杨洪伟,张丽颖,唐志强,等. 杂交粳稻茎秆力学性状与理化特征对抗倒伏能力的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(14):44-52. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202402051
    引用本文: 杨洪伟,张丽颖,唐志强,等. 杂交粳稻茎秆力学性状与理化特征对抗倒伏能力的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(14):44-52. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202402051
    YANG Hongwei, ZHANG Liying, TANG Zhiqiang, et al. Effects of mechanical and physicochemical properties on the lodging resistance of hybrid japonica rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(14): 44-52. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202402051
    Citation: YANG Hongwei, ZHANG Liying, TANG Zhiqiang, et al. Effects of mechanical and physicochemical properties on the lodging resistance of hybrid japonica rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(14): 44-52. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202402051


    Effects of mechanical and physicochemical properties on the lodging resistance of hybrid japonica rice

    • 摘要: 倒伏严重影响着水稻的产量和品质,为探究田间自然栽培条件下杂交粳稻茎秆力学性状与理化特征对抗倒伏能力的影响,研究选取北方地区生产上主要推广的弯曲穗型杂交粳稻品种辽优2006(LY2006)、辽优5218(LY5218)、辽优5273(LY5273)为供试对象,易倒伏常规粳稻品种农林313(NL313(CK))为对照,测量其农艺性状和微观组织构成等理化指标,并通过弯曲试验及拉伸试验,测定其茎秆最大抗折力、断裂弯矩、抗弯截面系数、单茎自重质量矩、弯曲强度、杨氏弹性模量、惯性矩等力学指标,并研究测量的理化指标及力学指标与倒伏指数之间的相关关系。结果表明:供试对象的倒伏指数和对照之间存在极显著差异(P<0.01),供试对象抗倒伏性显著高于对照。供试对象和对照在株高、基部节间长度、组织构成等理化指标及力学指标间均存在极显著差异(P<0.01),供试对象的株高、单穗鲜质量均大于对照,因此,在相同的栽培条件下,并不是株高越矮、穗越轻,抗倒伏能力就越强。缩短基部节间长度、延长叶鞘长度、提高组织厚度及维管束面积、增加纤维素、木质素及钾元素含量等均能有效提升水稻植株的抗倒伏能力。研究还发现,水稻植株的抗倒伏能力与其茎秆最大抗折力、断裂弯矩、抗弯截面系数、弯曲强度、杨氏弹性模量之间存在极显著正相关(P<0.01),与单茎自重质量矩、惯性矩之间存在极显著负相关(P<0.01),选取其作为水稻植株抗倒伏能力的参考指标是可行的。研究结果可为北方杂交粳稻抗倒伏品种选育、改良及抗倒伏农艺性状调控提供综合的数据支持和理论支撑。


      Abstract: Lodging has posed a serious threat to the yield and quality of rice. This study aims to explore the effect of mechanical and physicochemical properties on the lodging resistance of hybrid japonica rice. The test subjects were selected as the curved panicle hybrid japonica rice Liaoyou 2006 (LY2006), Liaoyou 5218 (LY5218), and Liaoyou 5273 (LY5273) in northern China. The control object was selected as the conventional japonica rice Nonglin 313 (NL313(CK)) easy to fall. Then the agronomic characters and microstructure of the plant were measured to establish the mechanical evaluation index for the lodging resistance of japonica hybrid rice, including the maximum bending force, breaking moment, bending section coefficient, single stem weight mass moment, bending strength, Young's elastic modulus and inertia moment, according to the bending and tensile test. Finally, the correlation between the physicochemical and mechanical properties and lodging index was also studied to investigate the effects of mechanical and physicochemical properties on the lodging resistance of hybrid japonica rice under natural cultivation conditions in the field. Four results were obtained. 1) The type of plant was used to improve the structure of rice plants. Thus, ventilation and light transmission were provided for the plants to create a microclimate, thereby strengthening the individual stems and their lodging resistance. The plant height and panicle weight of hybrid japonica rice LY2006, LY5218, and LY5273 were significantly higher than those of conventional japonica rice NL313, whereas, their lodging resistance was greater than that of NL313. Therefore, the shorter the plant height was, and the lighter the panicle was, the stronger the lodging resistance was under suitable cultivation conditions. The structure of the rice plant type was optimized for the unity of high-stem and high-yield. 2) The length of the basal internodes and leaf sheaths of hybrid japonica rice shared a significant impact on the lodging resistance. The lengths of the second and third internodes of hybrid japonica rice LY2006, LY5218, and LY5273 were significantly lower than those of conventional japonica rice NL313, while the lengths of the second and third leaf sheaths were significantly higher. Therefore, the short basal internodes and the long leaf sheaths effectively enhanced the lodging resistance of rice plants. 3) The lodging resistance depended on the thickness of cells and tissues, the area of vascular bundles, as well as the content of cellulose, lignin, and potassium in the stems of hybrid japonica rice. The hybrid japonica rice LY2006, LY5218, and LY5273 presented the strong lodging resistance, indicating the relatively larger cell and tissue thickness, vascular bundle area, as well as the higher content of cellulose, lignin, and potassium. The cultivation and genetic regulation were optimized during rice growth. 4) The mechanical properties of hybrid japonica rice stems also played a decisive role in the lodging resistance of rice plants. The breaking resistance, bending moment, bending section coefficient, single stem weight mass moment, bending strength, Young's modulus, and inertia moment were used as the evaluation indexes for the lodging resistance of hybrid japonica rice. It was found that there was a significant positive correlation between lodging resistance and the maximum breaking resistance, bending moment, bending section coefficient, bending strength, and Young's modulus (P<0.01). There was a significant negative correlation between single stem weight mass moment and inertia moment (P<0.01). The finding can provide comprehensive data support and theoretical support to improve the lodging resistance varieties and agronomic traits in northern japonica hybrid rice.


