
    Effects of different temperatures and freezing/freezing-thawing cycles on the water absorption and holding properties of superabsorbent polymers

    • 摘要: 作为一种土壤改良材料,保水剂能够有效提高土壤的保水能力,改善干旱和恶劣环境下的植物生长环境,已广泛应用于农业和生态恢复领域。该研究聚焦于不同温度和冷冻条件下保水剂的吸持水性能变化,探究不同温度、冷冻方法、成分、粒径对保水剂吸持水性能的影响,通过单因素、多因素方差分析和熵权逼近理想点排序法(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution)法,对10种保水剂的吸持水性能进行分析和研究。结果表明:1)这10种保水剂在吸水倍率方面呈现出极大的差异,为167.99~527.5 g/g,这与保水剂的主要成分密切相关,主要成分为高分子聚合物的保水剂吸水倍率较高,保水剂的主要成分对其保水性能也有显著的影响,多数复合型的保水剂在保水性能上较优;2)保水剂的吸水速率受粒径的影响较大,呈现出随粒径的增大而下降的趋势,低温会限制保水剂的吸水速率,同时,显著影响保水剂的保水性能,保水率随环境温度的上升,呈现增加趋势;3)多因素方差分析表明,保水剂的粒径对反复吸水倍率的衰减率和冷冻/冻融后的吸水倍率具有极显著影响(P < 0.001),而冷冻/冻融过程同样会显著影响保水剂的吸水倍率和保水率(P < 0.001)。4)通过熵权TOPSIS法分析可知,不同保水剂,在吸水、保水和耐寒性能上表现不一,以聚丙烯酸钾为主要成分的保水剂,其综合性能排序相对靠前。研究可为保水剂的应用和新型保水剂的开发提供理论依据和参考。


      Abstract: Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) can significantly improve the water retention properties of the soil for plant growth in drought and harsh environments. Therefore, the SAPs have been widely used in agricultural production and ecological restoration projects, in order to rehabilitate the degraded land and vegetation growth in the areas with scarce water resources. This study focuses on the water absorption and retention properties of SAPs under different temperatures and freezing/freezing-thawing cycles. A systematic investigation was also made to clarify the effects of different temperatures, freezing cycles, compositions, and particle sizes on the water absorption and water retention properties of SAP. One-way and multi-factor ANOVA was employed to determine the water absorption and water retention properties of 10 SAPs. The order of preference was ranked from the similarity to the ideal solution. The results showed that a great difference was found in the water absorption ratio of 10 SAPs, ranging from 167.99 to 527.5 g/g. The property was closely related to the main composition of SAPs. The higher water absorption of SAP was observed in the main composition of the polymer ratio. The main composition of SAPs also shared a significant effect on their water retention. Most of the polymer SAPs were superior in water retention. The water absorption rate of SAPs depended greatly on the particle size, indicating a decreasing trend with the increase of particle size. The low temperature was limited to the water absorption rate and retention performance of SAP. At the same time, the water retention rate of SAPs shared an increasing trend with the increase in ambient temperature. Multifactorial ANOVA showed that the particle size of SAPs had a highly significant effect on the attenuation rate of the repeated water absorption multiplicity and the water absorption ratio after freezing and freezing/thawing cycles (P<0.001) while the freezing and freezing/thawing likewise significantly dominated the water absorption and the retention ratio of SAP (P<0.001). The relatively high comprehensive performance was ranked in the SAP with the potassium polyacrylate as the main component, in terms of water absorption, water retention, and cold resistance. This finding can provide the theoretical basis and reference for the application and development of SAPs in cold regions.


