIS remote sensing data, the Python language, ArcGIS Server, and MySQL. The real-time data was automatically captured for the map service and the data service back-end server, ranging from the detection, process, and release of the data of fire points. Four interfaces were designed for the client, including the main, map, statistics, and upload interface. There were some functions of the map display, buffer query, partition statistics, and fire points uploading. At the same time, the Android mobile devices were used to synchronize the information to the user terminal or upload to the database, in order to realize the rapid query, positioning, and data visualization of stalk burning fire. The extraction of fire points was verified using the high-resolution image of Google Earth. The stalk burning area was identified to superimpose with the fire points data. Most of the fire points were located in the burning area in the autumn remote sensing images. The sample identification accuracy was about 75%. The case analysis of the system showed that the burning points of the stalk in Northeast China were mainly distributed in the Sanjiang and Songnen plains, and also scattered in the Liaohe plain and northwestern Inner Mongolia. Specifically, in Songnen plain, where black soil is most concentrated, the stalk burning intensity increased year by year and reached its peak in 2017. After that, the stalk burning intensity decreased significantly under the intervention of policy in 2018, but it rebounded in 2019. The concentrated stalk burning in Northeast China shifted from autumn to spring, and then gradually formed a seasonal pattern of concentrated burning in spring - farming in summer - sporadic burning in autumn - mulching in winter from 2010 to 2020. The fire points of the stalk were mainly concentrated in the Sanjiang plain and the Songnen plain, and the center of gravity was at the junction of Harbin and Suihua. The standard deviation was utilized to evaluate the inter-annual variation in the number of stalk-burning fire points. It was found that the areas with the strong stalk burning fluctuations were located in the main Sanjiang plain and the Songnen plain, which were the main grain-producing areas in Northeast China. Consequently, there was questionable for the normalized management and the sustainability of measures. In summary, the proposed system can be expected to quickly monitor, inquire, edit, report, and update data using ArcGIS services and thematic mapping. The finding can provide fast and convenient technical means for stalk burning monitoring, thereby facilitating the coordination of agricultural and environmental management. Furthermore, conservation tillage and agricultural environmental protection can be further promoted in Northeast China.


