
    Effects of different rehydration methods on the rehydration quality of textured fibril soy protein and construction of kinetic model

    • 摘要: 大豆拉丝蛋白(textured fibril soy protein,TFSP)是经螺杆挤压技术生产的具有类似肉纤维结构的高密度植物蛋白,复水处理后常被用来加工仿真肉产品。为了提高TFSP的复水品质,该研究在40 °C条件下,采用不同的超声功率和NaHCO3浓度对TFSP 进行复水处理,通过对复水动力学模型的构建预测其复水过程,并探究不同复水方式对TFSP理化性质及微观结构的影响。结果显示,与纯水组相比,TFSP复水至120 min时,500 W超声组的最终含水率提高27.14 %、复水时间缩短20 min;2.000 %NaHCO3组的最终含水率提高23.41 %,复水时间无明显变化。Weibull模型可较好的拟合对照组(R2≥0.993 3)、超声组(R2≥0.990 5)和NaHCO3组(R2≥0.986 7)的TFSP复水过程。超声和NaHCO3处理均略微降低了复水TFSP的色泽,但提高了其持水能力和不易流动水含量。复水TFSP的硬度、咀嚼性、组织化度发生变化,弹性无明显差异。400 W超声组的组织化度最大,较对照组提高41.80 %;0.250 %NaHCO3组的硬度达到最小,较对照组减小54.17 %。扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)观察显示,超声和NaHCO3处理改变了复水TFSP的微观结构,使其孔隙增大,加速水分传输速率,提高了容纳水的能力。因此,若以最大组织化度为主要评价指标,应选择超声辅助TFSP复水,而若以最低硬度为主要评价指标,则选择NaHCO3辅助复水效果为好。该研究结果可为采用不同复水方式、开发不同品质的TFSP制品提供理论基础和参考。


      Abstract: Textured fibril soy protein (TFSP) is one of the most important high-density plant proteins with a fiber structure similar to meat using screw extrusion. It is often used to process simulated meat products after rehydration treatment. In this study, the rehydration dynamics model was constructed to predict the rehydration process using different ultrasonic power and NaHCO3 concentration at 40℃. A systematic investigation was implemented to explore the effects of different rehydration modes on the physical and chemical properties, as well as the microstructure of TFSP. The rehydration quality of TFSP was evaluated to compare with the control group, Results showed that the final moisture content increased by 27.14 %, when TFSP rehydrates to 120 min, whereas, the rehydration time was shortened by 20 min in the 500 W ultrasound group, compared with the pure water group. The final moisture content also increased by 23.41 % in the 2.000 % NaHCO3 group, without any significant change in the rehydration time. A Weibull model was better fitted for the TFSP rehydration in the control (R2≥0.993 3), ultrasound (R2≥0.990 5), and NaHCO3 group (R2≥0.986 7). Both ultrasound and NaHCO3 treatments slightly reduced the color of the re-hydrated TFSP, whereas, there was a great increase in the water holding capacity and immobilized water content. There was some variation in the hardness, chewiness, and degree of texturization of re-hydrated TFSP, without the outstanding difference in the springiness. The 400 W ultrasound group was the highest degree of texturization, 41.80 % higher than the control. Meanwhile, the 0.250 % NaHCO3 group reached the smallest hardness, which was 54.17% smaller than the control. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation showed that the microstructure of rehydrated TFSP was changed by the ultrasound and NaHCO3. Specifically, the pore size was enhanced to accelerate the water transport rate and the water holding capacity. Therefore, the ultrasound should be chosen to assist the TFSP rehydration, if the maximum degree of texturization was taken as the main evaluation index. By contrast, the NaHCO3-assisted rehydration effect should be selected, if the minimum hardness was taken as the main evaluation index. This finding can provide a theoretical basis and reference to develop TFSP products with excellent qualities under different rehydration modes.


