
    Path planning for field full coverage operation in hilly and mountainous farmlands based on the enhanced whale optimization algorithm

    • 摘要: 为了解决丘陵山区单田块作业全覆盖路径规划以及多田块作业最优遍历顺序求解的问题,提升丘陵山区农业机械的作业质量和能耗效率,该研究设计了一种基于改进鲸鱼优化算法的路径规划方法。首先利用电子地图获取作业区域的数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)并提取作业区域经纬度信息,基于提取数据构建和绘制田块模型。然后,在单田块全覆盖路径规划中引入能耗模型用于寻找最佳作业方向角,以实现单田块作业能耗最优的全覆盖路径规划。最后,针对鲸鱼优化算法容易陷入局部最优和早熟的问题,利用Tent映射进行种群初始化,同时引入非线性收敛因子a^*,降低算法的振荡和不稳定性,从而求取多田块作业的最优遍历序列。以某型号拖拉机为研究对象,分别以能耗最优和路径长度最优为目标进行作业路径规划仿真试验。仿真结果表明,按照能耗最优规划路径完成田块作业需要的总能耗为1.3002×107 J,比路径长度最优情况下的作业能耗减少22.26%,利用改进鲸鱼优化算法求解的遍历顺序进行遍历所消耗的能耗比鲸鱼优化算法求解遍历顺序进行遍历节省能耗11.71%,节能效果明显。


      Abstract: Comprehensive path planning can greatly contribute to the single plots and optimal traversal order for multiple plots in the hilly and mountainous regions. It is very necessary to enhance the operational quality and energy efficiency of agricultural machinery. In this study, path planning was designed using an improved whale optimization algorithm (IWOA). Firstly, the digital elevation model (DEM) of the operation area was obtained using electronic maps. ArcMap software was used to perform the vector clipping on the DEM data, in order to extract the latitude and longitude information of the operation area, thereby constructing and mapping the plot models. The entire operation area was divided into 13 subplots, according to the distribution of field roads and farmland. An energy consumption model was then constructed in the comprehensive path planning for single plots. The angle of the operation direction depended directly on the operational quality and energy consumption of the tractor. MATLAB platform was used to simulate the comprehensive path planning for the 13 subplots, in order to quantitatively analyze the impact of parameters. The energy consumption costs of the tractor were gradually compared under different operation direction angles in the simulation. The optimal operation direction angle was identified and determined to realize the energy-optimal comprehensive path planning for single plots, together with the optimal entry and exit coordinates for each plot. Finally, the entry and exit positions of each plot were determined to solve the optimal traversal order for the multiple plots using improved whale optimization. The tendency fell into the local optima and premature convergence. Tent mapping was used for the population initialization. The nonlinear convergence factor was introduced to reduce algorithm oscillation and instability. The improved whale optimization balanced the global and local search. The energy-optimal traversal path was successfully planned for the 13 subplots, thus achieving an orderly connection for each subplot. Taking a certain tractor model as the research object, path planning simulation was conducted with energy and path length optimization as the targets. The results showed that the total operation energy consumption was reduced by 22.26%, compared with the optimal scenario of path length. The energy consumption for traversal was 11.71% lower using the improved whale optimization than that using the whale optimization, demonstrating the significant energy-saving. This finding can provide a feasible way for the comprehensive path planning of plots in the hilly and mountainous regions. A theoretical basis was also offered for the global optimization of operation energy.


