Minimum-jerk velocity planning and control for CVT tractorvelocity regulation
针对无人驾驶拖拉机加减速导致的作业平稳性低和燃油经济性差等问题,该研究基于CVT(constantly variable transmission,无级变速传动)拖拉机,设计了一种基于贝尔曼最优性原理的最小跃度多项式局部速度规划算法。基于贝尔曼最优性原理和最优控制思想设计全局规划目标、局部规划目标及约束,提出基于最小跃度多项式的局部速度规划算法并开发速度跟随控制系统。田间试验表明,相对于无最优化调速技术的对照组,U型掉头的速度误差平均值和均方根分别降低42.31%和50.75%,加速度平均值与方差分别降低8.26%和16.36%,跃度平均值与方差分别降低7.65%和14.23%,发动机转速方差降低63.36%,发动机扭矩百分比方差降低60.26%,瞬时油耗方差降低71.25%,总油耗降低2.37%。直线行驶调速效果呈现相同趋势,与对照组相比,速度误差平均值和均方根分别降低9.45%和11.14%,加速度平均值与方差分别降低6.03%和13.68%。跃度平均值和均方根分别降低1.55%和3.59%。发动机转速方差降低31.78%,发动机扭矩百分比方差降低25.13%,瞬时油耗方差降低31.82%,总油耗降低2.48%。所提方法满足无级变速拖拉机无人驾驶速度平稳切换需要,并提高了燃油经济性。
Abstract:The target velocity jump has caused the low-velocity stability and fuel economy in the whole process of autonomous agricultural machinery operation. In this study, optimal velocity planning was proposed for the field operation of agricultural machinery in the constantly variable transmission (CVT) tractor. The global and local planning objectives and constraints were collected from the autonomous agricultural machinery. The minimum-jerk polynomial velocity planning was then designed using the Bellman optimality principle and optimal control theory. The velocity-following control system was also developed to realize the stable velocity cruise of autonomous agricultural machinery in the field. The velocity planning was modelled as multi-stage decision-making, according to the time series. The optimal decision was achieved in the jerk optimal control at each stage to realize the state transition. Bellman optimality principle and optimal control theory were selected to design the minimum-jerk polynomial velocity planning. The minimum jerk cost function was subject to hard constraints, such as the maximum and minimum velocity, acceleration, and jerk. The soft constraints were utilized to realize the driving task in the shortest possible time. Numerical solutions were used to reduce the difficulty of the model. Polynomial piecework fitting was generated to fully meet the smooth and continuous optimal speed reference curve under the hard constraints. The performance of the control system was significantly improved to prevent the velocity jump and varying conditions. The velocity stability and fuel economy were realized in the CVT tractor. The feasible solution space was obtained in the numerical solution. The end states of tractor motion were taken to heuristically search for the optimal solution under hard and soft constraints. The numerical solution was obtained after sampling. The unexecuted portion of the previous cycle’s solution in each planning cycle was utilized to achieve the time consistency of the unmanned tractor. The executive layer controller of the unmanned tractor usually tracked the reference curve generated by the planning algorithm with high accuracy and responsiveness. However, the replanning was performed to discard the remaining part of the previous solution, when the motion state deviated significantly from the target trajectory under external disturbances. The U-turn field experiment showed that the mean absolute error (MAE) and the root mean square error (RMSE) of speed decreased by 42.31%, and 50.75%, respectively, compared with the control group. The average absolute value and the variance of acceleration decreased by 8.26%, and 16.36%, respectively, while their jerk decreased by 7.65% and 14.23%, respectively. The variance of engine speed, torque percentage, instantaneous fuel consumption, and total fuel consumption decreased by 63.36%, 60.26%, 71.25%, and 2.37%, respectively. The straight-line navigation velocity adjustment experiment showed a similar optimization trend. The MAE and the RMSE of speed decreased by 9.45%, and 11.14%, while the average absolute value and variance of acceleration decreased by 6.03% and 13.68%, respectively. The average absolute value and variance of jerk decreased by 1.55% and 3.59%, respectively. The variance of engine speed decreased by 31.78%, the variance of engine torque percentage decreased by 25.13%, and the variance of instantaneous fuel consumption decreased by 31.82%. The total fuel consumption decreased by 2.48%. The stability of speed regulation was significantly improved to reduce fuel consumption during operation. The smooth control of velocity switching can fully meet the requirement for autonomous CVT tractors.
