白竣文,靳家欣,孙力,等. 基于透射图像的高压脉动腌制咸鸭蛋含盐量检测[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(8):245-253. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202312222
    引用本文: 白竣文,靳家欣,孙力,等. 基于透射图像的高压脉动腌制咸鸭蛋含盐量检测[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(8):245-253. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202312222
    BAI Junwen, JIN Jiaxin, SUN Li, et al. Detection of salt content in high-pressure pulsed salted duck eggs based on transmission images[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(8): 245-253. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202312222
    Citation: BAI Junwen, JIN Jiaxin, SUN Li, et al. Detection of salt content in high-pressure pulsed salted duck eggs based on transmission images[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(8): 245-253. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202312222


    Detection of salt content in high-pressure pulsed salted duck eggs based on transmission images

    • 摘要: 含盐量是衡量咸鸭蛋品质的重要指标。为了利用机器视觉技术实现高压脉动腌制咸鸭蛋含盐量的无损检测。该研究采用工业相机和透射光源搭建咸鸭蛋的透射图像采集装置。采用图像整体特征和长轴截面光强度特征两种特征提取方法,利用多元线性回归、支持向量机回归两种算法,建立对蛋清、蛋黄及全蛋含盐量以及蛋黄指数的定量预测模型。结果表明,随着咸鸭蛋腌制时间的增加,其透光性显著提高。同时,透射图像蛋黄的所在视野区域会随着含盐量的增加而呈现规律性的变化。基于图像整体特征建立的蛋清、蛋黄、全蛋含盐量模型较优,在蛋黄指数预测下基于长轴截面光强度特征所建模型较优。其中,基于图像整体特征所建立的蛋黄含盐量支持向量机回归(support vector regression, SVR)模型最优,测试集相关系数(test set correlation coefficient, Rp)、测试集均方根误差(root mean square error of prediction, RMSEp)、相对分析误差(residual predictive deviation, RPD)分别达到0.8460、0.3416、1.898;基于长轴截面光强度特征建立的蛋黄指数多元线性回归(multiple linear regression, MLR)模型最优,测试集相关系数Rp、均方根误差RMSEp、相对分析误差RPD分别为0.8318、0.0743、1.916。该研究结果为咸鸭蛋含盐量的快速检测提供理论依据和技术支持。


      Abstract: Salt content is one of the most important indexes to evaluate the quality of salted duck eggs. The variety, source, size, and freshness of duck eggs can significantly affect the salting rate of duck eggs. Rapid salting technology (such as high-pressure pulsation) can promote the efficiency of osmotic dehydration. The difference in the raw materials can also be magnified to result in the uneven salt content of products. Therefore, it is crucial to precisely measure the salt content for the quality consistency of salted duck eggs. Rapid non-destructive testing of poultry eggs can include machine vision, spectral, and acoustic technology at present. Among them, near-infrared spectroscopy has been employed to measure the salt content of salted eggs. But its equipment cost is higher than the others. By contrast, machine vision is normally used to differentiate between deteriorated and high-quality eggs, due to its versatility, affordability, and large-scale detection. In this study, the acquisition device of the image was proposed to accurately detect the salt content of salted duck eggs using an industrial camera and transmission light source. There was a notable improvement in the light transmittance of salted duck eggs, as the salting time increased. Additionally, the visual field area with the yolk was gradually diminished in the transmission image. The color was lightened gradually with the regular changes until it nearly disappeared. There was a gradual increase in the average egg white, egg yolk, whole egg salt content, and egg yolk index, as the salting time increased. However, there was a significant variation in the salt content and yolk index of salted duck eggs under the same salting time. The eggshell and eggshell membrane served as the primary channels and barriers for the material exchange between the duck egg and the external salt solution. The high-pressure pulsation greatly contributed to the differences in the eggshell and eggshell membrane among individual duck eggs, further impacting the osmotic dehydration rate. Therefore, the salt content of salted duck eggs was required under conditions of high-pressure pulsating salting. The prediction model was established for the salt content and yolk index of egg white, yolk, and whole egg. The overall image features and long-axis cross-section light intensity were extracted using multiple linear regression and support vector machine. Results indicated that the overall image features were used to perform better on the prediction of egg white, yolk, and whole egg salt content. While the features of long-axis cross-section light intensity were more effective for the prediction of yolk index. Notably, the optimal combination was achieved in the support vector machine with the overall image features. The salt content of egg yolk was accurately detected in the test set with the Rp, RMSEp, and RPD of 0.846 0, 0.341 6, and 1.898, respectively. Furthermore, the optimal detection of egg yolk index was obtained in the multiple linear regression model with the long-axis cross-section light intensity in the test set with Rp, RMSEp, and RPD of 0.831 8, 0.074 3, and 1.916, respectively. This finding can provide a theoretical foundation and technical support to rapidly detect the salt content and yolk index in salted duck eggs.


