
    Optimal decision-making method for the ecological compensation of rural photovoltaic power generation adapted to rural revitalization and sustainable energy development

    • 摘要: 农村地区充沛的土地资源为光伏发电提供了先天便利的条件。农村光伏项目为区域内生产生活提供可持续的清洁、低碳电能供应,对光伏电站建设企业、农民、村集体等参与主体产生了正向或负向的生态系统服务价值。该研究提出了生态系统服务评估指标体系,定量分析了农村光伏项目对参与主体产生的生态系统服务价值,给出了电能、建设收益等经济价值,社会保障价值以及节能减排、水土流失等环境价值的计算模型。在此基础上,建立起参与主体之间的收益和支出关系,提出主体利益平衡、区域经济可持续发展的生态补偿优化方案。选取炎陵县农村光伏项目进行验证,结果显示:2020—2022年期间,未采取生态补偿优化方案时,农民承担的负向生态系统服务价值无法得到补偿,随着光伏组件功率衰减,农民群体获得的并网发电收入由66.29万元下降至61.99万元,低收入农民占比率由52.72%上升至76.09%;采用本研究提出的生态补偿优化策略后,农民群体获得的总收入由88.28万元提升至97.36万元,低收入农民占比率保持为0,同时,光伏电站建设企业、村集体的总收益均为正,生态补偿机制并未损害任何参与主体的经济收益。案例研究表明,生态补偿优化策略在保障所有参与主体适当盈利、能源可持续发展的同时,实现了低收入农民全部脱低,对于推进乡村振兴具有重要意义。


      Abstract: Vigorously promoting photovoltaic power generation meets the requirements of energy structure transition, which contributes to environmental protection. Abundant land resources in rural areas provide inherently convenient conditions for photovoltaic power generation. Rural photovoltaic projects provide a sustainable, clean, and low-carbon power supply for production and life, which increases positive ecological values, such as reducing carbon emissions by helping farmers wean off traditional fossil fuels, creating employment opportunities, etc. However, there are also some negative ecological values, such as the construction of photovoltaic power stations causing soil-water losses and construction occupations, which not only reduce the planting incomes of farmers, but also damage rural ecosystems. Therefore, ecological compensation for participators in the photovoltaic project, i.e., photovoltaic power station construction enterprises, farmers, and village collectives, is required to balance the participants' benefits and losses. However traditional compensation methods cannot decide the accurate compensation standards for participators. Hence, referring to the ecosystem service values in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, an ecosystem service assessment index system (ESAIS) that includes economic, social, and environmental aspects is proposed in this paper. Based on the proposed ESAIS, the calculation modes for economic values (e.g., electric energy, construction incomes, etc.), social security values, and environment values (e.g., energy conservation and emission reduction, soil-water losses, etc.) are proposed based on market valuation methods, shadow project approaches, opportunity cost methods, etc., can be employed to quantitatively analyze the ecological values of participators. On this basis, the relationship between benefits and expenditures among the participators is established. Then an optimal decision-making model for ecological compensation is introduced to minimize the proportion of low-income farmers with the constraints of the balance of payments, which contributes to achieving win-win cooperation among the participators and sustainable energy development. Based on actual data from rural photovoltaic projects in China, case studies are carried out to verify the proposed ecological compensation model. Under the premise of ensuring reasonable profitability for all participators, the proposed model maximizes the contributions of beneficiaries in the ecological compensation schemes, which contributes to preventing farmers from returning to low income. Compared to traditional compensation methods that compensate farmers based on production inputs, direct losses, or waste disposal fees, the proposed method not only guarantees all participators have positive ecological values and environmental values after compensation, but also increases all farmers’ income levels by maximizing their incomes. Hence, the proposed model contributes to the realization of rural revitalization strategy and sustainable development, which has directive significance for economic advancement in underdeveloped regions worldwide.


