
    Modelling and performance analysis of supercritical CO2 pre-cooling cycle solar thermal power tower system

    • 摘要: 该研究针对现有超临界CO2(supercritical carbon dioxide,S-CO2)布雷顿循环塔式太阳能热发电系统加热器中S-CO2吸热温差窄、熔盐用量大的问题,提出了S-CO2预冷循环塔式太阳能热发电系统。应用EBSILON软件分别建立S-CO2再压缩循环和S-CO2预冷循环塔式太阳能热发电系统模型,对比分析两种发电系统在设计工况下的系统性能。结果表明,与S-CO2再压缩循环塔式太阳能热发电系统相比,在设计工况下,S-CO2预冷循环塔式太阳能热发电系统的S-CO2吸热温差提高了200.21 ℃,熔盐用量为9 513.28 t,减少了7 046.07 t;发电效率为22.74%,提高了0.38%;且当循环最高温度在500~550 ℃范围内,循环最低压力在20~30 MPa范围内,S-CO2预冷循环塔式太阳能热发电系统的熔盐用量更低,发电效率更高。S-CO2预冷循环塔式太阳能热发电系统在保证具有较大S-CO2吸热温差、更少的熔盐用量的同时,仍具有较高的发电效率,该发电系统可为S-CO2布雷顿循环塔式太阳能热发电站的设计提供参考。


      Abstract: With the increasing shortage of fossil fuels and stricter environmental requirements, the development of new energy is receiving increasing attention. Among them, solar thermal power generation technology has developed rapidly in China in recent years, which can better adapt to the intermittent and random changes of solar energy benefitting from its long-term thermal storage device. As for the tower solar S-CO2 Brayton cycle, various layouts of S-CO2 Brayton cycles have been proposed, including reheating cycle, recompression cycle, intermediate cooling cycle, and staged expansion cycle. Among them, the recompression cycle is considered to be one of the most promising cycles due to its simple structure and high cycle efficiency. Nevertheless, the S-CO2 tower solar recompression cycle power generation system requires a large amount of molten salt in the storage tank, therefore based on the recompression cycle, this paper proposes a S-CO2 pre-cooling cycle tower solar thermal power generation system, which uses low-temperature molten salt flowing out of the heater in the pre-cooler to cool the high-temperature S-CO2 at the turbine outlet. On the one hand, it increases the temperature difference of S-CO2 in the heater, on the other hand, under a certain heating amount, it also increases the temperature difference of molten salt in heat storage tank, reduces the amount of molten salt used, reduces equipment costs, and improves the economic operation of the power generation system. Compared with the recompression cycle, the pre-cooled cycle omits the reheating process and adds one compression process and one intermediate cooling process, forming a two-stage compression intermediate cooling, further reducing the power consumption of the compression process. This article first applies EBSILON software to establish tower solar thermal power generation system models for S-CO2 recompression cycle and S-CO2 pre-cooled cycle, respectively; Secondly, the reliability of the mirror field simulation model and the power cycle simulation model was verified using existing measured data from solar thermal power plants and literature data respectively; Finally, a comparative analysis was conducted on the system performance of two power generation systems under design conditions. The results show that compared with the recompression cycle solar thermal power tower system, the S-CO2 heat absorption temperature difference of the pre-cooling cycle solar thermal power tower system is increased by 200.21 ℃, an increase of 185.36%, and the power generation efficiency is increased by 0.38%; and the amount of molten salt for the pre-cooling cycle solar thermal power tower system is 9513.28 t, which is reduced by 7046.07 t. The S-CO2 pre-cooling cycle solar thermal power tower system ensures a higher power generation efficiency with a larger S-CO2 heat absorption temperature difference and a smaller amount of molten salt, which can be used as a reference for the design of tower solar thermal power plants.


