闫喜龙,陈雁,戴诗渝,等. 粮食平房仓太阳能光伏-地源热泵供冷系统仿真研究与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(18):42-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202406138
    引用本文: 闫喜龙,陈雁,戴诗渝,等. 粮食平房仓太阳能光伏-地源热泵供冷系统仿真研究与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2024,40(18):42-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202406138
    YAN Xilong, CHEN Yan, DAI Shiyu, et al. Simulation study and test on the solar photovoltaic-ground source heat pump cooling system for grain warehouse[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(18): 42-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202406138
    Citation: YAN Xilong, CHEN Yan, DAI Shiyu, et al. Simulation study and test on the solar photovoltaic-ground source heat pump cooling system for grain warehouse[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2024, 40(18): 42-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202406138


    Simulation study and test on the solar photovoltaic-ground source heat pump cooling system for grain warehouse

    • 摘要: 为解决粮食平房仓通风能耗大、储粮成本高的问题,该研究提出太阳能-地源热泵供冷系统,研究太阳能光伏-地源热泵供冷系统在粮食平房仓建筑中的可行性以及节能效果,以实现“零能耗”和“零排放”绿色储粮。基于粮食平房仓实际尺寸,建立了空气源热泵与太阳能光伏-地源热泵供冷系统仿真模型,并通过与仓房实测数据的对比进行了模型验证,从运行性能、光电适配性、经济性、节能以及环保效益等方面对供冷系统进行了分析。结果表明:系统运行1 a后性能系数(coefficient of performance,COP)最大值为4.76,最小值3.3;运行10 a后COP最大值为3.96,最小值3.07;系统年实际发电量与库区用电量之比为192%~270%;投资回收期为7.8 a;与传统空气源热泵系统相比,太阳能-地源热泵供冷系统节能率达59%,研究结果可为粮食平房仓供冷系统优化提供理论依据和设计参考。


      Abstract: High energy consumption and operating costs have affected the development of green and efficient granary warehouses. In order to promote energy saving and emission reduction in the reconstruction of granaries, this paper proposes a special solar photovoltaic-ground source heat pump cooling system for grain warehouses. The study investigates the feasibility and energy-saving effects of this combined system in grain warehouses, aiming to achieve "zero energy consumption" and "zero emissions" for green storage. Bungalow warehouses are typically single-story buildings widely used in grain reservoir, characterised by large roof area and spacious room between building rows. These features facilitate installing both underground heat exchangers and solar photovoltaic panels. Compared with residential buildings, adquate space can enable the solar photovoltaic-ground source heat pump system to integrate more well with warehouse buildings, and provide more cooling and power capacity. In summer, the electricity generated by photovoltaic panels is primarily consumed by the ground source heat pume for grain warehouse cooling. Then, the electricity is transmitted to living and office buildings in the grain reservoir, meeting the lighting requirements. Finally, excess power is sold to the State Grid. During other seasons when cooling is not required, the generated electricity first supplies the living and office buildings, and extra power is sold to the State Grid, too. Therefore, operating costs can be reduced through the surplus electricity sale. To maximize the combined advantages of solar and geothermal energy technologies in low-temperature grain storage, it is essential to conduct thorough research and design focused on the function and structure characteristics of warehouse buildings. This study aims to achieve deeper energy savings in storage application with current technologies. Simulation software was used to analyze the operation characteristics of the proposed system. Firstly, according to the actual size and working conditions of a grain warehouse, a simulation model for an air source heat pump system was established using TRNSYS software, which was verified with test data, and the the temperature response mechanism used in later simulation was obtained. Then, a TRNSYS simulation model for the solar photovoltaic-ground source heat pump cooling system was developed, considering the temperature and humidity requirements for low-temperature grain storage. System performance was simulated by this model over short and long-term periods, computing its operational characteristics. Finally, the cooling system was evaluated according to operational performance, such as photovoltaic adaptability, economic efficiency, energy savings, and environmental benefits. The results show that after one-year operation, the system maximum COP is 4.76 and the minimum value is 3.3; after ten-year running, the maximum COP is 3.96 and the minimum is 3.07. In one-year operation, the soil temperature around underground heat exchangers increased by 0.65℃, and after ten years, it increased by 5.4 ℃. Underground thermal balance is an important factor for long time working performance. To avoid continuous soil temperature rise, the system should include a cooling tower into the equipment or use the ground source heat pump for space heating in the office and living buildings during winter. The ratio of system annual power generation to consumption is 192% to 270% for the warehouse and the investment payback period is 7.8 years. With ground source heat pump system, the standard coal consumption for cooling grain is 1.2 kgce/(t·a), compared to 2.93 kgce/(t·a) for the air source heat pump system, resulting in an energy saving rate of 59%. Additionally, harmful emissions are reduced by 3,841 t/a annually. These findings indicate that the solar photovoltaic-ground source heat pump cooling system is more suitable for warehouses than traditional grain cooling methods. This research can be expected to provide theoretical support and design references for developing more efficient granary cooling systems.