0. 引 言
无级变速传动(constantly variable transmission,CVT)可以根据工况和速度连续调节传动比,使拖拉机在最佳的转速范围内运行,有利于提高燃油经济性、换挡平顺性和驾驶舒适性,同时降低结构复杂度[1-7]。与有级变速不同,CVT可在较大范围内实现连续精确的速度调节,这为无人驾驶系统提供了良好的动力执行机构。然而,CVT会导致农机出现“橡皮筋效应”,即当拖拉机加速或减速时,发动机转速会先于拖拉机反应而升高或降低,造成拖拉机与发动机之间出现速度变化不同步现象,影响车辆行驶稳定性,增加燃油消耗。因此,不论农艺还是燃油消耗都要求农机速度调控平稳。
国内外专家围绕农机作业速度自主调控进行了大量研究,如王卓等[8]基于雷沃TA800拖拉机建立拖拉机纵向动力学模型,设计滑模变结构控制器,实现了拖拉机纵向加速度跟踪控制,与传统PID控制方法相比,该方法在外界干扰作用下能够使拖拉机加速度跟踪误差降低39%。韩科立等[9]设计了增量式PID控制算法对拖拉机进行定速巡航控制,速度控制精度在0.2 m/s以内。KAYACAN等[10]通过两个PID类型的控制器级联控制机电阀实现拖拉机的纵向速度控制。赵春江等[11]以静液压传动拖拉机为平台,设计油门调节机构和负载调节装置,实现拖拉机定速巡航控制,能够在保证速度控制精度前提下降低油耗,平地作业速度控制绝对误差可达0.012 m/s。ZHANG等[12]提出了一种模糊PID控制策略,实现对拖拉机速度变化的响应和精确控制,速度跟踪精度达到0.5 km/h。袁洪良等[13]以东风DF1004-2轮式拖拉机为平台建立农机横摆运动动力学模型,设计了基于线性二次型调节器(linear quadratic regulator, LQR)算法的反馈控制器,无速度切变时控制精度达到0.03 m,速度发生切变时达到0.05 m。张硕等[14]以雷沃TG1254拖拉机为载体,设计了基于横向位置偏差和航向角偏差的双目标联合滑模控制方法,实现前进速度0.5~3.0 m/s的直线路径自动跟踪控制,航向角偏差控制最大超调量稳定在5°左右。当前无人农机速度调控较为简单直接,不经过局部速度规划层对农机实时状态进行动态感知和决策,而是直接执行存在阶跃的全局规划速度[14-15],或者通过调整农机动力使速度稳定在某一范围[16],根据阻力扰动情况被动改变行驶速度。综上,当前农机作业速度调控研究以实现车速自主、高精度控制为主,对调速平稳性和燃油经济性的关注度较低。发动机工况、行驶工况的差异会影响燃油消耗,杨丽丽等[17]探索了与油耗紧密相关的指标,其中发动机平均扭矩、发动机平均转速、平均速度、加速度指标等与油耗的相关性较高。
为此,本研究针对无人农机巡航工况时目标车速跳变对农机系统性能的影响,以DF2204 CVT拖拉机为对象,构建执行层速度跟随系统,增设局部规划层,提出基于贝尔曼最优性原理的最小跃度多项式局部速度规划算法,以改善速度跳变和工况变化引起的系统控制性能不佳问题,提高无人农机的速度平稳性及燃油经济性。
1. 材料与方法
1.1 控制构架与算法
1.1.1 全局规划层
全局规划层综合农田地图、农机具约束和农艺需求,生成无人拖拉机目标路径的序列参考点$ P({l_o},{l_a},d,{v_{{\mathrm{g}}}}, {r_1},...,{r_{{a}}},{c_1},...,{c_b})$[15]。其中lo、la和d分别表示参考点的经度、纬度和航向,ri表示其他指标,如播种速度、撒肥量等机具作业状态或参数,a表示指标的个数。ci表示动力学约束,如速度、加速度和跃度限制,b表示约束的个数。
1.1.2 局部规划层
最优控制理论在运动规划领域中应用较成熟,鉴于无人农机作业对纵向速度平稳性的需求,速度规划算法需要满足完成任务、变速、巡航并在整个过程中尽可能保持平稳。描述变速平稳性的指标为跃度j,由加速度随时间的变化率定义,即$ j(t) = \dot a(t) = \dddot s(t) $,其中a表示加速度,m/s2,s表示路程,m。建立成本函数如下:
$$ \min J(s(t)) = \int_{{t_0}}^{{t_1}} {{{\dddot s}^2}(t){\mathrm{d}}t} $$ (1) 并满足以下边界约束:
$$ \mathrm{s}.\mathrm{t}.\left\{\begin{array}{c}s\left({t}_{0}\right)={s}_{0}\\ \dot{s}\left({t}_{0}\right)={v}_{0}\\ \dot{s}\left({t}_{1}\right)={v}_{1}\\ \ddot{s}\left({t}_{0}\right)={a}_{0}\\ \ddot{s}\left({t}_{1}\right)={a}_{1}\end{array}\right. $$ (2) 式中t0为初始时刻, s,t1为末端时刻, s,s0为初始路程,v0为初始速度,v1为目标速度,a0为初始加速度,a1为目标加速度。
