
    Effects of surface-subsurface relay drip irrigation on soil water and salt transport and cotton yield

    • 摘要: 新疆地区滴灌结合冬春季漫灌淋洗的水分管理措施加剧了区域水资源短缺和土壤盐碱化,严重限制了棉花产业可持续发展。相比之下,地表-地下接力式滴灌淋洗是一种潜在的更高效的灌溉模式,可能为这一问题提供解决方案。该研究探讨生育期内地表-地下接力式滴灌淋洗对盐碱地水盐运移与棉花生产影响,通过构建水盐生产等模型进行寻优,以明确地表-地下接力式滴灌淋洗高效节水控盐增产的水分管理策略。在2021年进行大田试验,试验基于作物需水量(Crop water requirment, ETc)和淋洗水量设置3个灌溉水平:0.8ETc+120 mm(W1)、0.8ETc+240 mm(W2)和0.8ETc+360 mm(W3)与3种地表与地下水量分配模式(下文简称为“分配”):地表滴灌(膜下滴灌,下同)水量占比100%(F1)、地表滴灌水量占比75%+地下滴灌水量占比25%(F2)以及地表滴灌水量占比25%+地下滴灌水量占比75%(F3),通过测定土壤含水率、土壤含盐量、作物生长和产量等指标,结果表明:不同灌水量及分配对盐碱棉田土壤水盐分布、棉花生长和产量影响显著(P<0.05)。中水处理(W2)下,F2和F3分配土壤平均含水率较F1分配增加2.11%和6.69%,土壤平均含盐量降低33.43%和21.41%,脱盐效率提高4.53和3.06倍,干物质量增加21.80%和16.60%。高水处理(W3)下,接力式滴灌土壤水盐条件明显优于膜下滴灌。中水(W2)和高水(W3)处理下,F2和F3分配的籽棉产量显著高于F1分配,均为F2分配最高,F1最低,F3居中。水盐生产模型与脱盐效率模型表明,随灌水量增加,接力式滴灌下籽棉产量、灌溉水生产力和脱盐效率均优于膜下滴灌。综合考虑盐碱棉田籽棉产量、灌溉水生产力和脱盐效率,地表-地下接力式滴灌较膜下滴灌能增加土壤含水率,降低土壤含盐量,改善棉花生长条件,提高产量。其中,总淋洗水量为222~282 mm,总灌溉定额为 0.8ETc+222~0.8ETc+282 mm(ETc为作物需水量),地表滴灌与地下滴灌的水量比值在1.00~1.94时最优。该研究为接力式滴灌在新疆盐碱地区推行提供理论依据。


      Abstract: Xinjiang's cotton industry plays an important role in global cotton production. However, the current strategy of surface drip irrigation cannot meet the high efficiency water saving and salt leaching requirement, seriously limiting sustainable development. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted in 2021 to explore the effects of surface-subsurface relay drip irrigation on soil water and salt movement, crop growth, cotton seed yield, desalination efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency in saline soil. The experiment based on crop water requirment (ETc) and leaching amount included three irrigation levels of 0.8ETc+120 mm (W1), 0.8ETc+240 mm (W2) and 0.8ETc+360 mm (W3), and three irrigation water level distribution modes of 100% surface drip (membrane under drip irrigation) irrigation (F1), 75% surface drip irrigation + 25% subsurface drip irrigation (F2), and 25% surface drip irrigation + 75% subsurface drip irrigation (F3). Finally, the feasibility was verified by the water-salt numerical model. The soil water content (SWC), soil salt content (SS), crop growth and seed yield were determined. The results showed that different irrigation level and distribution modes significantly affected soil water and salt distribution, cotton growth and yield (P<0.05). Under the low irrigation level treatment (W1), the soil desalination and desalination efficiency of each distribution mode were low, making it unsuitable for salt leaching and achieving high crop yields. Under the medium irrigation level treatment (W2), the average soil moisture content for F2 and F3 was 2.11% and 6.69% higher than F1, with the average soil salt content decreased by 33.43% and 21.41%, with desalination efficiency increasing by 4.53 and 3.06 times, respectively. Under the high irrigation level treatment (W3), the relay drip irrigation significantly improved soil water and salt conditions compared to drip irrigation under the film mulching. Due to better water and salt conditions, under the medium (W2) and high (W3) water treatments, the seed cotton yield of F2 and F3 was significantly higher than that of F1. The F2 ranked the highest, followed by F3 and F1. As the irrigation level increased, the seed cotton yield, irrigation water productivity and desalination efficiency under the surface-subsurface relay drip irrigation were significantly better than drip irrigation under the film mulching . Optimal conditions were found with an leaching level of 222-282 mm, the ratio of surface drip irrigation to subsurface drip irrigation was 1.00-1.94, resulting in the best comprehensive benefits for soil salinity, yield and irrigation water use efficiency in saline cotton fields. This study provides a theoretical basis for the implementation of relay drip irrigation in saline areas of Xinjiang.


