
    Land use change of newly increased cultivated land at typical county under different geomorphic types in the Loess Plateau

    • 摘要: 土地整治是中国增加耕地数量、确保粮食安全的重要措施。在中国农村人口不断减少、居民膳食结构改变的背景下,土地整治作为推进乡村振兴的重要抓手,其新增耕地利用方向该如何科学确定是亟需研究的问题。该研究以位于黄土高原的延川县为例,利用土地利用、耕地质量等数据,研究了新增耕地在黄土高原典型地貌塬(梁)、坡面、沟道的利用变化,并分析了不同变化类型新增耕地的质量在不同地貌类型的分布,结果表明,延川县新增耕地转变为非耕地的比例为20.69%,林地、草地是新增耕地转变的主要去向,果园种植收益远大于粮食作物种植收益,且果园种植为劳动密集型农业生产活动,需要的劳动时间多,加之农户劳动力数量有限未有更多时间将新增耕地用于粮食生产,使得新增耕地撂荒并转变为了林地、草地。沟道是新增耕地转变为林地的主要分布区域,沟道和塬面(梁)是新增耕地转变为草地的主要分布区域,塬面(梁)是新增耕地转变为果园的主要分布区域,不同地貌类型的水分条件是新增耕地在不同地貌转变为其他土地利用类型时存在差异的主要原因。也反映出,在果园种植收益高的条件下,即使位于沟道的水资源条件较好、质量较高的新增耕地,由于劳动力的限制,也不会被利用以进行粮食作物种植,而是被撂荒并转变为林地,相反塬面(梁)的新增耕地也会被利用为收益更高的果园。未来土地整治新增耕地应根据不同区域地形地貌、水资源等自然条件因地制宜地确定利用方向。


      Abstract: Land consolidation is one of the most important measures to increase the amount of cultivated land for grain security in China. Newly increased cultivated land (NICL) can then be fully utilized to promote rural vitalization. Therefore, it is very necessary to explore the utilization direction of NICL by land consolidation, particularly with the decrease in rural population and the giant change in residents' dietary structure. Taking Yanchuan County located at the Loess Plateau as an example, this study aims to analyze the land use changes and quality distribution of NICL under different geomorphic types, including the loess tableland, beam, gully, and slope. The results show that 20.69% of NICL was converted into non-cultivated land so far. Specifically, the NICL was mainly transformed into forest and grassland. Three reasons were attributed to making the NICL change into the forest or grassland. Firstly, the benefit of orchard farming was much greater than that of grain crop farming. Secondly, orchard farming was a labor-intensive agricultural production activity that required a lot of labor time. Thirdly, rural labor was limited in the process of urbanization. Correspondingly, much less time was spent using the NICL for grain production. The NICL was then converted into forest land in the loess gully, whereas, the grassland was distributed mainly in the loess gully, tableland and beam. Among them, the apple orchard land that was converted from NICL was distributed in the loess tableland and beam. The converted area was 156062 m2 from the NICL into the forest land in the loess gully, accounting for 82.27% of the total area of converted NICL into the forest land. Meanwhile, the converted areas from the NICL into the grassland in the loess gully, tableland and beam were 30528, 37358 m2 , respectively, accounting for 44.97%, and 55.03% of the total area of converted NICL into grassland, respectively. The converted area was 9871 m2 from the NICL into the apple orchard land in the loess tableland and beam, accounting for 92.62% of the total area of converted NICL into apple orchard land. Water resource dominated the differences in the transformation types of NICL at different geomorphic types. Even the high-quality NICL was converted into the forest land in the loess gully. Furthermore, 25.64% of the total area of the converted NICL into forest land was shared with a physical quality score of 700, 900) in the loess gully. It inferred that the NICL failed to use for the grain production in the loess gully, even with better water resources and high quality under the high benefit of orchard farming. But the NICL was abandoned and then converted into the forest land. Conversely, the NICL in the loess tableland and beam was used for orchard farming for more economic benefit. Anyway, the full utilization of NICL by land consolidation should be determined according to local conditions, as the rural population decreased and residents' dietary structure changed in China.