$$ s(t) = {\alpha _0} + {\alpha _1}t + {\alpha _2}{t^2} + {\alpha _3}{t^3} + {\alpha _4}{t^4} $$ (3) 其系数$\alpha_0$~$\alpha_4 $为常量。此时,参考速度曲线为
$$ v(t) = \dot s(t) = {\alpha _1} + 2{\alpha _2}t + 3{\alpha _3}{t^2} + 4{\alpha _4}{t^3} $$ (4) 记系数矩阵A为
$$ A = \left[ \begin{gathered} {\alpha _1} \\ {\alpha _2} \\ {\alpha _3} \\ {\alpha _4} \\ \end{gathered} \right],A \in {{\text{R}}^4} $$ (5) (2)约束设计
$$ \left\{ \begin{gathered} \max J(A) = \int_{{t_0}}^{{t_0} + {T_p}} {v(A)} {\mathrm{d}}t ; \\ {\mathrm{s}}.{\mathrm{t}}.\left\{ \begin{gathered} {v_{\min }} \leqslant v(t ) \leqslant {v_{\max }} \\ {a_{\min }} \leqslant \dot v(t ) \leqslant {a_{\max }} \\ {j_{\min }} \leqslant \ddot v(t ) \leqslant {j_{\max }} \\ \end{gathered} \right.,t \in [{t_0},{t_0} + {T_p}] \end{gathered} \right. $$ (6) 式中Tp为规划周期,目标函数J以系数矩阵A为决策变量最大化单位时间内农机行驶里程,实现软约束。vmax为最大速度,vmin为最小速度,amax为最大加速度,amin为最小加速度,jmax为最大跃度,jmin为最小跃度,这些极值代表硬约束。
式(6)的解析解求解过程复杂、耗时,无法满足规划算法的实时性要求,所以本研究考虑使用数值法进行求解。理想情况下,可通过一步规划产生引导农机速度达到稳定状态的参考曲线,即末端状态加速度值为0。在实际规划时,同样期望产生的参考速度曲线可以引导农机到达速度稳定状态,故令目标末端状态a1为0. 对末端状态的速度进行m次均匀采样,对末端状态的时刻进行n次均匀采样,即有:
$$ \left\{ \begin{gathered} {V_s} = \frac{{{v_{{\text{target}}}} - {v_0}}}{m},m \in N ^+ \\ {T_s} = \frac{{{t_{\max }}}}{n},n \in N ^+ \\ {v_1} \in \left\{ {{v_0} + i{V_s},i \in \left\{ {1,...,m} \right\}} \right\} \\ {t_1} \in \left\{ {{t_0} + i{T_s},i \in \left\{ {1,...,n} \right\}} \right\} \\ \end{gathered} \right. $$ (7) 式中Vs为末端状态速度采样跨度步长,vtarget为规划算法调速目标值,tmax为末端状态最长采样时间,Ts为末端状态时间采样跨度步长。如图2中$ {V_s} = \Delta v $,$ {T_s} = \Delta t $。末端状态速度采样跨度步长Ts、控制周期Tc与规划算法运行周期Tp有如下关系:
$$ {T_s} > {T_p} = e{T_c},e > 1,e \in N $$ (8) 速度规划与控制之间无强反馈耦合关系,但两者形成结构与串级控制[24]相似。速度规划层相当于控制执行层的的外部回路,在响应速度上慢于控制层,其周期Tp是Tc的整数倍。单次规划产生的曲线至少满足农机在单次规划算法运行周期Tp时使用,故Ts>Tp。
当外界干扰导致运动状态偏离目标轨迹过大时,规划算法抛弃之前的计算剩余结果。此时,第k+1次规划的起始状态由第k次规划起点时刻农机实际状态$ \left[\begin{array}{c}{v}_{\text{real}}\\ {a}_{\text{real}}\end{array}\right] $利用牛顿第二定律进行外推获得,即:
