许成果, 薛月菊, 郑婵, 侯文豪, 郭景峰, 王峡锐. 基于自注意力机制与无锚点的仔猪姿态识别[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(14): 166-173. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.14.019
    引用本文: 许成果, 薛月菊, 郑婵, 侯文豪, 郭景峰, 王峡锐. 基于自注意力机制与无锚点的仔猪姿态识别[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(14): 166-173. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.14.019
    Xu Chengguo, Xue Yueju, Zheng Chan, Hou Wenhao, Guo jingfeng, Wang Xiarui. Recognition of piglet postures based on self-attention mechanism and anchor-free method[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(14): 166-173. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.14.019
    Citation: Xu Chengguo, Xue Yueju, Zheng Chan, Hou Wenhao, Guo jingfeng, Wang Xiarui. Recognition of piglet postures based on self-attention mechanism and anchor-free method[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(14): 166-173. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.14.019


    Recognition of piglet postures based on self-attention mechanism and anchor-free method

    • 摘要: 在猪场养殖过程中,仔猪姿态识别对其健康状况和环境热舒适度监测有重要意义。仔猪个体较小,喜欢聚集、扎堆,且姿态随意性较大,给姿态识别带来困难。为此,该研究结合Transformer网络与无锚点目标检测头,提出了一种新的仔猪姿态识别模型TransFree(Transformer + Anchor-Free)。该模型使用Swin Transformer作为基础网络,提取仔猪图像的局部和全局特征,然后经过一个特征增强模块(Feature Enhancement Module,FEM)进行多尺度特征融合并得到高分辨率的特征图,最后将融合后的特征图输入Anchor-Free检测头进行仔猪的定位和姿态识别。以广东佛山市某商业猪场拍摄的视频作为数据源,从12个猪栏的拍摄视频中选取9栏作为训练集,3栏作为测试集,训练集中仔猪的俯卧、侧卧和站立3类姿态总计19 929个样本,测试集中3类姿态总计5 150个样本。在测试集上,TransFree模型的仔猪姿态识别精度达到95.68%,召回率达到91.18%,F1-score达到93.38%;相较于CenterNet、Faster R-CNN和YOLOX-L目标检测网络,F1-score分别提高了2.32、4.07和2.26个百分点。该文提出的TransFree模型实现了仔猪姿态的高精度识别,为仔猪行为识别提供了技术参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: The survival rate of piglets has a great influence on productivity and breeding efficiency in pig farms. Appropriate temperature can be a key factor to ensure the survival of piglets. There are different lying postures of pigs under various climatic conditions. Specifically, the pigs lie laterally on their side with the limbs extended at high temperatures. By contrast, a sternal or ventral lying posture is normally adopted at low temperatures. When keep lying down or sitting for a long time, the piglets may be in an abnormal state, such as illness. It is a high demand to rapidly and accurately recognize the piglet postures. However, there is still a great challenge on the images with the server occlusion and adhesion, due to the small piglets, and the low contrast appearance with the pigsty background. Particularly, the piglets are also likely to gather together. In this study, a new Transformer + Anchor-Free (TransFree) model was proposed for piglet detection and postures recognition. Swin Transformer was used as the backbone to extract the local and global features of piglet images. The feature enhancement consisted of a feature pyramid and upsampling enhancement module. The multi-scale feature fusion was then performed to obtain a high-resolution feature map. Finally, the fused feature maps were input into the Anchor-Free detection head for the piglet localization and postures classification. The data collection was located at a commercial pig farm in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China. A total of four times were collected from May 2016 to September 2018, and the collection time of each pig pen was 0.5 to 12 h. The size of the pen was about 3.8 m × 2.0 m, and the piglets were 6 to 30 days old. The camera was erected on the top of the pig pen to capture the video vertically downward. The camera height was varied from 1.8 to 2.2 m, in order to ensure that the entire pig pen was covered as much as possible. A total of 12 columns of shooting videos were used to make a data set. Among them, nine columns (1 877 video images) were selected as the training set, while, three columns (460 video images) were used as the test set. The frame of the image was also taken every 15s. Subsequently, the piglet target and posture categories were labelled using the labeling tool. The final training set contained 6 935 prone, 7 134 lateral, and 5 860 standing postures. The test set contained 1 763 prone, 1 653 lateral, and 1 734 standing postures. The random data augmentation was then performed on the training set, such as the vertical and horizontal flipping, Gaussian blur, motion blur, and brightness adjustment. The experiment was also carried out on the Ubuntu18.04 system with a CPU of Intel Core i7-10700 and a GPU (graphics processing units) of NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090 whose memory was 24 GB. The test results demonstrated that the best performance of the TransFree model was achieved in the piglet pose recognition, with an accuracy of 95.68%, a recall of 91.18%, and an F1-score of 93.38%. A comparison was made to verify the performance of the TransFree model, particularly with the Anchor-based target detection (Faster R-CNN), the Anchor-free target detection (CenterNet), and the latest Anchor-Free target detection (YOLOX-L, YOLOX's large variant) model. Specifically, the detection accuracy and the F1-score of the TransFree model were improved by 6.75, and 4.07 percentage points, respectively, compared with the Faster R-CNN. The detection accuracy and F1-score increased by 4.07, and 2.32 percentage points, respectively, compared with the CenterNet. The accuracy and F1-score of the improved model increased by 7.25, and 2.26 percentage points, respectively, compared with the YOLOX-L. In terms of the mAP@50, the TransFree performed the best, which were 1.8, 0.71, and 0.64 percentage points higher than the Faster R-CNN, CenterNet, and YOLOX-L, respectively. The inference speed of the TransFree reached 43.48 frames/s, which was 7.44 and 1.97 frames/s slower than that of the YOLOX-L and CenterNet, respectively, but 22.59 frames/s faster than that of the Faster R-CNN. The model size of TransFree was 111 and 84.6 MB less than that of the Faster R-CNN and YOLOX-L, respectively, but only 53.8 MB more than that of CenterNet. In summary, the optimal combination of the TransFree model was achieved in the piglet pose recognition, in terms of the recognition accuracy, inference speed, and moderate model size. An exploration was also made for the tracking of all-weather piglet posture. The finding can provide promising ideas for piglet behavior recognition and subsequent assessment of piglet welfare.


