
    Optimization of irrigation and fertilization based on grape yield and soil greenhouse gas emissions of drip-fertigated vineyards

    • 摘要: 针对关中平原葡萄园水肥利用效率较低导致的环境问题,确定合理的水肥管理对于平衡该地区葡萄高效生产和环境效益至关重要。基于3a(2019年—2021年)田间试验,以‘户太8号’为试验材料,采用完全组合设计,设置3个灌水量(W3 (100%MM为灌水定额)、W2(75%M)和W1(50%M)),4个施肥量(0、324、486、648 kg/hm2,分别用F0、F1、F2、F3表示),探究水肥用量对葡萄叶片SPAD值、叶面积指数、叶片养分含量、土壤水肥分布、温室气体累积排放和产量要素的影响,利用近似理想解法(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)确定基于多目标综合评价的最优水肥用量。结果表明,对于灌水和施肥二因素,葡萄叶面积指数、SPAD值、叶片氮含量、叶片磷含量和叶片钾含量主要受施肥影响,随着施肥量(F0到F2处理)的增加,以上各指标值均明显增加;灌水对60 cm以内土层土壤含水率具有显著性影响。随着年份(2020—2021)的推移,F1和F0处理残留养分含量逐年降低,而F3处理则逐年增加。3种土壤残留养分中钾肥的合理施用可作为减少土壤养分残留量较为有效的手段;与灌水相比,土壤温室气体累积排放量主要受到施肥的影响。随着施肥量的增加,N2O累积排放量显著增加,而CO2累积排放量逐渐减少。2 a CH4累积排放量整体均为负值,表现为土壤对CH4气体的吸收。利用TOPSIS法综合考虑葡萄生长、产量要素和土壤环境的最优施肥量为F2处理(486 kg/hm2),丰水年和干旱年最优灌水量分别为W2(225 m3/hm2)和W3(465 m3/hm2)处理。研究为水肥一体化下水肥用量调控葡萄树生长和高产高效生产提供理论依据,并为丰水和干旱年型下葡萄园权衡产量和环境效益制定最优水肥管理策略提供参考。


      Abstract: Environmental challenges can often stem from the inefficient use of water and fertilizers in vineyards located in the Guanzhong Plain of Shaanxi, China. It is highly required for effective irrigation and fertilizer management in the area. This study aims to optimize the irrigation and fertilizer, in order to balance the grape growth, nutrient retention, yield factors, and greenhouse gas emissions. A three-year field trial was conducted from 2019 to 2021. 'Hutai 8' was also taken as the test variety. A combination design was employed to feature three irrigation levels: W3 (100% of the irrigation quota, M), W2 (75% of M), and W1 (50% of M), along with four rates of fertilizer: F3 (648 kg/hm2), F2 (486 kg/hm2), F1 (324 kg/hm2), and F0 (0 kg/hm2). A systematic investigation was implemented to explore the impacts of irrigation and fertilization on grape growth, soil water and fertilizer distribution, greenhouse gas emissions, and yield components. The TOPSIS method was applied to identify the optimal irrigation and fertilizer amounts for grape cultivation. The results indicated that the fertilization shared a predominant impact on the leaf area index, SPAD value, leaf nitrogen content, leaf phosphorus content, and leaf potassium content, compared with the irrigation. These index values rose significantly, as the amount of fertilization increased from F0 to F2 treatments. By contrast, irrigation shared a notable influence on the soil moisture levels up to 60 cm deep in the soil. The content of residual nutrients in the F1 and F0 treatments declined each year, while there was an increase in the F3 treatment. Proper application of potassium fertilizer effectively reduced the nutrient levels of residual soil among the three types of soil. Compared with irrigation, fertilization was the main influencing factor on the cumulative greenhouse gas emissions from the soil. The cumulative emissions of N2O rose significantly, as the fertilization increased, while the cumulative emissions of CO2 declined gradually. Additionally, the cumulative emissions of CH4 were mostly negative over the last two years. It infers that the soil absorbed CH4 gas. The F2 treatment was achieved in the highest grape yield, water use efficiency, and fertilizer agronomic use efficiency. The best strategies of irrigation and fertilization were determined using the TOPSIS method. The grapevine growth, yield components, and soil conditions were also considered during optimization. The optimal combination was achieved in the W2F2 (225 m3/hm2 of irrigation and 486 kg/hm2 of fertilization) during wet years and W3F2 (465 m3/hm2 of irrigation and 486 kg/hm2 of fertilization) during dry years. A theoretical framework was offered to maximize the growth and yield of grapevines. The effective usage of water and fertilizer was also combined for the decision-making in the vineyards. A balance between yield and environmental advantages can be achieved during both wet and dry seasons


