
    Inversion of soil moisture in wheat farmlands using the RIME-CNN-SVR model

    • 摘要: 土壤水分监测对于农业生产和作物产量预估具有重要意义。近年来深度学习技术在土壤水分反演领域得到广泛应用,但大多侧重于模型结构增强和优化,对模型超参数优化研究探索不足。该研究提出了一种基于霜冰优化算法(rime optimization algorithm,RIME)的卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN)超参数优化模型,结合极化分解技术来校正植被对土壤水分反演精度的影响,以提高冬小麦农田土壤水分反演性能。首先利用RIME优化CNN超参数以构建RIME-CNN模型,然后使用RIME-CNN模型对特征参数进行自适应提取和挖掘,之后对这些特征参数进行正则化处理并输入到支持向量回归(support vector regression,SVR)模型,构建RIME-CNN-SVR模型进行土壤水分估算。为验证所建RIME-CNN-SVR模型的有效性,利用合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)数据结合光学遥感数据,在河南省开封市冬小麦农田区进行试验验证和精度分析。结果表明,该方法在不增加模型结构复杂性和可学习参数的前提下,显著提升了模型的预测性能,决定系数可达0.72,均方根误差为2.78%,平均绝对误差为2.20%。该研究可为农业生产提供一个更为准确、可靠的土壤水分监测手段。


      Abstract: Soil moisture is one of the most influencing factors on the crop growth in agricultural production, particularly for the water management, yield estimation, drought monitoring and precision irrigation. Therefore, it is very necessary to rapidly and accurately detect the soil moisture. Fortunately, deep learning techniques have been widely applied into the soil moisture inversion in recent years. However, much efforts have been focused mainly on the optimization of model structures. It is still lacking to explore the hyperparameter settings of the models. In this study, an optimization strategy was proposed for a convolutional neural network (CNN) model using rime optimization (RIME), in order to improve the performance of soil moisture inversion in winter wheat farmlands. The polarization decomposition was also combined to correct the impact of vegetation on the accuracy of soil moisture inversion in the vegetation-covered areas The reason was that the vegetation was negatively correlated with the soil moisture inversion. The RIME was then employed to optimize the hyperparameters of CNN, in order to form the RIME-CNN model. Subsequently, the RIME-CNN model was utilized to adaptively extract the feature parameters. Soil moisture was then estimated to regularize and feed into the feature parameters using support vector regression (SVR). Additionally, the wealth polarization characteristics were contained in fully polarized data. Various techniques were employed to perform the polarization decomposition on the RADARSAT-2 data. As such, the wide ranges of characteristic parameters were acquired after polarization. The original feature space of SAR data was further enriched to eliminate the data redundancy for the convergence of the network. Mutual information (MI) was also used to optimize the characteristic parameters. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical remote sensing data were used to invalidate the efficacy of the RIME-CNN-SVR model in the soil moisture inversion of the winter wheat farmlands. The results showed that: 1) The high accuracy of soil moisture inversion was achieved to improve the correlation between surface backscatter coefficient and soil moisture. Therefore, the polarization decomposition was effectively weakened the interference of vegetation. Among them, there was the highest correlation between the surface backscatter coefficient under HH polarization and soil moisture. 2) The MI was employed to optimize the feature. The unnecessary feature parameters were effectively reduced the data redundancy. The performance of network training was enhanced for the high accuracy of soil moisture inversion. 3) The RIME-CNN-SVR model was obtained in the higher inversion accuracy, compared with the CNN, RIME-CNN and CNN-SVR models, in which the determination coefficient was 0.72, the root mean square error (RMSE) was 2.78%, and the mean absolute error was 2.2%. At the same time, the RIME-CNN-SVR model was also feasible and suitable for the inversion of soil moisture in the winter wheat fields. The finding can also provide the accurate and reliable means of soil moisture monitoring for agricultural production.


