
    Accounting carbon emission in the layer breeding industry of North China

    • 摘要: 华北地区是中国蛋鸡养殖的主要区域,摸清华北地区蛋鸡养殖产业碳排放清单,开展科学规范的蛋鸡养殖产业碳排放核算,可为中国畜牧业碳减排技术筛选和政策制定提供依据。该研究利用混合生命周期评价和联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(intergovernmental panel on climate change,IPCC)国家温室气体清单指南的相关核算方法,结合实地调研数据、GABI 软件中Ecoinvent 数据库和中国蛋鸡养殖业文献Meta分析数据,对华北地区蛋鸡养殖产业碳排放因子进行完善,构建出“饲料种植-蛋鸡饲养-鸡蛋包装-粪污存储-粪污处理”全生命周期的蛋鸡养殖产业碳排放核算方法。并将该方法用在华北某区域362家蛋鸡养殖场,综合分析蛋鸡养殖产业链各环节碳排放量,找到目前存在的碳排放问题,并提出碳减排建议。结果表明:1)大规模养殖场每羽蛋鸡1 a的碳排放量(以二氧化碳当量计,CO2-eq)为23.0 kg,较小规模养殖场的25.6 kg和中等规模养殖场的24.4 kg少10.1%和5.7%。2)对每羽蛋鸡不同养殖环节1 a的碳排情况进行分析,发现饲料种植、蛋鸡肠道发酵、鸡蛋包装和粪便存储处理为主要排放源,排放量分别为13.0、2.2、2.2和1.2 kg 。3)建议通过精准饲养,提高饲料利用率、提升畜禽粪污的处理水平、打破蛋鸡养殖固化模式等方式减少蛋鸡养殖碳排放。该研究可为蛋鸡养殖产业碳排放核算提供方法,并为制定碳减排政策提供科学依据。


      Abstract: North China has been one of the main regions in laying hens breeding. There is a high demand to standardize the carbon emission accounting of the laying hen breeding industry at present, in order to formulate carbon emission reduction technologies and policies in the carbon emission inventory of the animal husbandry industry. Particularly, carbon emissions are ever-increasing, as the laying hen industry is developing rapidly. However, it is still lacking in the carbon emissions of the whole industry chain in the layer breeding. This study aims to improve the carbon emission factors of the layer breeding industry in North China. A carbon emission accounting was also implemented for the layer breeding industry, according to the IPCC national greenhouse gas inventory guidelines. The mixed life cycle was then adopted to assess. The data was collected from the field research and meta-analysis data. 362-layer farms in Hebei Province were taken as an example. The benefits of carbon emission reduction were calculated from the whole chain (feed planting and processing, layer feeding, and manure management). Furthermore, the carbon emission sources were determined for the whole industry chain in the layer breeding. The results showed that the annual carbon emissions (in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent) per layer in the small, medium and large-scale farms were 25.6, 24.4 and 23.0 kg, respectively. The main emission sources were feed production (56.0%), enteric fermentation of laying hens (9.0%), egg packaging (9.0%), and manure storage and treatment (5.0%). The precise feeding was obtained to improve the manure cleaning. The optimal manure treatment also reduced the carbon emissions. There were also the traditional modes of laying hen breeding and extensive management. For example, the amount of feed varied by 5% to 10% among different farmers. A comparison was performed on the farms with the different size scales. Some measures were taken to avoid wasting resources. The large amount of carbon emission was needed to improve during the laying hen breeding. According to the survey, a series of measures were proposed to reduce carbon emissions, including specific ingredients in the feed, optimal feed structure, and better waste disposal. The laying hen breeding industry should be transformed in the direction of modernization, scale, standardization and automation. The precise feeding can be expected to improve feed utilization and energy saving. The level of waste treatment can also be promoted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the green and coordinated development of the laying hen industry. The carbon emission also accounted for the carbon emissions in the whole life cycle of layer breeding. The finding can provide a strong reference to analyze the carbon emission of layer breeding in different scale farms and emission sources. Carbon emission reduction measures are also suitable for different farms. Data support can also be offered to assess the carbon emissions intensity of the layer breeding industry.