$$ \left\{\begin{array}{l}\left[\begin{array}{l}{v}_{0}(k+1)\\ {a}_{0}(k+1)\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{l}{v}_{1}(k)\\ {a}_{1}(k)\end{array}\right],\begin{array}{c}\left|{v}_{e}(k)\right|\le {v}_{\text{e\_limit}},\; \left|{a}_{e}(k)\right|\le {a}_{\text{e\_limit}}\end{array}\\ \left[\begin{array}{l}{v}_{\text{0}}(k+1)\\ {a}_{0}(k+1)\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{l}{v}_{\text{real}}(k)+{a}_{\text{real}}(k){T}_{p}\\ {a}_{\text{real}}(k)\end{array}\right],其他\end{array}\right. $$ (9) 式中$ \left[ \begin{gathered} {v_0} \\ {a_0} \\ \end{gathered} \right] $为单步规划的车辆起始状态,$ \left[ \begin{gathered} {v_1} \\ {a_1} \\ \end{gathered} \right] $为单步规划产生的周期末端状态,ve_limit和ae_limit为农机实际状态与规划目标状态的最大误差。
$$ {a_0}(k + 1) = {a_{{\text{real}}}}(k) $$ (10) 则状态误差ve和ae为
$$ \left( \begin{gathered} {v_e} \\ {a_e} \\ \end{gathered} \right) = \left( \begin{gathered} {v_0}(k) - {v_{{\text{real}}}}(k) \\ {a_0}(k) - {a_{{\text{real}}}}(k) \\ \end{gathered} \right) $$ (11) (5)模拟测试
1.1.3 控制执行层
$$ {v_{{\text{ctrl}}}} = v({t_{{\text{sys}}}}) $$ (12) 具体速度控制流程如图5,车载计算单元获取目标控制速度vctrl和组合导航设备测定的实际车速vreal,计算速度误差ev,由PID控制器计算目标发动机扭矩请求百分比,并将其作为控制量。整车控制器(vehicle control unit,VCU)根据发动机扭矩百分比误差etq控制发动机,调整发动机输出扭矩tq。变速箱控制单元(transmission control unit,TCU)根据工况调整发动机传动比Rreq调节扭矩输出,动力经传动机构传递并改变车速,进而消除目标速度与实际速度误差。
1.2 试验设计
为评估算法性能,2022年6月以小麦夏收灭茬后的农田作为场地,在北京市密云区河南寨某农机合作社试验田开展试验。试验拖拉机作业机组如图6,主要包括DF2204 CVT线控拖拉机、精密播种机和无人驾驶系统[25]。
掉头变速场景采用U型掉头模式。试验路径全长158 m,全局作业指导速度为8 km/h,掉头试验指导速度为4 km/h(图7)。采用直线作业方式,在作业线上设置8个调速点位,每隔15 s调整一次全局规划速度(图8)。根据DF2204无级变速拖拉机和机组物理性质、作业需要选取局部速度规划算法参数,如表1。
参数Paraments 数值Values 最低速度vmin /( m∙s−1) 0.56 最高速度vmax /(m∙s−1) 11.11 最小加速度 amin /(m∙s−2) −1 最大加速度amax /(m∙s−2) 1 最小跃度jmin/(m∙s−3) −2.25 最大跃度jmax /(m∙s−3) 2.25 算法运行周期Tp /s 0.2 速度采样时间步长Ts /s 1 末端状态最长采样时间tmax/s 8 时间采样数n 8 速度采样数m 6 控制频率fc /Hz 50 2. 结果与分析
表2为U型掉头模式10次测试统计结果。试验设置数量相等的对照组,对照组采用阶跃式调速,试验组增设局部规划层。采集行驶里程及用时,计算平均速度。单次作业行程158 m。对照组平均用时92.48 s,平均速度1.71 m/s;试验组平均用时93.61 s,平均速度1.69 m/s。
项目Item 时间
Average velocity/(m·s−1)对照组Control group 92.48 1.71 试验组Experimental group 93.61 1.69 相对误差Relative error/% 1.22 −1.20 如图9a和图9b,农机行驶速度平稳,其速度稳态误差在0附近且有界。
