田亚亚,姜广辉,邢玉琦,等. 面向乡村振兴的农村居民点用地结构与功能互动研究框架[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(8):232-244. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202311199
    引用本文: 田亚亚,姜广辉,邢玉琦,等. 面向乡村振兴的农村居民点用地结构与功能互动研究框架[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(8):232-244. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202311199
    TIAN Yaya, JIANG Guanghui, XING Yuqi, et al. Research framework for the interaction between rural residential land structure and function oriented towards rural revitalization[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(8): 232-244. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202311199
    Citation: TIAN Yaya, JIANG Guanghui, XING Yuqi, et al. Research framework for the interaction between rural residential land structure and function oriented towards rural revitalization[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(8): 232-244. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202311199


    Research framework for the interaction between rural residential land structure and function oriented towards rural revitalization

    • 摘要: 农村居民点用地结构与功能互动是由农村居民点系统内外部环境变化导致的用地结构与功能动态交互及平衡重塑过程,对促进乡村内部空间有序发展、助力乡村振兴至关重要。该研究综述了有关农村居民点用地结构与功能的研究内容、主题与进展;建立了以“过程-机理-效应-调控”为主线的农村居民点用地结构与功能互动研究框架。主要结论如下:1)现有研究针对农村居民点用地结构与功能特征、演变、驱动机理及优化开展了大量工作,初步建立了两者的静态对应关系,但用地结构与功能互动过程不清、联动机制尚未形成,服务于土地调整实践的用地结构与功能适配机制尚不明确。2)农村居民点用地结构与功能互动研究体系应涵盖用地结构与功能互动过程、互动机理、互动效应及用地结构与功能配置优化等内容。3)在促进乡村可持续发展与乡村振兴的目标趋向下,未来应以振兴乡村生产功能、强化乡村乡土文化功能及统筹“村-乡镇-县域”各层级功能为重点探索用地结构与功能配置方案;实践层面上通过创新农村居民点用地混合利用形式,探索用地结构与功能适配型乡村空间重构模式促进用地结构与功能协调与适配。


      Abstract: The interaction between rural residential land structure and function is the dynamic remodeling in the internal and external environments of the land system. The orderly development can be expected to promote the internal space of the countryside in rural revitalization. In this study, a research framework was established for the interaction between the rural residential land structure and function, according to the "process-mechanism-effect-regulation". A summary was also given on the research contents, themes, and progress of rural residential land structure and function. The main conclusions were as follows: 1) Existing research on rural residential land structure basically covered the spatial layout, evolution, driving mechanism, optimization, and regulation, leading to gradual refinement of the scale into the internal structure. Meanwhile, rural residential land functions were focused mainly on the dimensions of functional evaluation, spatial differentiation, evolution, and multifunctional transformation. While it was lacking in the intrinsic mechanism of multifunctional formation and evolution in the rural settlement, especially in the interactions among various functions. In the view of static correspondence, there were relatively few studies on the structure and function of rural residential land under one framework from the whole system. It was still unclear on the interaction between rural residential land structure and function. It was also lacking in the linkage mechanism to match the rural land use structure and function in the practice of land restructure. 2) Some recommendations were proposed to first determine the dynamic interaction in the "process-mechanism-effect-regulation". Secondly, it was very necessary to explore the influence intensity, mechanism, and driving path of the influencing factors on the interaction at different scales under the macro-environment and micro-actors; then the systematic assessment was carried out to clarify the influence of different interaction types at different stages of the interaction under differentiated geographical patterns; As such, the differentiated land use structure and function configurations were proposed suitable for the transformation and the needs of rural development. 3) The production function of the countryside was revitalized to reinforce the function of rural local culture under sustainable rural development and rural revitalization. The functions of the "village-township-county" levels were integrated to explore the residential land use structure and function allocation; While it was possible to promote the coordination of rural residential land structure and function via the innovation of mixed land use in rural settlements at the practical level, thus exploring the rural spatial reconstruction mode of land use structure and function adaptation. Towards the rural residential land transition in the rapid economic and social development, the finding can provide the academic reference to promote rural development in the residential land.


