
    Spatial differentiation pattern and correlation factors of "non-grain" cultivated land in mountainous counties

    • 摘要: 准确测算耕地"非粮化"率,掌握耕地"非粮化"的空间分异规律及其影响因素,对于科学管控耕地"非粮化"、保障粮食安全具有积极意义。研究以江西省信丰县为例,从种植结构和产业结构2个方面测算耕地"非粮化"率,综合运用空间关联分析研究山区县耕地"非粮化"的空间分异特征,并采用空间计量模型揭示影响耕地"非粮化"生产的关联因素。研究表明:1)信丰县耕地总体"非粮化"率为30.28%,其中种植结构"非粮化"和农业产业结构"非粮化"面积分别为6 601.94 hm2和7 679.98 hm2,"非粮化"率分别为13.84%和16.44%。但不同地形区"非粮化"空间分布异质性明显,高山丘陵区主要为农业产业结构"非粮化",而低丘岗地区域主要表现耕地种植结构型"非粮化"。2)信丰县耕地"非粮化"呈集聚型空间格局,种植结构"非粮化"在中部低丘岗地区域呈高值集聚,农业产业结构"非粮化"在高山丘陵区域呈高值集聚。3)严格的耕地管护政策对于"非粮化"生产具有抑制作用。4)"非粮化"生产存在空间扩散效应。自然资源禀赋差异和社会经济发展的不均衡性,对山区县不同类型的耕地"非粮化"水平的空间分布格局具有深刻影响;在保障区域粮食安全的前提下,应充分尊重山区县的客观条件,分区域、分类别有针对性地实施"非粮化"的管控。


      Abstract: Abstract: "Non-grain" of cultivated land refers to the planting conversion from food crops into cash crops or others. The disorderly expands of "non-grain" cultivated land can greatly threat to regional food security. It is a high demand to scientifically measure the degree and spatial distribution pattern of cropland "non-grain". In this study, the spatial differentiation characteristics of cropland "non-grain" were identified to reasonably control the influencing factors in the mountain counties using spatial correlation analysis. The land use data was first collected from the Xinfeng County of Jiangxi Province in China, according to the Third National Land Survey. The correlation factors and formation mechanism were then revealed for the spatial pattern of cultivated land "non-grain" using the correlation analysis and spatial econometric model.The research results showed that: 1) The "non-grain" rate of cultivated land was 30.28% in the study area, of which the "non-grain" area of plantation structure and the "non-grain" area of agricultural industry structure were 6 601.94 and 7 679.98 hm2, with "non-grain" rates of 13.84% and 16.44% respectively. There was outstanding spatial heterogeneity for the distribution of cropland "non-grain" in different topographic areas. Specifically, the alpine hilly areas mainly showed the "non-grain" of agricultural industry structure, whereas, the low mountain hilly areas showed the "non-grain" of cultivated land cultivation structure. 2) There was the agglomerative pattern for the spatial distribution of cultivated land "non-grain". The "non-grain" of planting structure was highly agglomerative in the central low hill and hill areas, whereas, the "non-grain" of agricultural industry structure was highly agglomerative in the eastern and northwestern high mountain and hill areas. 3) Some factors (such as the average plot size, the distance to water sources, and the density of rural road networks) posed positive effects on the "non-grain" production. The "non-food" production also received the inhibiting effects from the decision making on the permanent protection of basic farmland and grain production functional zones. 4) Since there was a spatial diffusion effect of the "non-grain" production, it is necessary to clarify the use and cultivation status of transferred cultivated land, in order to avoid the destruction of the cultivated layer of cultivated land. According to the natural resource conditions and industrial development, the control strategies of the "non-grain" production were proposed, in terms of region and category. 1) One strategy was to differentiate between the planting structure "non-food" and agricultural industry structure "non-grain". There was a small impact of planting structure "non-grain" on the production capacity of cultivated land. By contrast, the large impact was found to be strictly prohibited in the agricultural industry structure "non-grain" on the production capacity of cultivated land. 2) High mountain areas were strengthen by the supervision of agro-industrial structure "non-grain", whereas, the low hill areas were for the planting structure "non-grain". 3) The "non-grain" production of agricultural industry structure can be curbed to increase the construction of farmland infrastructure in the high mountainous and hilly areas, particularly for the better farming conditions. 4) Much attention should be paid to those land types that converted from growing food crops to others. The potential cultivated land resources should be remediated in the stages to restore the cultivated land.