与对照组相比,试验组速度误差平均值、均方根值、最大绝对值分别降低42.31%、50.75%和56.99%(表3),表明所提算法对速度跟踪误差及波动有良好的抑制作用。由于执行局部规划算法,调速点处的加速度冲击得到抑制,速度平稳性得到提高,围绕在0附近(图9c)。与对照组相比,试验组加速度平均值、方差分别降低8.26%、16.36%,跃度平均值、方差分别降低7.65%、14.23%(表4),表明本文算法对加速度、加速度波动、加速度冲击有较好抑制作用。横向跟踪误差平稳,在0附近且有界,算法效果与对照组持平(图9d)。与对照组相比,试验组横向跟踪绝对误差平均值为10.42 cm、最大值为46.31 cm,分别降低0.56%、2.14%(表5),这是因为U型掉头模式存在小角度转弯,导致曲线路径跟踪误差较大。
项目Item MAD/(m·s−1) RMS/(m·s−1) MAV/(m·s−1) 对照组Control group 0.25 0.36 1.37 试验组Experimental group 0.14 0.18 0.59 注:MAD为绝对值平均;RMS为均方根;MAV为最大绝对值。下同。 Note: MAD is the mean absolute difference ;RMS is the root mean square; MAV is the maximum absolute value. The same below. 项目Item MAD VAR MAD VAR 对照组Control group 0.23 0.081 6.15 62.93 试验组Experimental group 0.21 0.068 5.68 53.98 项目Item 平均值Mean/cm 最大值Max/cm 对照组Control group 10.48 47.32 试验组Experimental group 10.42 46.31 进一步分析图9可知,转速根据实际运行速度不断调整,对照组在调速点附近出现了“橡皮筋效应”,即发动机转速急速上升或降低。与对照组相比,试验组转速均值几乎持平,但其方差降低了63.36%;试验组发动机扭矩百分比几乎持平(图9d,表6),其方差降低60.26%;瞬时油耗均值下降3.55%,方差降低71.25%,总油耗降低2.37%(表7)。 在使用局部参考速度后,发动机转速、扭矩、瞬时油耗变化更加平稳,消除了速度冲击引起的突变(表8),本文算法对发动机转速的急剧变化有良好的抑制作用,油耗变化与杨丽丽等[17]研究结果一致。
项目Item 转速
Engine speed/(r·min−1)扭矩百分比
Percentage of torque/%平均值Mean 方差VAR 平均值Mean 方差VAR 对照组Control group 2032.85 23639.21 17.75 32.14 试验组
Experimental group2024.52 8661.91 18.03 12.77 项目
Total fuel consumption/L对照组Control group 13.75 14.16 0.35 试验组Experimental group 13.27 4.07 0.34 项目
Average velocity/(m·s−1)对照组Control group 132.57 1.77 试验组Experimental group 132.82 1.77 相对误差Relative error/% 0.19 −0.19 为充分验证算法在调速场景下的性能,设计了直线调速试验。直线导航单次行驶里程为235 m,对照组平均行驶用时为132.57 s,平均速度为1.77 m/s;试验组平均行驶用时为132.82 s,平均速度为1.77 m/s。如图10所示,各项指标变化趋势与U型掉头模式一致,具体指标变化趋势亦相似,见表9和表10。
Velocity error/
absolute error/cm绝对值
group0.15 0.20 0.66 0.20 0.068 6.00 60.58 3.55 12.70 试验组Experimental group 0.13 0.18 0.61 0.19 0.059 5.91 58.40 3.53 12.62 项目Item 转速
Engine speed/
of torque/%小时油耗
Hourly fuel consumption/
Total fuel
Control group1976.94 34081.48 18.67 36.74 13.63 14.39 0.50 试验组
group1974.25 23248.73 18.27 27.50 13.27 9.81 0.49 3. 结 论
图 5 执行层速度控制流程图
Figure 5. Flow chart of velocity control of execution layer
Note: ev is the velocity error, m∙s−1; Treq is the engine torque request, %; etq is the torque error, %; tq is the torque, N·m; Rreq is the transmission ratio; vreal is the real vehicle speed, m∙s−1.
