
    Meta analysis of straw returning technology to improve soil physicochemical properties and increase the yield of main cereal and oil crop

    • 摘要: 探究不同秸秆还田年限与还田方式下作物产量及土壤理化性质的变化特征,在保障作物稳产高产的同时,明确不同秸秆还田年限与还田方式对耕地土壤综合肥力的影响,以期为秸秆科学还田提供技术支撑。通过收集整理2000—2023年国内外公开发表的文献152篇,筛选数据676组,整合分析了不同秸秆还田技术措施(还田量、还田方式、还田深度、还田年限)对水稻、小麦、玉米、油菜的产量及其种植区土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田年限的增加使作物产量呈现上升的趋势。秸秆还田量是影响水稻产量差异性的主要因素,秸秆还田量(>6 000~9 000 kg/hm2)对提升水稻产量效果最佳。秸秆还田深度在0~10 cm对油菜和水稻的产量影响不显著(P>0.05)。秸秆还田方式是影响玉米和小麦产量提升的关键因素,秸秆间接还田显著提升了玉米产量23.1%和小麦产量13.9%。秸秆还田年限、还田量和还田方式是造成秸秆还田后土壤速效养分提高的主要因素,还田年限>10 a、还田量>9 000 kg/hm2条件下,翻压还田显著提高了土壤有效磷和速效钾的含量(P<0.05)。还田年限和还田量的增加使土壤有机质和全氮含量呈上升趋势,容重呈下降趋势,土壤pH值保持稳定。土壤综合肥力指数随着还田年限的延长呈现上升的趋势,增幅为8.2%,还田量>6 000~9 000 kg/hm2,间接还田和翻压还田深度>10~20 cm的土壤综合肥力指数较不还田显著提高10.4%、15.4%和16.9%(P<0.05)。因此,秸秆还田需综合考虑秸秆还田年限、还田量、还田方式和还田深度等技术因素影响。合理的秸秆还田技术可以促进作物的生长并改善土壤的理化性质,是实现增产培肥的重要途径。


      Abstract: Straw returning is one of the most important modes in agricultural production, in order to improve the growth of crops, as well as the physical and chemical properties of soil. In this study, Meta analysis of straw returning was carried out to improve the soil physicochemical properties and yield of the main cereal and oil crop. A systematic investigation was also made to clarify the influences of different straw returning years on the comprehensive fertility of cultivated soil. The data was selected from the journals and papers that were published from 2000 to 2023. The research scope was limited in the application efficiency of straw-returning technology in the field of agricultural production. Four major crops were taken as corn, wheat, rice, and rape. The search area and field experiments were confined to China. The search terms included the amount of straw return, depth of straw return, ways of straw return, and their combination. This basic database was constructed after searching. The non-returning straw treatment was taken as the control group. A total of 152 literatures were retrieved and 676 data groups were selected for the different measures of straw returning, such as the amount, depth, and years of returning. According to the published literature data over the past 20 years, the Meta analysis was made to explore the effects of different straw returning measures (returning years, modes, and amount) on the soil's physical and chemical properties, comprehensive fertility index, and crop yield of major grain and oil crops (maize, wheat, rice, and rape) in China. Various indexes of soil nutrients were graded and then standardized, according to the grading standard of the Second National Soil Census. A systematic evaluation was then performed on the soil comprehensive fertility and technical measures for straw returning, from the perspective of crop productivity and soil fertility. The results showed that the years, amount, mode, and depth of returning straw dominated the high yield of main grain and oil crops. The best years of returning straw to corn, wheat, rice, and rape were larger than 10 years, where the yield increased by 15.4%-18.3%. The optimal amount of rice and rape was larger than 6 000-9 000 kg/hm2, while the suitable amount of maize and wheat was larger than 9 000 kg/hm2. Indirect tillage was the best mode of straw returning to the field. The three major grains (crops, corn, wheat, and rice) were mainly returned to the field with > 10-20 cm, while the rapeseed was suitable for the deep tillage with > 20-30 cm. It was recommended to use the straw returning technology with the years of straw returning > 10 a, the amount of straw returning > 9 000 kg/hm2, indirect mode of straw returning and the depth of straw returning > 10-20 cm, in order to significantly increase the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium. At the same time, the straw-returning technology significantly reduced the soil bulk density. There was an outstanding increase in the soil comprehensive fertility index. More attention should be paid to the straw returning strategy during production and fertilizer. The finding can also provide the scientific basis and data support for the technical model of scientific straw returning to the field.


