
    Cultivated land changes induced water profit and loss characteristics in the main grain-production areas along the Yellow River using MODIS

    • 摘要: 明确中国核心粮食主产区耕地水分盈亏状况,有利于区域灌溉策略制定及保障国家粮食安全。为探讨沿黄粮食主产区耕地利用下水分盈亏规律,该研究基于土地利用现状数据、MODIS遥感数据和常规气象数据,在Priestley-Taylor公式、区域遥感蒸散模型支持下构建水分盈亏评价模型,揭示2000-2020年原阳县、封丘县、延津县、长垣市、滑县和濮阳县沿黄6县的气候水分平衡状况及耕地利用下水分盈亏效应。结果表明:1)2000-2020年沿黄6县耕地及其子类型面积均缓慢下降,垦殖率由2000年81.46%降至2020年的79.34%,耕地变化过程类型以稳定型、前后期萎缩型以及前期新增型为主;2)研究区常年水分盈亏指数为?0.60,整体气候水分亏缺,以原阳县西南部、滑县、濮阳等地最为突出,同时在各研究时点呈现趋势性变化规律;3)研究区耕地多处于较为严峻的气候干旱状态,缺水类型主要为中度、重度和严重干旱,无正常和轻度干旱区,且在变化状态效应上,稳定型耕地处于严重干旱状态,前期和后期萎缩型耕地重度干旱,前期新增型耕地为严重干旱。当地需通过"以水定产,量水而行"并在保障粮食安全生产前提下,积极谋划和推行面向水分平衡目标的区域耕地可持续利用战略。研究可为沿黄区耕地灌溉策略制定及保障国家粮食安全提供支持。


      Abstract: Yellow River reaches along Henan Province has been one of the most significant core areas to promote ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. An important role can also be played to enhance the national ecological civilization construction for the commodity grain supply security. However, water resource shortages have been serious threatens to the basic resources in this region. A mismatch between production capacity and water resource distribution has posed a great challenge to local food production, economic development, and ecological environment. Therefore, it is a high demand for the assessment of the water balance to further clarify the effects of water balance under land use, in order to ensure national food security and regional high-quality development. This study aims to reveal the characteristics of water balance under land use in six typical grain-producing counties (such as Yuanyang and Fengqiu). The land use status, MODIS remote sensing data, and conventional meteorological data were also collected in the region from 2000 to 2020. A water balance evaluation model was constructed to reveal the climatic water balance status and the effects of water balance under land use, according to the Priestley-Taylor formula and regional remote sensing evapotranspiration model. The results show that: 1) There was a slow decrease in the area of cultivated land and the subtypes in the six counties along the Yellow River during the study period. Specifically, the cultivation rate decreased from 81.46% in 2000 to 79.34% in 2020. The stable type spectrum accounted for 73.98% of the total change area from the temporal process. The early and late shrinkage types were mainly distributed around the built-up areas of each city and county, whereas, the early addition type was mainly distributed along the Yellow River. The relative area ratios of the three types were 3.97%, 2.63%, and 3.61%, respectively; 2) The annual water balance index in the study area was -0.60, indicating a deficit overall. The key areas of water deficit were found in the southwestern part of Yuanyang County, Huaxian, and Puyang. There were some significant differences in the amount and index of deficit, indicating the varying trend at each time point; 3) The cultivated land in the study area was mostly in a severe climatic drought state, with the water shortage type mainly being moderate, severe, and extremely severe drought. There were no normal and mild drought areas. In terms of the effects of changing states, the stable type cultivated land was in a state of severe drought, while the early and late shrinkage type cultivated land was in a state of severe drought, and the early addition type cultivated land was in a state of extremely severe drought. Considering that most of the cultivated land in the Yellow River region is in a relatively severe climatic drought state, the regional sustainable strategy of cultivated land used can be expected to ensure food security production under the principle of "determining production according to water and conducting production according to the amount of water".


