
    Soil health evaluation in the intensive vineyard based on minimum data set

    • 摘要: 健康土壤是生产高产优质葡萄的基础,目前葡萄园不合理管理导致果园土壤生产力下降和生态失衡。为摸清集约化葡萄园土壤健康状况,该研究以河北省曲周县典型葡萄园为研究对象,通过测定20项土壤物理、化学和生物学指标,利用主成分分析法构建最小数据集,开展土壤健康评价并揭示葡萄园存在的主要障碍因子。结果表明,集约化葡萄园土壤健康评价最小数据集由有机碳、亚表层土壤硬度、交换性钠、容重、含水率和水稳性团聚体6个指标构成。利用线性和非线性评分函数,基于全数据集和最小数据集计算的土壤健康指数间呈显著正相关(P < 0.01),这说明最小数据集可以代替全数据集用于葡萄园土壤健康评价。基于最小数据集,利用线性和非线性评分函数获得的葡萄园土壤健康指数范围分别为0.39~0.59和0.36~0.66,平均值分别为0.52和0.51,处于中等水平。不同树龄葡萄土壤健康指数差异不显著(P>0.05)。集约化葡萄园土壤障碍因子主要有土壤压实、养分不平衡和有机碳含量低等问题。通过适当减少田间管理频率,结合增施(生物)有机肥、种植覆盖作物和养分综合管理能有效消减土壤障碍因子,提升葡萄园土壤健康水平,促进当地葡萄产业可持续发展。


      Abstract: Healthy soils can provide the essential ecosystem services for food security and nutrition, climate, and sustainable development. Soil management practices can be optimized to promote the soil productivity and ecological balance for the high-yield and high-quality grapes in intensive grape production. This study aims to investigate the soil health status in the intensive vineyards in Quzhou County, Hebei Province, China. The soil samples were then collected in October 2020. A total of 42 vineyards were sampled in 0-20 cm soil depth. Twenty physical, chemical, and biological indicators were determined, including soil water content, surface hardness, subsurface hardness, bulk density, wet aggregate stability, pH, total nitrogen, available P and K, exchangeable Ca and Mg, available Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn, exchangeable Na, soil organic carbon, permanganate oxidizable carbon, soil protein, and respiration. The principal component analysis was used to establish the minimum dataset for the soil health evaluation in the intensive vineyards. Two evaluation approaches, Linear (L) and non-linear (NL) scoring functions, were used to calculate the soil health index. The limiting factors were also identified in the vineyards. The results revealed that six indicators were selected for the minimum dataset by the principal component analysis, including the soil organic carbon, soil subsurface hardness, exchangeable sodium, bulk density, water content, and wet stability aggregate. There was a significant positive correlation (P<0.01) between the soil health index with the total data set and the minimum dataset with linear and nonlinear scoring functions. Alternatively, the minimum dataset was used to better replace the total dataset, in order to assess the soil health in vineyards. According to the minimum dataset, the soil health indices ranged from 0.39-0.59 and 0.36-0.66 with average values of 0.52 and 0.51 using linear and nonlinear scoring functions, respectively, indicating the medium level. The soil health indices in the average tree age of 6, 13, and 22 were 0.64-0.65 and 0.50-0.53 using linear and non-linear scoring functions using the minimum dataset, respectively. No significant difference was observed in the soil health index among vines of different tree ages. The soil surface hardness, subsurface hardness, and bulk density in the vineyards were 1 203 kPa, 1 023 kPa, and 1.42 g/cm3, respectively, indicating a medium compaction level. Soil available P and K, exchangeable Ca and Mg, and available Fe and Zn were all at the rich level. The average content of soil organic carbon was 8.33 g/kg with a range of 5.6-13.1 g/kg, which was at the deficiency level. Therefore, the major soil obstacles in the intensive vineyards mainly included soil compaction, nutrient imbalance, and low organic carbon content. The agricultural measures can be implemented to reduce the frequency of field management in the optimal utilization of organic or bio-organic fertilizers, and cover crop planting, as well as the integrated nutrient. These approaches can be expected to enhance the soil health level in the sustainable development of local grape industries.


