
    Assessing the ecological sensitivity of the Northern Foothills of Qinling Mountains using DPSIRM and PLUS models

    • 摘要: 秦岭北麓地区地势复杂、气候多变,生态环境丰富多样,是中国独特的生态宝库之一。而随着经济发展和人口增加,其生态环境也面临着严峻的挑战,保护其生态环境已成为当前亟待解决的问题。为此,该研究提出了一种结合“驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应-管理”(driving-force-pressure-state-impact-response-management,DPSIRM)和斑块生成土地利用变化模拟(patch-generating land use simulation,PLUS)模型来评价秦岭北麓生态环境的方法。首先,基于DPSIRM模型,选取了17个指标对2010、2015、2020年的秦岭北麓生态环境状况进行生态敏感性评价,其次在此基础上运用PLUS模型预测不同情景下2020–2030年秦岭北麓土地利用空间布局情况,最后利用预测的土地利用类型数据作为影响生态环境的因子,预测研究区的生态敏感性空间分布特征。结果表明:秦岭北麓生态敏感区主要分布在中心城区周围,距城区越远,抗干扰能力越强;2010–2020年非敏感性区域逐步增多,从9%增加到了26%,2010年低敏感区占比最多(38%),2015年中敏感区占比最多(28%),2020年低敏感区占比最多(30%),极高敏感区整体占比不高且相差不大(5%~10%),表明随着时间的变化研究区生态环境已得到初步改善且总体状态向好发展;2020–2030年3种不同情景下土地利用类型主要以耕地、林地、草地为主,模拟预测发现以生态保护为前提的保护与开发是较为适应当前可持续发展战略的情景。研究结果可为研究区生态环境保护和可持续土地利用提供科学依据。


      Abstract: Northern foothill of the Qinling Mountains region has been one of the unique ecological treasures in China, due to the rich and diverse ecological environment, as well as the complex terrain and variable climate. However, it is ever increasing impact of human activities on the local natural environment and ecosystems, as economic development and population growth. Severe challenges have posed on the protection of the ecological environment. Consequently, it is urgent to investigate the ecological environment quality in the stability and sustainable development of the ecosystem. This study aims to assess the ecological sensitivity in the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains using the driving-force-pressure-state-impact-response-management (DPSIRM) and patch-generating land use simulation (PLUS) models. Initially, 17 indicators were selected to evaluate the ecological sensitivity in 2010, 2015 and 2020, according to the DPSIRM framework. Furthermore, the PLUS model was employed to simulate the spatial distribution of land use from 2020 to 2030. Various scenarios were also considered to integrate the present ecological situation. Subsequently, the simulated and predicted data of land use was served as the key influencing factors to assess the ecological environment. The spatial distribution of ecological sensitivity was predicted in the study area in the future. The findings reveal that the ecologically sensitive regions within the northern foothills were primarily centered around the urban core, indicating the greater resilience to disturbance, as the distance increased from urban centers. Furthermore, the proportion of non-sensitive areas gradually increased from 9% to 26% between 2010 and 2020, with the highest share of low-sensitive zones in 2010 (38%), medium-sensitive zones peaking in 2015 (28%), and the highest proportion of low-sensitive regions in 2020 (30%). Notably, the proportion of extremely sensitive zones was remained relatively low and consistent (5%-10%), indicating an overall favorable trend of the gradual improvement in the ecological environment over time. Furthermore, the patterns of land use were primarily comprised the farmland, woodland, and grassland, according to some projections under three distinct scenarios in the period from 2020 to 2030. Therefore, the ecological preservation was aligned with development and prioritizing sustainable strategies, which was most closely with current ecological objectives. The spatial distribution of ecological sensitivity was obtained within the context of ecological protection. Pertinent measures can be concurrently implemented in distinct sensitive areas. A robust foundation can be offered for the whole development and sustainable utilization of the ecosystem. The findings can also provide the solid refence to preserve the stability and sustainable ecosystem, particularly for the rational allocation and utilization of production, living, and ecological zones within the Qinling region.


