
    Water and gas permeability characteristics and functional relationships of biochar-amended clay

    • 摘要: 黏土中施加生物炭可改变土体的孔隙结构。生物炭掺量和干密度均会对土体的渗透系数产生影响,准确确定生物炭-黏土混合土的渗透系数对满足填埋场上覆层的功能需求格外重要。采用自主研发设计的柔性壁水-气联合渗透测试装置,测定不同生物炭掺量和干密度的生物炭-黏土混合土的饱和渗透系数和渗气系数,得到生物炭掺量、干密度与渗气系数和渗水系数间的关系曲线。建立生物炭掺量和干密度双变化条件下的渗气渗水函数,并通过验证组验证该函数的适用性。研究结果表明:在干密度较小时,对比纯黏土的渗水率,添加5%、10%、15%和20%生物炭处理后的土样渗水率kw值分别为8.25×10−17、8.89×10−17、10.40×10−17和18.25×10−17 m2,掺20%生物炭土样的渗透率增加了将近一个数量级。渗气渗水函数基于易测定的渗气率作为自变量,同时又考虑了干密度和生物炭掺量的影响,能快速、准确地确定土样的渗水系数。结合验证组试验得出,利用该函数计算得到的渗水系数和试验实测值吻合程度较好,表明该函数具有一定的适用性。该研究结果可为快速、准确确定渗水率,定量描述非饱和土孔隙中水气运动之间的相互影响提供理论支撑。


      Abstract: Biochar can be widely produced by heating the rice straw under an oxygen-deficient condition at 500 ℃, leading to loose porosity, high specific surface area, and strong adsorption properties. Fortunately, compacted biochar with amended clay has been proposed as a sustainable alternative material for the final cover of landfills in recent years. The pore structure of soil can also be changed (such as the pore size and porosity), particularly for the variation in the permeability of the overlying soil on the landfill site. The permeability coefficient of soil can be dominated by both the biochar content and the dry density. It is a high demand to accurately determine the permeability coefficient of biochar-clay mixed soil, in order to fully meet the functional requirements of the overlying layer of the landfill. This study aims to explore the influence of biochar content and dry density on the permeability of biochar clay mixed soil. Five types of biochar-clay mixed soil were selected with the mass percentage of biochar of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The dry densities were taken as 1.42, 1.56, and 1.65 g/cm3, which were 85%, 95%, and 100% of the maximum dry density of clay. According to the Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill closure (GB 51220 2017), the degree of compaction of the landfill cover soil was not less than 90% of the standard proctor maximum dry density (SPMDD) of clay. The compactness of the slope was not less than 85%, according to the national standard (GB 51220 2017). The self-developed device was also used for the flexible wall water-air joint penetration to measure the saturated permeability coefficient and air permeability coefficient of biochar-clay mixed soil with different biochar content and dry density. The relationship was obtained between biochar content, dry density, saturated permeability coefficient and gas permeability coefficient. The applicability and accuracy were verified by validation group tests. A biochar content-dry density-dependent air-water permeability function was then established using the optimal relationships. The results show that the water permeability values of soil samples that were treated with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% were 8.25×10−17, 8.89×10−17, 10.40×10−17, and 18.25×10−17 m2, respectively, under the small dry density, compared with the pure clay. Among them, the permeability of soil samples mixed with biochar 20% increased by nearly an order of magnitude. The biochar content was obtained under the same initial dry density from the test, according to the relationship curve between the air permeability of biochar-clay mixed soil. The functional relationship between the dry density of the sample and the biochar content was termed as the water-gas permeability function of the soil sample mixed with biochar. Anyway, this function can be expected to rapidly and accurately determine the permeability coefficient of soil samples, particularly with considering the dry density and biochar content. The easily measured permeability coefficient was also taken as an independent variable. The validation group test showed that there was better consistence between the calculated and measured water permeability coefficient, indicating the better applicability of the improved function.