表 1 局部速度规划算法参数
Table 1 Parameters related to local velocity planning algorithm
参数Paraments 数值Values 最低速度vmin /( m∙s−1) 0.56 最高速度vmax /(m∙s−1) 11.11 最小加速度 amin /(m∙s−2) −1 最大加速度amax /(m∙s−2) 1 最小跃度jmin/(m∙s−3) −2.25 最大跃度jmax /(m∙s−3) 2.25 算法运行周期Tp /s 0.2 速度采样时间步长Ts /s 1 末端状态最长采样时间tmax/s 8 时间采样数n 8 速度采样数m 6 控制频率fc /Hz 50 表 2 U型掉头作业模式行驶速度
Table 2 Operating speed of U-turn operation mode
项目Item 时间
Average velocity/(m·s−1)对照组Control group 92.48 1.71 试验组Experimental group 93.61 1.69 相对误差Relative error/% 1.22 −1.20 表 3 速度误差统计结果
Table 3 Statistical result of velocity error
项目Item MAD/(m·s−1) RMS/(m·s−1) MAV/(m·s−1) 对照组Control group 0.25 0.36 1.37 试验组Experimental group 0.14 0.18 0.59 注:MAD为绝对值平均;RMS为均方根;MAV为最大绝对值。下同。 Note: MAD is the mean absolute difference ;RMS is the root mean square; MAV is the maximum absolute value. The same below. 表 4 加速度和跃度对比
Table 4 Acceleration and jerk comparison
项目Item MAD VAR MAD VAR 对照组Control group 0.23 0.081 6.15 62.93 试验组Experimental group 0.21 0.068 5.68 53.98 表 5 横向绝对误差对比
Table 5 Lateral absolute error comparison
项目Item 平均值Mean/cm 最大值Max/cm 对照组Control group 10.48 47.32 试验组Experimental group 10.42 46.31 表 6 发动机转速与扭矩百分比对比
Table 6 Comparison of engine speed and torque percentage
项目Item 转速
Engine speed/(r·min−1)扭矩百分比
Percentage of torque/%平均值Mean 方差VAR 平均值Mean 方差VAR 对照组Control group 2032.85 23639.21 17.75 32.14 试验组
Experimental group2024.52 8661.91 18.03 12.77 表 7 燃油指标变化
Table 7 Variation of fuel consumption index
Total fuel consumption/L对照组Control group 13.75 14.16 0.35 试验组Experimental group 13.27 4.07 0.34 表 8 直线作业行驶速度
Table 8 Driving speed of staight line operation
Average velocity/(m·s−1)对照组Control group 132.57 1.77 试验组Experimental group 132.82 1.77 相对误差Relative error/% 0.19 −0.19 表 9 直线行驶作业质量对比
Table 9 Comparison of operation quality in straight-line operation
Velocity error/
absolute error/cm绝对值
group0.15 0.20 0.66 0.20 0.068 6.00 60.58 3.55 12.70 试验组Experimental group 0.13 0.18 0.61 0.19 0.059 5.91 58.40 3.53 12.62 表 10 直线行驶燃油经济性指标对比
Table 10 Comparison of fuel economy indicators in straight line operation
项目Item 转速
Engine speed/
of torque/%小时油耗
Hourly fuel consumption/
Total fuel
Control group1976.94 34081.48 18.67 36.74 13.63 14.39 0.50 试验组
group1974.25 23248.73 18.27 27.50 13.27 9.81 0.49 -
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