
    Development of the sliding cutter for the shortened stem of tumorous stem mustard

    • 摘要: 青菜头机械化收获水平低下是制约青菜头产业发展的重要原因之一。为解决青菜头机械化收获过程中缩短茎切割难度大和农机与农艺融合程度低等问题,该研究提出了一款滑切式青菜头收获机并对其滑切刀作业参数进行分析与试验。首先,基于青菜头收获农艺要求阐述青菜头收获机整机及其切根装置的结构及工作原理,根据受力分析确定滑切刀安装方式。然后,对紫色土壤和滑切刀的接触参数进行标定并基于EDEM建立土壤-滑切刀互作模型,仿真分析不同作业速度、刀具夹角对滑切刀作业阻力的影响。结果表明:1)相同速度下,滑切刀交叉夹角与作业阻力负相关;2)相同滑切刀角度下,滑切刀作业阻力与作业速度正相关。以滑切刀切削阻力为评价指标,作业速度、刀具夹角、切割距离为影响因素进行切割试验并对试验参数进行优化,结果表明:滑切刀作业速度与切削阻力呈正相关,切割距离与切削阻力呈负相关,刀具夹角从60°到120°,切削阻力先减小再增大。影响切削阻力大小的主次因素顺序为作业速度、刀具夹角和切割距离。优化圆整后的滑切刀作业速度为0.1 m/s,刀具夹角65°,切割距离20 mm,3次重复试验得到的切削阻力依次为141.24 、156.32 和150.65 N,与理论切削阻力128.63N相对误差分别为9.8%、21.53%和17.12%,较 Box-Behnken试验平均切削阻力分别下降44.30%,38.35%和40.59%,验证了滑切刀作业参数优化的有效性。研究结果可为青菜头机械化收获提供参考,具有重要的工程应用价值。


      Abstract: Brassica juncea var. tumida (tumorous stem mustard, TSM) is one of the most important vegetable crops of the Brassica genus of the Cruciferae family. However, the low level of mechanized harvesting cannot fully meet the large-scale production in the TSM industry. There is a high demand to shorten the stem cutting for the better integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy in the process of mechanized harvesting of TSM. In this study, a sliding-cut TSM harvester was proposed to optimize the operating parameters of its sliding cutter. Firstly, the structure and working principle were elaborated for the TSM harvester and root-cutting device, according to the agronomic requirements of the TSM harvesting. The sliding cutting was analyzed to compare the current shortened stem reciprocating and rotary cutting of TSM. The shape and structural parameters were determined to ensure the working strength of the sliding cutter. The installation of the sliding cutter was clarified, according to the force analysis. The contact parameters were calibrated between purple soil and slide cutter in the southwestern region. A soil-sliding cutter interaction model was established using EDEM software. A simulation was then implemented to analyze the impact of different operating speeds and cutter angles on the working resistance of the sliding cutter. The results showed that the angle between the sliding cutter and the working resistance was negatively correlated at the same speed, whereas, the working resistance of the sliding cutter was positively correlated with the working speed at the same sliding cutter angle. The soil tank test was conducted to verify the reliability of the parameter setting in the discrete element model, indicating the better performance of the sliding cutter. The cutting test was also carried out to optimize the test parameters, with the cutting resistance as the evaluation index, and with the operating speed, the angle of the cutter, as well as the cutting distance as the influencing factors. The results showed that the operating speed of the sliding cutter was positively correlated with the cutting resistance, whereas, the cutting distance was negatively correlated with the cutting resistance. The cutting resistance first decreased and then increased, when the tool angle was from 60° to 120°. The influencing factor of cutting resistance was ranked in the order of importance: operating speed, tool angle, and cutting distance. Furthermore, the operating speed of the sliding cutter was 0.1 m/s, the included angle of the cutter was 65°, and the cutting distance was 20 mm after optimized rounding. The values of cutting force in three repeated tests were 141.24, 156.32 and 150.65 N, respectively, where the errors were 9.8%, 21.53%, and 17.12%, respectively, compared with the theoretical of 128.63 N. Those values were 44.30%, 38.35% and 40.59% lower than the average cutting force in the Box-Behnken test. The optimal parameters of sliding knife operation were also verified. The findings can provide a strong reference for the mechanized harvesting of TSM, indicating the important engineering application.


