
    Analysis of the key soil fertility factors of rice yield variation in different counties

    • 摘要: 土壤肥力是影响水稻产量的重要因素,研究土壤理化性质和水稻产量的关系有助于优化不同区域水稻生产和科学培肥。该研究基于县域研究尺度,选取了中国东北的方正县、长江中游的宁乡市和长江中下游的进贤县,分析水稻绝对产量、相对产量和可持续产量指数,并探讨不同区域影响水稻产量的关键肥力因素。结果表明:由于稻作模式不同,宁乡市的两季水稻产量(9414.89 kg/hm2)显著(P<0.05)高于方正县的一季稻产量(8224.31 kg/hm2)和进贤县的晚稻季产量(5691.38 kg/hm2),但方正县的水稻相对产量均值(89.88%)显著(P<0.05)高于宁乡市(73.84%)和进贤县(65.67%),且方正县的可持续产量指数也相对较高(0.86),显示出该县域在产量和稳定性方面的优势;依据相对产量划分的低、中、高产水平的分析表明,高产水平下方正县、宁乡市、进贤县的土壤肥力指标和综合肥力指数较高。不同县域影响相对产量的主要肥力因子不同,方正县、宁乡市、进贤县水稻可持续产量指数变化的关键肥力因素分别是土壤有效磷(贡献度为8.68%)、碱解氮(贡献度为12.92%)、有机质(贡献度为15.37%)。在后续的水稻生产中,建议方正县重点关注土壤有效磷的管理,宁乡市和进贤县则应注重提升土壤碱解氮和有机质含量。


      Abstract: Soil fertility is one of the most important influencing factors on the rice yield. Among them, the relationship between soil physical and chemical properties and rice yield can greatly contribute to rice production and fertilizer cultivation in different regions. This study aims to analyze the absolute rice yield, relative yield, and sustainable yield index on the county scale. The research area was also selected as Fangzheng County in northeast China, Ningxiang City in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and Jinxian County in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The key factors of soil fertility were then determined to affect the rice yield in different regions. The results show that the two-season rice yield (9414.89 kg/hm2) in Ningxiang City was significantly higher than that in Fangzheng County (8224.31 kg/hm2) and Jinxian County (5691.38 kg/hm2) in the late season, due to different cropping patterns. But the average relative yield in Fangzheng County (89.88%) was significantly higher than that in Ningxiang City (73.84%) and Jinxian County (65.67%). The sustainable yield index of Fangzheng County was also higher (0.86), indicating high yield and stability. Furthermore, the low, medium, and high yield levels were calculated using relative yields. Therefore, the soil fertility index and integrated fertility index of Fangzheng County, Ningxiang City, and Jinxian County were higher under the high yield level. Among them, the soil organic matter index, available nitrogen index, and integrated fertility index of Fangzheng County at the high yield level increased by 25.50%, 31.17%, and 25.45%, respectively, compared with the low yield level. The soil available phosphorus increased by 35.41% in Ningxiang City, compared with the low yield level. The soil organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, and integrated fertility index of Jinxian County showed that the high yield level was significantly higher than the middle and low yield levels, which increased 13.28%-27.28%, 21.45%-34.82%, 62.42%-111.90%, 29.51%-59.51%, and 34.21%-75.86%, respectively. There was no significant difference in the soil pH value among different yield levels. There was a variation in the fertility influencing factors on the relative yield in different counties. The soil's available phosphorus, nitrogen, and organic matter content were the key fertility factors for the sustainable yield index of rice in Fangzheng County, Ningxiang City, and Jinxian County, respectively. Some suggestions were provided for soil fertilizer cultivation in the high and stable rice yield at the county scale. In Fangzheng County, the soil available phosphorus shared the largest relative contribution to the rice sustainable yield index (8.68%), followed by organic matter and available potassium. In Ningxiang, the relative contribution of soil available nitrogen to rice sustainable yield index was 12.92%, followed by pH. In Jinxian County, the soil organic matter shared the greatest impact on the rice sustainable yield index (15.37%), followed by available nitrogen and available phosphorus. As such, there was the highest influencing level in the sustainable production of rice available phosphorus in the soil index, followed by available potassium and available nitrogen. Therefore, Fangzheng County should be focused on the soil available phosphorus in future rice production. While Ningxiang and Jinxian County should increase the soil available nitrogen and organic matter contents.


