程宪波, 高根红, 刘琼, 陶宇, 黄从红, 欧维新. 快速城镇化地区的耕地撂荒空间格局、影响机理与治理路径[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(24): 218-227. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.24.024
    引用本文: 程宪波, 高根红, 刘琼, 陶宇, 黄从红, 欧维新. 快速城镇化地区的耕地撂荒空间格局、影响机理与治理路径[J]. 农业工程学报, 2022, 38(24): 218-227. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.24.024
    Cheng Xianbo, Gao genhong, Liu Qiong, Yu Tao, Conghong Huang, Ou Weixin. Spatial pattern, causal mechanisms and governance strategies of cultivated land abandonment in rapidly urbanizing areas[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(24): 218-227. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.24.024
    Citation: Cheng Xianbo, Gao genhong, Liu Qiong, Yu Tao, Conghong Huang, Ou Weixin. Spatial pattern, causal mechanisms and governance strategies of cultivated land abandonment in rapidly urbanizing areas[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(24): 218-227. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.24.024


    Spatial pattern, causal mechanisms and governance strategies of cultivated land abandonment in rapidly urbanizing areas

    • 摘要: 揭示快速城镇化地区耕地撂荒的空间格局特征和影响机理对保障中国城镇化和工业化进程下的国家粮食安全和社会稳定具有重要意义。该研究通过构建快速城镇化地区耕地撂荒影响机理的理论框架,以溧阳市为研究区,实证分析其耕地撂荒的程度、空间格局等特征,并探究其影响机理与治理路径。结果表明:1)2019年溧阳市耕地撂荒面积1 344.48 hm2,撂荒率为3.03%,各村撂荒率介于0.01%~54.26%,快速城镇化地区的耕地撂荒现象普遍存在。2)溧阳撂荒高密度区主要聚集在工业、商业和旅游业等发展水平高和旱地比例高的区域,快速城镇化地区耕地撂荒在空间上具有一定的集聚和带动效应。3) 快速城镇化地区的乡村非农产业发展和劳动力流失加剧了耕地撂荒程度;而高比例水田、道路密度等基础条件和土地流转、基本农田保护政策能有效抑制耕地撂荒。快速城镇化地区的耕地撂荒应引起决策部门的重视,未来一方面应该继续推进土地整治工程,吸引农业资本下乡,创新"旅游业+农业"发展模式;另一方面在非农产业发展水平高和劳动力流失严重的农村积极推行耕地流转,并继续加强永久基本农田管理等举措来预防、治理耕地撂荒。研究结果可为快速城镇化地区小尺度的耕地保护与撂荒治理提供理论支撑和案例借鉴。


      Abstract: Abstract: Cultivated land can be one of the most important natural resources for national food security in recent years. The idle or barren cultivated land has normally occurred as an economic resource in rapidly urbanizing areas in China. It is of great significance to reveal the spatial pattern characteristics and causal mechanisms of cultivated land abandonment. The new pattern of development can be evolved under the process of urbanization and industrialization. Generally, the village is assumed as the smallest spatial unit in social management in China, when integrating the government agencies, economic markets, village collectives, individuals, and cultivated land. The multi-dimensional complex interaction has also posed a great challenge to the abandonment degree of cultivated land in villages. However, only a little attentions was paid to the abandonment of cultivated land so far. Therefore, it is urgent to grasp the spatial pattern characteristics and causal mechanisms of abandoned cultivated land in rapidly urbanizing areas. Taking Liyang County, Jiangsu Province of China as the research area, this study aims to construct a theoretical framework for the spatial pattern characteristics of abandoned cultivated land. The causal mechanisms were then clarified to reduce the cultivated land abandonment in rapid urbanization areas. The comprehensive abandoned rate of cultivated land was set as the abandoned cultivated land area to the total area. The spatial autocorrelation analysis was used to determine the aggregation effect of abandoned farmland. The kernel density analysis was then used to analyze the spatial characteristics of the agglomeration. Multiple linear regression was utilized to quantitatively reveal the causal mechanisms between abandonment degree and independent variables. The results showed that: 1) The abandoned area of cultivated land was 1 344.48 hm2, including 762.77 and 581.71 hm2 of irrigated and non-irrigated farmland, respectively. The comprehensive abandonment rate was 3.03% in 2019, where each village ranged from 0.01%-54.26%. The widespread abandonment of cultivated land was observed in rapidly urbanizing areas. 2) There was a significant positive spatial correlation with the abandonment of cultivated land. The global Moran index was 0.253. The high-density abandoned area of cultivated land was concentrated mainly in the areas with the high development level industry of commerce and tourism, and a high proportion of non-irrigated land. Cultivated land abandonment also presented a certain agglomeration and driving effect in space. 3) The abandonment degree of cultivated land depended on the resource conditions, economic level, social development, and policy regulation. Specifically, the abandonment of cultivated land was attributed to the loss of labor productivity and the high level of rural non-agricultural economy. By contrast, the cultivated land abandonment was effectively restrained via the high-quality resource of cultivated land, and the favorable policy of land transfer, and prime farmland. Two management strategies were also formulated: one is continue to promote the land improvement projects for the development mode of "tourism+ agriculture", in order to attract the more agricultural capital and enterprises to the village. Another is to actively promote the transfer of cultivated land in the rural areas, particularly with the high level of non-agricultural economic development and serious labor loss. As such, the prime farmland policy can be expected to implement with less abandonment of cultivated land. The finding can provide theoretical support and case reference for small-scale farmland protection and abandoned land management in rapid urbanization areas.


