刘洪光,李智杰,李玲,等. 粉垄深松深耕改善南疆重度盐碱土理化性质和棉花产量及其后效[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(13):45-57. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202309085
    引用本文: 刘洪光,李智杰,李玲,等. 粉垄深松深耕改善南疆重度盐碱土理化性质和棉花产量及其后效[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(13):45-57. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202309085
    LIU Hongguang, LI Zhijie, LI Ling, et al. Effects of deep vertical rotary tillage depth on the improvement of soil physicochemical properties and cotton yield in the current year and the following year in severe saline land in Southern Xinjiang of China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(13): 45-57. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202309085
    Citation: LIU Hongguang, LI Zhijie, LI Ling, et al. Effects of deep vertical rotary tillage depth on the improvement of soil physicochemical properties and cotton yield in the current year and the following year in severe saline land in Southern Xinjiang of China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(13): 45-57. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202309085


    Effects of deep vertical rotary tillage depth on the improvement of soil physicochemical properties and cotton yield in the current year and the following year in severe saline land in Southern Xinjiang of China

    • 摘要: 南疆地区棉田土壤高盐碱与板结限制棉田增产增效。粉垄耕作有利于破除土壤板结层、促进灌溉洗盐作用。为探讨粉垄深松深耕对盐碱棉田的改良效果,该研究开展2 a(2021–2022年)田间试验,共设置3个粉垄耕作深度(DT20:深松20 cm,DT40:深松40 cm,DT60:深松60 cm)与常规耕作(五铧犁翻耕20 cm)交替,并设置CT20为连续2 a常规耕作,分析其对土壤理化性质、棉花生长及籽棉产量的影响,通过结构方程模型量化明确作物增产效应。结果表明:1)粉垄深松深耕能够疏松耕作范围内土壤以优化土壤结构。其中DT60较DT20与CT20显著降低耕作深度范围内的土壤容重、粗大团聚体(>2 mm)的含量与黏粒和粉粒(<0.053 mm),这使得土壤的平均重量直径和平均几何直径显著降低,并增加孔隙度和微团聚体(<0.25~0.053 mm)的含量。2)DT40与DT60处理能够显著增加0~40 cm土壤水分,并降低土壤盐分和pH值,而DT20处理则仅能降低0~20 cm的土壤盐分,而DT60能够较DT40显著降低0~60 cm土壤盐分和pH值,但不能显著增加土壤水分。盐分降低促进了土壤中0~40 cm土层有机碳和0~60 cm的全氮累积。3)结构方程模型的分析表明,土壤盐分是影响籽棉产量的间接因子,干物质量累计和棉铃质量为直接因子。土壤盐分的降低,有利于土壤养分累积和根系生长,促进养分向植株运移和累积,提高棉花干物质累积量和籽棉产量。因此DT60处理使得土壤盐分降低的效果最佳,使得该处理下的增产效果最佳。综合分析得,粉垄深松深耕60 cm与常规耕作交替的制度能够实现南疆重度盐碱棉田改良与增产增效协同。


      Abstract: Cotton is an important cash crop in Xinjiang, accounting for 90.2% of China's total production in 2022. However, natural factors such as drought, high soil salinity, and the constraints of perennial shallow tillage soil management practices limit the yield and efficiency of cotton production and sustainable agricultural development. Deep vertical rotary tillage facilitates the breaking up of soil solidification and promotes the salt leached by irrigation water. In order to investigate the improvement effect of deep vertical rotary tillage on heavily saline cotton fields in Southern Xinjiang of China, this study conducted a 2 a (2021-2022) field experiment with three deep vertical rotary tillage depths (DT20: deep vertical rotary tillage 20 cm, DT40: deep vertical rotary tillage 40 cm, DT60: deep vertical rotary tillage 60 cm), and alternate with conventional tillage (five-share plowing 20 cm CT20), and CT20 was set to be the two consecutive years of conventional tillage. Original soil samples from 0-60 cm were collected to determine the water-stable aggregates. Soil moisture, salinity, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium were defermined by samples under the drip irrigation tapes, wide rows and narrow rows of each treatment on the 3rd day after each irrigation. Cotton root samples were collected at 105 days after sowing in 2021 and at 103 days in 2022. The effects of different depths of deep vertical rotary tillage on soil physical properties, soil nutrient content, cotton root length density, boll weight, dry matter mass accumulation and seed cotton yield were investigated, and the effect of crop yield was quantified by structural equation modeling. The results showed that: 1) deep vertical rotary tillage was able to loosen the soil in the tillage layer to optimize the soil structure. DT60 treatment was able to significantly reduce the soil bulk density, the content of coarse aggregates (>2 mm), and silt and clay particle (<0.053 mm) in the tillage depth layer compared with DT20 and CT20 treatment, which led to a significant reduction in mean weight diameter and mean geometric diameter, and increased total soil porosity and the content of micro-aggregates (<0.25~0.053 mm), while DT60 treatment was unable to further improve the soil structure in the deep soil layer compared with DT40 treatment. 2) DT40 and DT60 treatments were able to significantly increase soil moisture from 0-40 cm soil layer and reduce soil salinity and pH value, whereas DT20 treatment was only able to reduce soil salinity from 0-20 cm soil layer, whereas DT60 treatment was able to significantly reduce soil salinity and pH value from 0-60 cm soil layer compared with DT40 treatment. The reduction of soil salinity promoted the accumulation of soil organic carbon in the 0-40 cm soil layer and soil total nitrogen in the 0-60 cm soil layer, but DT60 treatment was unable to significantly increase soil organic carbon and soil total nitrogen in the 0-20 cm soil layer compared with the DT40 treatment. 3) The analysis of the structural equation modeling showed that soil salinity was an indirect factor affecting the seed cotton yield, and the accumulation of cotton’s dry matter and the weight of cotton bolls were the direct factored. The reduction of soil salinity favors soil nutrient accumulation and cotton root growth, promoted nutrient transport and accumulation to the plant organ, and increased cotton dry matter accumulation and seed cotton yield. Therefore, DT60 treatment had the best effect of soil salinity reduction, and thus the effect of yield increase. Comprehensive analysis showed that the depth of 60 cm on deep vertical rotary tillage with conventional tillage alternating can realize the synergy of improving and increasing the yield and efficiency of the severe saline cotton fields in the Southern Xinjiang of China.


