
    Livestock and poultry manure resource distribution and energy model of karst rocky desertification areas in southern China

    • 摘要: 摸清中国南方石漠化地区的畜禽粪便资源能源化底数,构建禽畜粪便资源的能源化利用模式,对于提高喀斯特森林生态系统服务功能、能源生产与消费革命等具有极强的现实意义。该研究以中国南方喀斯特石漠化问题严重的贵州省为研究区,以贵州省9个市/州的统计年鉴为数据来源,运用数理统计方法对贵州省4类畜禽粪便资源量、人均禽畜占有量等进行潜力估算,明确了贵州省畜禽资源地域性特征,揭示了贵州省畜禽粪便资源量在喀斯特县和非喀斯特县差异性,以及与石漠化等级之间的关联性,提出禽畜粪便资源能源化利用的生物天然气模式,测算了该模式的环境、社会和经济可行性。结果表明,2017年贵州省4类畜禽粪便理论资源量5 287.40万 t,可收集资源量为3 635.86万t,牛粪和猪粪占绝对优势;空间上呈现东南向西北增长趋势,县域差异显著;肥料化资源量为1 815万t,可能源化资源量为1 820.86万t;以禽畜粪便为原料的沼气工程模式在高原山地潜在-轻度石漠化地区具有良好的经济性和可行性,巩固了石漠化治理成效且增加了农户健康和福祉。


      Abstract: Karst ecological civilization is required to construct for energy production and consumption in the Karst rocky desertification (KRD) area in southern China. It is of great practical significance for rural areas to determine the distribution of animal and poultry manure resources, in order to realize the highly efficient energy utilization. In this study, the research area was selected as Guizhou Province with the serious KRD in southern China. The nine cities/prefectures were collected from the statistical yearbook as the data source. Four types of livestock manure resources were selected to estimate the potential of per capita livestock utilization. The regional characteristics of livestock and poultry resources were defined to quantitatively using mathematical statistics. There was some difference in livestock and poultry manure resources between Karst counties and non-karst counties, as well as a correlation with the level of KRD. A biogas mode was proposed for the energy utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources. The economic feasibility of the model was measured as well. The following three conclusions were drawn: 1) The theoretical resources of four types of livestock and poultry manure were 52.874 million tons in 2017, and the recoverable resources were 36.358 6 million tons, which was dominated by cow manure and pig manure. Spatially, the growth trend was from the southeast to northwest, with significant differences among counties. 2) The amount of manure fertilizer resources was 18.15 million tons, the amount of energy conversion resources was 18.208 6 million tons, the amount of standard coal was reduced, and the annual energy consumption of firewood was replaced by 15.254 4 million tons, indicating the comparative advantages of energy utilization in livestock manure. Cites of Zunyi and Bijie in the northwest shared the promising potential for large-scale utilization. 3) rural energy was dominated by electrification and gasification in recent years, considering the rural energy development trend, regional resource endowment, population age structure, and population shrinkage. Some recommendations were given to construct the rural energy production and consumption revolution demonstration zone, due to the population shrinkage and population age structure. The large-scale biogas project/bio-gas model was proposed to select livestock manure as the raw material in the plateau mountainous area with potential-mild KRD. The optimal structure of energy consumption with ecologically friendly, social, and economic feasibility can be expected to alleviate the regional energy poverty and economic pressure, and then reduce the incidence of diseases for a better indoor environment. The finding can provide a strong reference to consolidate the rock desertification control for the health and well-being of local community households.


