
    A flexible and wearable sensor to monitor plant stem expansion and contraction

    • 摘要: 作物茎秆膨胀和收缩变化与其水分状态密切相关,实时监测茎秆的膨胀和收缩变化能够及时掌握作物水分状态,对指导灌溉、提高农业水资源利用率具有重要意义。目前,对于作物茎秆膨胀和收缩变化的监测主要采用基于线性微位移测量原理的传感器,通过测量茎秆的膨胀和收缩引起的位移变化来反映水分状态,存在体积大、价格高、安装不便等问题。为此,该研究提出了一种基于压阻效应的柔性可穿戴传感器,采用柔性压力电极作为传感元件,贴附在作物茎秆表面,通过监测茎秆膨胀和收缩引起的压力变化来反映作物的水分状态,压力检测电路和数据采集电路将作物茎秆的压力信号转换成电信号进行输出和存储。首先在实验室环境下对传感器性能进行测试和标定,然后在温室环境下将传感器安装在番茄茎秆上观测番茄茎秆的压力变化,并与线性微位移传感器观测结果进行比较,最后在充分灌溉和水分亏缺2种条件下观测番茄茎秆的膨胀和收缩变化。结果表明,柔性压力传感器稳定性测试的平均相对变化率为0.109%;弯折前后引起的输出变化非常小,可以忽略不计;标定结果的决定系数大于0.99,最合适的工作压力范围为2~100 kPa;实验室环境下,柔性压力传感器与线性微位移传感器输出值之间的决定系数为0.9551;温室环境下,充分灌溉组中柔性压力传感器与线性微位移传感器输出值变化趋势一致,两者之间的决定系数为0.7672,亏缺灌溉组中两类传感器输出值均因水分亏缺而呈现下降趋势,输出值之间的决定系数为0.8519。本文所设计的柔性可穿戴压力传感器不仅能够实时监测番茄茎秆的膨胀和收缩变化,还可以对番茄亏水胁迫进行诊断,为实现高效节水灌溉提供重要的技术支撑。


      Abstract: Stem expansion and contraction are closely related to the plant water status. It is of great significance to real-time monitor the stem expansion and contraction, in order to improve the utilization rate of agricultural water resources in irrigation systems. Therefore, the sensors have been mainly used to monitor the expansion and contraction of plant stems at present. The linear micro-displacement can be measured to assess the plant water status. However, it is still limited to the high cost and inconvenient installation. In this study, a flexible and wearable sensor was designed and developed using the piezoresistive effect. A flexible pressure electrode was used as the sensing element to monitor the pressure variation, which was attached to the surface of plant stems. Different from the linear micro-displacement sensor, the developed sensor was used to assess the pressure variation caused by the expansion and contraction of the stem. The pressure signal detection and data collection were also designed to convert the pressure into electrical signals for storage. A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the pressure sensor. Firstly, the performance test and sensor calibration were conducted under laboratory conditions. Then, the pressure sensor was installed on a tomato stem in a greenhouse, in order to observe the pressure variation. A comparison was made with the linear micro-displacement sensor. Finally, the variations in the expansion and contraction of tomato stems were observed under sufficient irrigation and water deficit using the two types of sensors. The results show that the average relative change rate of the stability test for flexible pressure sensors was 0.109%; There was negligible output variation caused by bending; The determination coefficient of calibration was greater than 0.99, and the most suitable working range was 2-100 kPa; The determination coefficient of the measurements between the two types of sensors was 0.955 1, compared with the linear micro displacement sensors. The greenhouse experiments show that the determination coefficients of the measurements using the two types of sensors were 0.767 2 and 0.851 9, respectively, for full irrigation and deficient irrigation. The flexible and wearable pressure sensor can be expected to monitor the variations in the expansion and contraction of tomato stems. The water deficit stress of the tomato can also be diagnosed as well. The pressure sensor achieved better performance during the experiment, such as the low cost and easy installation, compared with the linear micro-displacement sensors.


